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Posts posted by mrrogers1

  1. Quick question....and I am certain that this has been answered before, but since I am on Tapatalk, it is difficult to scroll through all of the previous posts...


    Recently I have been attempting to export Log files from SCP.


    I have found the Export option, and have tapped it. I get the message that the Log was successfully exported, but I cannot seem to find it anywhere.


    Please let me know where to look for the expedited Log files.



    You can use a file Explorer like Total Commander and navigate to your internal (should just say "SD") storage where you'll find a SignalCheck folder.


    Sent from my 0PJA2 using Tapatalk

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  2. Gotcha.  What is the EARFCN that is commonly being used as the 2nd carrier?


    Here is the thread where the EARFCN's are being tracked/logged >>>>> http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/5454-network-vision-and-spark-earfcn-logging-thread/


    In our market (Eastern NE/Western IA) which is Samsung the GCI for 2nd carrier are those with suffix 03, 04, 05 and I "think" anything ending with an "A" is also 2nd carrier as we have a four sector site with one of those. I also caught a "A" site last time I was Houston. 

  3. It sounds like SignalCheck Pro already displays all available EARFCNs the phone is connected to a tower so to me that is sufficient enough to indicate that you are connected via 2xCA?  Is this correct?  I just wasn't sure if SignalCheck only displayed the PCC carrier EARFCN and not the SCC carrier EARFCN.


    I don't think it's reporting 2 carrier based on EARFCN and has no way to report 2xCA.  The app seems to report based solely on GCI's that are known to be 2nd carrier.  We should, safely assume 2xCA is being utilized IF you are on a 2xCA compatible device since we know that non-2xCA capable devices can connect to the second carrier too while they can't utilize 2xCA. 

    • Like 3
  4. Just found this looking to see if there is any updates around. sorry if this is old news ive been checking every   few days 1and this just came up on my phone todayd4874e346fca15bad3ee4a42da7360ee.jpg


    Sent from my 0PJA2 using Tapatalk


    It might be old news somewhere else but its the first I have seen of it.   Strange to see it on a Monday but that is the latest MR for sure. Thanks for sharing

  5. Thus, many HTC One M9 users will be running numerous speed tests to try to confirm CA. Am I connected to CA now? What about now? How about here? Or over here?


    And my soul dies a little bit more every day…



    You know who to blame.... #ThanksObama


    Oh wait, I meant blame HTC, us nerds, we need our engineering data!! [emoji3]


    Sent from my 0PJA2 using Tapatalk

  6. I manually did a profile update this morning. It reset my B25 disabled, but I did not see added CA fields as some other's screenshots have shown. Since you have successfully seen CA on SCP, I am curious what your M9 LTE setting screen looks like.

    First, when you do Profile update, I always turns all your bands back on and I'm pretty sure Profile update isn't going to activate the CA capabilities. I don't even know how to tell if it's activated BUT given I have confirmed CA with speed tests, I think it's safe to say we've received the update.


    As for the device showing both DL channels, I don't know if we'll get it. I've only seen it on LG devices and HTC could deem it not important to show them. At the end of the day, if we are connected and everything is working, they probably could care less if the nerds like us can see this on Engineering screens.


    Here is what the screen looks like when connected to a tower with the 2nd carrier.




    I'll try to find a LG screen for reference.


    *It should be noted, I could not get to the 2nd carrier GCI unless I force B41 only. I tested this out today while in an area (connected to tower, sitting in same place) showing no 2nd carrier, switched to B41 only and go to it.


    Sent from my 0PJA2 using Tapatalk

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  7. I have had two notices of automatic updates in my HTC One M9. The first one totally reset my LTE choices. The second one did not.

    Other than that I have no clue what the updates did.

    I do know that I have had Bluetooth issues in the past few weeks. When I answer the phone with my car Bluetooth, I cannot hear the response. It makes the call, but no vocal after connection.

    Jeff, I have a sneaky suspicion that at least one was to enable CA in our devices. We knew it was capable out of the box but it was not "enabled" out of the box. I am 99.998% sure we can utilize CA now on our M9's....




    Sent from my 0PJA2 using Tapatalk

  8. Honestly I'm starting to think it's market/vendor dependent, because my m9 has only gone from good to great signal wise. It's basically matching my n5 now, although on the ultra fringe areas the n5 still holds on and transfers from fringe signal to fringe signal better.


    After the update, my phone got LOADS better and I'm in a Samsung market with all new equipment (no leftovers from the WiMax days) and all 8TR8 where B41 has been deploy which is covering more and more by the week. 


    I should add, even with that being said, I know this device can do better when it comes to connectivity.  When I look at the logs and connectivity reporting I should not see MOSTLY red (meaning not good connectivity), I should see mostly GREEN (for good) and surely some yellow and red because that's just the nature of the game. 

  9. So I will put this out there. Definitely not trashing Sprint here, so please don't misconstrue my comments as such.


    I have been testing the One M9 on T-Mobile and Sprint in the Richmond, VA and Hampton Roads, VA markets for the past several months now (two separate devices). This phone performs much better on T-Mobile than it does on Sprint. I can only conclude that band priorities are set incorrectly (meaning, not optimized for the real world) on the Sprint One M9. What is a completely horrible experience with the One M9 on Sprint that originally led me to believe HTC had engineered a lemon is a 100% different story on T-Mobile. Same market, exact same test locations. Devices such as the iPhone work great on Sprint in the same locations. One can only conclude that there is something amiss with the band priorities on this phone, specifically, as it relates to Sprint. Yeah, it's Sprint's fault. Will they fix it? I don't know. Is it an issue in other markets? Again, I don't know...just sharing my anecdotal input.


    It's not going to be the "priorities" but how the radio and network are communicating and bouncing us from bands. Priority only determines the band scanning order when the device initially connects to the network. 


    That is good (and sad) to hear that the device is working much better on T-mob as it DOES give us hope here with the Sprint variant.  I live in a very Sprint centric market, have pretty good connectivity (B25/26 everywhere I go and B41 actively being deployed all over), nothing like I know other users see with their M9's but I know it could be better. 


    Thank you for sharing, it's insightful for sure.  :thx:

    • Like 2
  10. Is it safe to assume, that the m9 supports 3x20 carrier aggregation in this iteration. As its X10 modem? Will support such function when network is ready possibly?


    I do believe our SoC is certified for 3x CA so lets hope for the best. :)

  11. Got it. Any idea of the changes?


    Sent from my HTC One M9 on Tapatalk


    One thing it has for sure is roaming on US Cellular which will give 3G data speeds and connectivity where Verizon is voice and 1x only. 

    • Like 3
  12. 2013 flagship. Snapdragon 800 still holds up. It can be activated on Boost Mobile. Good battery life. Great screen.


    My G2 is still being used and everything BUT the 1 gripe I ever had with it is working great! At this price, I really might buy another one just because. 


    *My only gripe was the GPS being the absolute WORST even after sending back to LG for repair.  I just used my tablet if I ever really needed navigation.  G2 is an AMAZING all around device and getting 5.1.x is pretty awesome.  Hope it isn't a rumor that never materializes but even if not, 5.0.1 is still just fine. :)

    • Like 2
  13. I mean I wouldn't mind improved battery life tho!

    I mean, maybe.... Lol I think it's too early to say for sure but battery seems a little better. Anyhow, I have seen the phone rendered completely useless because of the network stuff. That being resolved, that is great.

  14. I received the update this morning. So far I have noticed a huge change in the phone not bouncing between LTE and 3G. I have an interior office in a building with a metal roof and I had a horrible time with the signal bouncing in and out of LTE. So far after this update it has been very stable and usable on LTE and I have only seen it switch to 3G once in the last 2 hours. My signal strength is around - 106dB on LTE.


    I'm seeing the same.  MUCH MUCH better network stability.  I don't care about any of the other improvements, this thing is night and day different than it was before. 

  15. m9 upgraded

    807 meg High speed Wi-Fi strongly recommended. Self updates 200+ apps per the screen.

    Allow a good 30-45 minutes.for the entire process.


    [image Removed]

    Ha! That was a fast roll out start. :)


    Jeff, let us know how its running for you and thanks for posting! 

  16. I have read some folks did that. Then I see your screen shot showing you did.

    What is the case for disabling band 41?


    With the expectation of Lollipop 5.1 almost imminent, is there a problem doing nothing?

    Disable it and see how your phone acts. I think the real issue isn't B25/26 but how the network is shuffling us around when B41 is available. I could be connect to to B41 but with as much head and heartache it brings, there is no reason.


    5.1.x update aside, you can just turn it back on if your phone still acts strange before the OTA is available. I think if you do a PRL and Profile update, the phone will actually enable B41 for you, without using the data + MSL code trick.


    We actually don't have it too bad here in the Omaha/Lincoln areas BUT on a business trip, my layover in MN rendered the phone USELESS until I turned B41 off. It was rather horrible... [emoji29]

  17. Lollipop 5.1 OTA coming to Sprint starting 7/1.


    "@moversi: HTC One (M9) Sprint Owners! We have received technical approval on Lollipop OS 5.1 which includes camera improvements. OTA to start on 7/1!"


    Hope this right is here true.... I think MORE people should care about the radio and network improvements, camera is sooooooooo secondary to the piss poor RF performance of this beast. I suspected that we would end up waiting on the MR to fix the radio/network communications until our 5.1.x update, makes sense BUT it's been a long 2 months dealing with this issue. I really really dig my M9 but the RF perf out of the box is maddening.  :censored:  :censored:

    • Like 2
  18. I finally got up the nerve to at least look at that. I am not sure how smart I was, but the only change that have made with that ability is to change the band priority from 25/26/41 to 41/26/25. That was easier than it should be. As yet, I am not convinced that it did any good

    After doing so, I powered down the m9 (turned it totally off) waited a moment or two and powered it back up. I achieved my goal of making the phone ask for the MSL before anything can be done further than look.

    Before powering down, it was NOT necessary to reenter the MSL to do anything else...Scarry thought to me. :ninja:

    Turn off B41 and that'll do you some good. Use the Gpad for signal hunting, it can be trusted. [emoji106] [emoji106]
  19. To check and see if it is enabled, dial ##DATA# and click "LTE" and "View." If you have your MSL, you can enable CA (if it isn't already) by clicking "Edit" instead of view.


    To verify you are using CA, dial ##DEBUG#, and click "LTE." If you see two B41 PCIs/RSRPs then you are using CA.


    Of course, if you haven't seen any B41 second carrier in your area, you probably won't be seeing CA yet.



    Not there but will look around more [emoji2]

  20. Do some devices have a setting LTE only? A member here indicated he could even set an m9 to a specific LTE band when signal hunting. I assume that requires a rooted device. Am i missing something? I do not want to root my device simply because I do not know what i am doing with a rooted device.


    Can we set the m9 to LTE only?

    I do not know how to do LTE only BUT to enable/disable specific bands you only need your MSL. Once you have it, on the dialer do ##data# edit and then go into LTE Nas disable/enable as you please. Hit the menu button and commit the changes and you're good.
  21. On a recent round trip outside Sprint LTE territory and returning to LTE territory, I tried the often recommended trick of turning on Airplane mode for a several seconds and back off to try to get better mobile cell phone towers or the one in front of you.

    Everytime that I did, Lookout created a photo and email. For the next few days, my battery usage report showed Lookout at 43% of battery usage. Also the battery dropped 20+ per cent very quickly. I had battery recharge periods of 10+ hours. I finally set all the battery saver settings. The phone got to a full charge in a very reasonable time after that.

    I got mad and turned the phone totally off. I gave it a good twenty minutes before turning the phone back on. It appears that Lookout is now down to it's more reasonable battery useage.

    As long as I leave the battery saver on, the battery stays charged for a good long time.

    Disable Lookout, unless you are loading apps from seedy corners of the interwebs, you really don't need that app/service sucking the life out of your battery.
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