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Posts posted by mrrogers1

    LG G3

    Is there a setting to display the brightness bar in the notification drop down?


    Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk

    No, but I recommend Lux for autobright duty (it is LOADS better than any OEM's autobright functionality) and you can have that be in your notification drop down but I use the widget on my G2 and it works great. I'll upload a couple screens of both so you can see it.


    This is widget in Home screen




    This is widget expanded




    This is with it turned on to show persistent notification (lowest level priority to remove icon from notification bar)



    • Like 1
  1. Isn't there supposed to be group messaging improvement in the update? Can anyone comment on that?


    Only way to improve group messaging is to make it so it doesn't work on anything but iOS devices.... I don't think that happened so I doubt it improved any.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


    *Sorry, that wasn't much help, I know, but that's my comment and I'm sticking to it. 

  2. Dear halcyoncmdr and mrrogers1


    Well its been getting three hours since sprints zva update battery life is not the only problem with my G2, my touchscreen is going out like an inch from the top of the phone. Also it gets very hot sometimes yes I know that's sometimes normal, but all I use it for is minecraft , Facebook, calling, texting, YouTube and music. Lg told me to send the phone in they would fix it for free but the problem is I have no other device that can run on sprints service I have to have my phone. So yeah it doesn't really get used that hard but that being said I run it at full brightness and I'm on it most of the day. So idk maybe its just a faulty G2. BTW zvd didn't help it. :(

    I'm not sure if you're trolling or not but..... I'm gonna bite, please get insurance on your phone, take to Sprint and have exchanged (for screen going dead). Then, when you get it back TURN the brightness down, then maybe not play games, listen to music and text for 3hr straight to the point of burning the phone up.


    Put down the phone, go outside, get some fresh air homie. [emoji4]


    Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk

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  3. I've messed with ADB before and I think I still have it. I just need help for someone to walk me through it. And correct me if I'm wrong. You should not do a install for us to be able to get the dump. If that is the case I'll make sure to advise the other 2 member of the family not to install it, if they get the notification. (That's if you don't get the dump by then)

    Need it fully installed, that's ok.


    Let's take this to PM


    EDIT: I grabbed the system dump from a device I ended up having to work on tonight, thanks for stepping up to assist though!

  4. Can you do a dump with a un-rooted phone?


    Yes, but you'll need ADB tools to pull it, which, if you are adventurous and do not have them, I can get you setup with them. 


    Greenville ohio got the zvd update took about five minutes via lte zvd does support ART and it fixes the 4Glte problems i have alot better of a signal just hope the battery last longer i used to only get 3 hours on zvc


    3hrs? What the hellz you doing with your phone man!? Lol  

    • Like 1
  5. Anyone that takes the update, if you know how, I'd take a system dump. :)


    I'll head back to the dungeon to put the finishing touches on SuperG2 as Sprint has forced our hand again. Damn you Sprint!! Lol [emoji13]


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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    LG G3




    Did you mean to give information on ART(Android Run Time)?  That is nice short explanation that was published before it was officially released.



    Has anyone successfully used the LG QuickRemote app to control a TV or other electronics device with the built-in IR emitter?  I've tried four different TV's and it doesn't work at all.  I wonder if the IR emitter on the top of my G3 is defective.  I'm also running ART, so I'm not sure if that would make a difference.




    Did you accept the TOC for the LG apps? I know on G2 they have these and if you don't agree to them when prompted, you can't use some of the LG apps.

    LG G3

    Unlike the G2, the G3 doesn't have prongs on the case back for GPS antenna. This is likely due to the wireless charging and being able to change backs at will...so the GPS antenna was moved. I have used the GPS, and actually it seems to lock on much quicker than my S5 did, but i only used the S5 a handful of times for GPS navigation.


    I'll be using the LG G3 navigation/GPS to take us to Atlanta aquarium on Saturday. But I've used it already and it's pretty darn accurate.


    I'm trying to figure out the ability of the G3 and just confusing myself...but maybe someone can just chime in with a yes if I'm correct on this...the G3 can do data on 800, 1900 (obviously) and 2600..and voice on 800 and 1900...?? Am I correct??

    I was trying to look at Atlanta maps and get a feel for what I'll be able to use while there...I-20 all the way.

    Yes on the data/voice stuff. [emoji106]


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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    LG G3

    0 screen on time, 100% battery when i went to bed, woke up this morning to a dead phone.

    Hmm... Playing with phone in your sleep I see. I heard the G3 is supposed to be all that PLUS the bag of chips but man, this is bad. :)


    Seriously though, grab GSam Battery monitor from Play Store and you can keep an eye on and record of battery stuffs without needing to be rooted.


    Here is a look at mine which I just cleared data on yesterday to test some new kernel settings. It will keep tracking (look at bottom) over time and you can see what is going on, even after phone dies. Hopefully this isn't a wide spread or even reoccurring for you or anyone else.




    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    • Like 2
  6. Had anyone been successful in using WiFi calling since the update? My WiFi calling always says authentication error turn off and try again.


    I do get the HD voice icon when on a call with my wife though [emoji4]

    A couple users in the G3 thread had to have their account or device reauthorized to get it working on their device. Maybe get on chat with a CSR on Sprint.com and see if they know what to do.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    LG G3

    I'm going to hold on to my nexus 5. The G3 is a great and beautiful device but not being able to switch networks at will kills it. I'm waiting for the next nexus device.

    Are you switching carriers at will?


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    LG G3

    Went from 4% to 80% in less than an hour. Seems reasonably fast to me.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    You sir, are unreasonable and....




    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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    LG G3

    I love the screen honestly, I just don't like what the screen does to the battery. That said, having a second battery is a must and will eliminate all of my grips (minus the weird stutter and hesitation I'm seeing while scrolling in certain apps)


    Sent from my LG G3 using Tapatalk

    I use Lux to precisely control screen brightness, it's always been MUCH better than built in. It *should help keep brightness right how you need/like it.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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    LG G3

    Does anyone know what the reception is like on this thing?  Usually AJ has a write up on these a month before they launch, but now that they are available, has anyone done any basic tests and/or compared it to another phone in terms of cell reception?


    AJ's missing detailed RF performance review aside (that would be pretty nice to see on paper but the man is busy), did you read any of the last, 5-10 pages? 

    LG G3

    Anyone use the Qualcomm enhanced GPS yet? How does it work?


    [image removed]


    Sent from my LGLS990

    It probably does nothing important, just like on G2 and other iZat clad devices. Did you get prompted to enabled on first boot? Remember, it would do that on G2. Most custom roms (certainly ours) had it removed.


    Here is what it is actually for http://goo.gl/RcIcO2.



    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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    LG G3

    Apparently i was standing in a bad spot when i compared the g2 to g3, cuz when i did the S5 all the phones had better signal,




    Image Removed



    Image Removed



    Image Removed

    Thanks for sharing those! I was just gonna post that it would be cool to see your speeds in Sensorly. [emoji4]




    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    LG G3

    I could use some advice.

    We switched to Framily on Monday, July 7.

    It does not go into effect until my next billing cycle, August 4.


    I *think* I can still upgrade to the G3 via Best Buy.


    minus $50 best buy freedom upgrade gift card

    minus $50 best buy gift card

    Out the door with paying sales tax.




    599.99 from Sprint

    minus $150 American Express gift card (rebate)


    I'm going to pay off the device in full once we get our first Framily bill.


    Which deal is better?

    If I purchase through Best Buy, am I paying Best Buy's full cost of device or Sprint's full cost of device?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    That really depends on how much your per line charges (for all lines) are going to be on Framily vs what you were paying.  You don't want to use that upgrade now and the have it roll to Framily because they may ding you with the $15 month charge for the next 12 (if you do Unlimited data) or 24 months because you used the subsidized device discount but also have the "discounted" service costs. As a Framily with 8 devices, I am saving quite a bit a month so it wouldn't make sense for me but that's just me.... :)


    With the way things get turned around in the Sprint system, I would advise just staying put but if the numbers work out in your favor, get to a store and get things sorted quickly because it probably won't be "sorted" the first time you go to do it. 

    • Like 1

    LG G3

    Any comments on cellular connectivity or is it too soon to judge?[/quote


    Too soon i havent gone anywhere but my apartment and the grocery store.


    But i am carrying both the g2 and g3 for the next few weeks so ill get to compare them head to head.


    Well feel free, VERY free to post Signal Check comparisons.  With both devices in hand, they will be very telling, for better or worse. :)



    • Like 3

    LG G3

    I called my local Best Buy and they said they have the G3 in-stock for Sprint and they will be available to purchase tomorrow for $199. Here's my beef though... Verizon is having a 50% off deal where you can pre-order the G3 for $99. Best Buy said they will match Verizon's price, plus allow me to use my $50 Phone Freedom discount to get the G3 for $50 OTD if I switch to Verizon. They said they will not match another carrier's pricing to get the G3 for Sprint at Verizon's price :(

    Seems about right to me, why the beef? [emoji4]


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    LG G3

    The $150 gift card is for those purchasing via Easy Pay. The $75 gift card is for signing up new Sprint customers to your Framily.


    Hopefully mrrogers will read this and decide he and the other Team d3rp members can't live without the G3 and develop for it.


    I'd like a 6.5" flagship device but don't think we'll ever see one.


    I wish I could say we would jump to G3 but G2 (and life) is keeping us plenty busy.  Now if we happen to win a device or 2, then that would be a game changer but G2 is great and I just started another rifle project so I'm not buying extra tech just for fun. I am getting my Dad into a G3 though so at least I'll get to play with one.  The plan is to move to the next LG flagship as long as to put the SD810 in it.  :D

    • Like 1
  7. In case anyone wondered, Google FINALLY fixed Play Music so it doesn't stop 50 times with the "Sorry cannot play music steam" error anymore. The ZVC update broke Play Music for us G2 Users.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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  8. i wanted to get my band priorities changed to see what that does even though I know the network will find the best connection for lte.


    Also debating on rooting the phone

    Is this like a game of charades? Not sure what your post is about... Are you asking a question or making a statement, like talking to yourself in the grocery store. [emoji12]


    Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk

    LG G3

    Has anyone been able to successfully move an easy pay phone to a different line under your account? For example...since I got the gs5 when my daughter dumped my G2 in the pool, can I move my gs5 to my line that my sis in law uses, which is a non easy pay HTC one...then get myself a g3??

    I would have to move my gs5 to her, but likely will have to take the HTC one on my number until I get to the store...

    You won't be able to without paying off the device since its not subsidized. I actually had to do this temporarily and when you go to do it, the system will tell you just how much you will be billed for removing AND leaving the device off that original Easy Pay line. I only had it switched around for a day so i didn't have to pay it off.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

  9. i have dabbled in it a little...mostly for sammys...


    But it takes me for ever to sometimes figure out the acronyms of things.....I can follow videos real well, but the typed stuff...ehhh


    I dont mind the stock, other then i want to get my 513 prl back, and delete some crap off of it....

    Rooting this device... Well, I could probably walk my 7yr old through the process over the phone. Granted, he's no slouch when it comes to tech but it's ridiculously easy to root and load recovery on this device.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

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