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Posts posted by mrrogers1

  1. I updated the PRL a few more times and it switched back and forth between 55017 and 60657.

    That is good news! My buddy tried a couple times and it stayed. I'll tell him to try a few more times.




    **Has anyone got Digibur the PRL yet??


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



    I need a few screen shots of the PRL version showing 60657 from different devices please.


    Was on 55016 before update, phone has Z8 software (it may not matter but can't hurt to supply info).  I should add, the phone is no more than 300 yards from the nearest 3G/800/4G accepted tower  that it typically connects to 800 and 4G and on this PRL, cannot connected to 4G at all and the 3G connection is pretty ugly AND can't get it to connect to the 800 coming off of the tower either.



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  3. Which one do you want, the one they released this morning, or 60657? I can try again with my desktop and see if I can pull 55017 if you want it


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk

    60657 was the *latest PRL released. I was on 55016 two days ago, updated early yesterday to 55017 and unable to get to 60657 BUT updated my buddy from 55016 straight to 60657.


    UPDATE: My buddy is telling me he can't even connect to data.... I'm going to try and work with him to verify *exactly what his data situation is. It sure he's technical enough to pull the PRL but will try my best.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk


  4. Oh noez... I don't have access to the phone that got it but I'll check with my buddy and see if he has been able to connect to LTE this morning. I noticed that he didn't connect back to the LTE tower we were on immediately after the update but he and I parted ways right after.


    I wonder what is going on here.... Maybe I'll keep trying to update here, take one for the team if I can get it to update.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



  5. I have the new one as well. My G2 had been hanging on to signals as low as -122


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    Are you on updated or original software and are you saying it "no longer" holds on to signals that long after PRL update?


    55017 on my end.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    Are you on updated or original software?


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



  6. I'm not rooted at all, so hardware is the only way I can do anything right now.


    By the way, the G2 has a fresh PRL, from 55016 to 60657.

    I'm not sure, but if I remember right, the iPhone PRL matches this doesn't it? Wasn't 55016 the PRL iPhone had also?


    Sent from my LG-LS980 (G2) using Tapatalk

    Current (from what I have seen today) is 55017. You saying you got that 60657 today? I got 55017 today.


    EDIT! Just updated my buddies phone, who has the software update on his G2 and yes, I see, PRL just went from 55016 to 60657. Interestingly enough, I do not have the software update yet and no amounts of PRL updates will bump me up past 55017.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

  7. Wondering...

    Can current G2 owners who also used an HTC EVO4GLTE compare RF numbers. It's my understanding to expect better numbers from the G2, was curious as to how much better.




    Um.... yeah, the EVO LTE is a dog of dogs when it comes to RF performance... the worst name for a device that had such troubles with LTE. Lol


    I did have EVO LTE and my wife currently uses a EVO LTE and side by side, my HTC One and the LTE, One was much better than the EVO LTE and my G2 is even better (in my comparisons) than the One. 


    I don't know why or what device people came from (maybe they had Note 2's or something) that the G2 isn't performing up to standards but real world, the G2 has been great and definitely a HUGE step up from the EVO LTE. 

    • Like 1
  8. I extracted the hidden menu from Nexus 5 and placed it under /system and fixed permissions. No go. It will need modifications to work with pure AOSP. Also if we get hidden menu fixed, we can probably enable update profile and prl.


    Sent from my LG-LS980


    I don't think we'll ever see the PRL and Profile Update working BUT I could be wrong... Maybe it's just HTC devices (as I have been on them for the last 6yr or so) but CM has never supported that functionality. Would be awfully nice to see it working but not getting hopes up here, unless LG may handle it totally different.  :)

  9. My effort kind of involves my wife and 5 kids.. As much as I would like to learn I get lost very quickly..


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatal


    You aren't the only one with wife and multiple kids round here.  :lol:


    If and when you want to learn, it's at your own pace, just look around and you will find it. 

  10. I wish I understood how to do all that stuff.. Rooting, backup, flashing kernels??, recovery twrp??


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk


    Eh.... then there is adb devices, adb reboot bootloader, adb reboot recovery, toss in a little fastboot flash recovery recovery.img.  :D   It's the internet man, head over to XDA, what you want to know and learn can be found and followed.  Since you have Sprint LG G2, start here and go from there >>>>>>>> http://forum.xda-developers.com/lg-g2/sprint

  11. What part didn't what didn't work, booting into recovery or running the update?


    I used the one I linked, since my phone is still stock and it was the update that came from Sprint. I'm not sure if all the files posted at XDA are flashable through the stock recovery.


    The modems in the thread I posted are flashable through recovery. 

  12. I am rooted. But all stock...no Custom Roms or Boot loaders


    I don't know for sure BUT it most likely has to do with your root situation, all stock or not. (*Is your Recovery stock also??)  I'd just say install one of the 2 options posted today and profit.  :tu:

    • Like 1
  13. Does it matter if you download + adb sideload the modem alone, or the entire update...anything beneficial in the update (since the modem is what, 25mb and the update is 110mb?)





    I meant, subsections like other devices...I think everything is kinda thrown in the General section at this point from what I could see. The day the update was first announced here, I hit XDA several times and the newest threads had no mention of it at all.


    I can't say if there is anything else in there worth getting but I know recovery and some other things are in there. Subscribe to that modem thread though, seems to be kept updated pretty well. I think the Dev section for us on XDA is going to be the most useful since the general is general for all (which sucks).  We have more pertinent information in here so at least you're in the right place. :)

  14. The nexus 5 wasnt exactly a closely guarded secret.


    At worst, the memos and training should have gone out the second Google started their conference, not the next week. There are still reps insisting you cant use the phone on Sprint, there are no sim cards, etc etc.

    I can tell you, for a fact, the internal memo for Sprint Management (in Corp stores) went out about an hour after the release date was plastered everywhere the morning of Halloween.


    The distribution of said materials/training is obviously up to the stores BUT everything they have speaks to the 8th being launch day. It also talks about the Play Store devices and supporting hardware being sent. Stores didn't even get Advocate devices yet, this WAS closely guarded. Not to mention, this is a MUCH different type of device and launch with options that are foreign to many veteran Sprint employees.


    Sent from my d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4



  15. Man I don't know anyone has gotten a SIM or even a pre-order out of Sprint. They treat it like gold. Really tempting to ditch this BS forever and go elsewhere.




    got mine in the mail today, tried the IMEI and sim and it worked, but at the end it told me to click on chat to finish activating.  


    through chat i got crap like this:

    Lynn C.: Please contact the source of purchase and get a replacement phone with Sprint logo and that can be activated with Sprint services and we will activate it for you. 
    You: this is a sprint phone. you guys have it on your website. Please check with your supervisor there was information sent out about the nexus 5 
    Lynn C.: Edgar, yes, you are right, we are also offering this phone on our website and it is available for pre-order. Please note that as you have purchased this phone from Google Play Store they might have provided you a phone that is related to some other service provider like AT&T, Verizon. Please understand that each phone is related to some service provider and can only be activated with their services only. 
    Lynn C.: That's why I request you to contact them and get a phone related to Sprint services so that we can activate that on your account. 
    Lynn C.: If you wish, you can also contact our dedicated Technical Support Team at 1-888-211-4727 and they will help you with it. 
    You: there is only one version of this phone. This phone is sprint compatible.  


    Just want to mention that while the Google Play device is "Sprint Compatible" it is not, technically a "Sprint phone".  The device you get from Sprint is certainly a "Sprint Phone" and I would bet money that someone who gets a pre-ordered device "from Sprint" early doesn't have MEID issues as it's actually a "Sprint" device and not just one that will undoubtedly work on the network (eg. LG G2).  They were wrong (but lets be honest, more misinformed as part of the cascading of information has not made it to all channels for the unreleased device


    Folks need to just be patient, this is VERY new waters for Sprint and people freaking out on Agents of the Sprint "Machine" about SIM's and id's not in the system before the device has even launched is NOT helping. 


    Owell, it'll all work itself out, for sure, in due time... 



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  16. I want to caution people against bugging customer care too much or going apeshit over the SIM concern.  Let it all play out.  The Nexus 5 may be shipped with a SIM that you can use.  Regardless, you will be able to activate the handset on Sprint, but you may need to exercise some patience.


    This is the first cash and carry, unlocked Sprint handset in many years.  Do not raise a ruckus and make Sprint question the decision to run with Google on this one.  Like VZW, Sprint can just as easily decide to sit this one out next time.  Then, we are back to the safe, easy to manage "walled garden" of devices.




    Just to keep this visible...

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