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Posts posted by mrrogers1

  1. No


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4

    Don't know where the no comes from... Ok I thought about it and a text log button with a date and time stamp button would be even better.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4

    With the phones gps location...


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4

    You know you can edit your posts in Tapatalk so you don't have 4 posts in the same, well, sorta same, thing. :)


    Too late now, but for next time.


    Sent from my d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4



  2. A site you can't connect to if you're near it. We think that it's being tested and won't allow new connections but it you hand off from a live lte connection from another site. On Sensory there often is hole in coverage right at the site.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4



    A site that doesn't allow LTE authorizations.


    Oh, OK! "Donut hole" makes sense in that regard and now, how to identify (besides being at the site and not having LTE connection)? Is it just looking at Sensorly for a hole in coverage?  We don't have a ton of towers live where I live (and work) but I will definitely check and try to see how SignalCheck Pro treats it. 

  3. Sorry  for a cross post from the Missouri  thread  but I think I will have more luck  finding  a signal check pro user here near a "donut"  site.  That's one that you can't connect to unless you hand off firm a accepted site. 


    Can anyone verify on one of those donut hole sites that signal check pro will show lte strength while the site is not accepting connections if you turn the show hidden  signals option on?  Does it show in the menu bar or just when you pull up the screen with the 4 signal strength bar graphs? 


    Excuse my ignorance but what is a donut hole site?  :blink:  :scratch:

  4. My one has been through a lot. It spends it's days usually with a knife, screw driver, and/or other sharp metal tools scrapping both sides of it. It's gone down the wooden stairs into the concrete floor multiple times, has found many parking lots and concrete floors. It's bounced down the 10 foot ladder a few times, sat on my dash in the sun for a few hours streaming music getting it up to around 150 degrees and spent a few hours in the freezer while I was working in there. Pretty much the phone manufacturers should send me things to torture test. It would be better than what they do now.


    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4



    Sent from my One using Tapatalk 4



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  5. I've got bad news, after getting mine on day one and dropping it easily over 100 times, my glass has finally cracked. The good news is its only two separate cracks that you can't feel. Still saddening though.


    In other news I do like the red but I prefer the black.


    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4

    YIKES! A case might help ya. :D


    Sent from my One using Tapatalk 4



  6. Honestly? I'm afraid I'll break something, or get addicted. I can't afford either! Haha

    Well, if you would like help (as in a can basically do it for you via Remote Desktop for Chrome) PM me. I've S-off'd and/or just rooted probably 100 (half a dozen remotely) phones between the OG EVO, EVO 3D, EVO LTE and now the One. I'd say I know what I'm doing at this point. :) Throw some d3rpONE Rom on the phone and you'll be very happy with no 3dot menu, HTC button as Menu and rock solid (as stock) performance.


    If you are willing, it's the least I could do for all the time and effort you all put in around here.


    Sent from my One using Tapatalk 4



    • Like 1
  7. I cannot wait for it simply to get rid of the * * * menu button at the bottoms of apps like, say, Facebook. Which I use more than I'd like to admit. 


    Y U NO ROOT!?  :lol:

  8. eHRPD should be on all towers but I have hit a couple with legacy EV-DO still. eHRPD is required to actually get the LTE on the towers. The way I understand it, is that it's actually the first of the NV upgrades as NV isn't "just" LTE. It's the updating of the whole network to consolidate technologies and allows for the LTE and 800 voice upgrades to happen.


    *I could have misunderstood so don't hold me to the fire if I happen to be wrong. ^_^


    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4



  9. Wow, the quickest rooting help thread! haha props to leerage!

    Ha ha! I've been Rooted since day one and then s-off (I've actually done 8 devices so far) on the first day if that but leerage hooked you all up! Not only was it quick, it was all right, go figure! Lol


    Good work and thanks for sharing leerage.


    Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 4



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  10. . Did for me


    Sent from my HTC ONE from Tapatalk 2

    Time to downgrade..... I experienced the no LTE where LTE was definitely at and I was literally 3 blocks from the tower in plain view (was at Buckys on 90th and Fort) and couldn't pick it up for anything.


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta


  11. Do you guys have an option to automatically accept root requests from a specific app?  I understand the security concerns, but I'm wondering if the delay (however slight) in prompting for root permission is causing the next step in the process to fail.  If you could try auto-granting for SignalCheck just for testing purposes, let me know.  Hopefully by now you trust that the only root access SignalCheck attempts is to toggle airplane mode.





    It only prompts the first time you run the app, then I "Allow" access and tell it to "Always Remember" so its effectively automatically allowed moving forward. Now I did reboot and try to cycle the connection with the app and seems like it's reliably working now (for me) so I think you might have been on to something with the timing. 


    I will keep an eye on this and will report back if anything changes. 



    • Like 1
  12. Mike,


    In the screen shot, the bsl location for 1x800 showed my location, not the tower location. I was at a Sonic when I saw this. The only 800 tower that Robert shows is in Olathe.



    There is def 800x in Overland Park, I screen shot it last weekend, I think I actually posted it earlier in the thread. I want to say it was on W. 91st and Metcalf.


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta


  13. Posted Image




    This is in the UNMC Durham Research Tower 2. I cannot get signal on 4G unless i switch it to LTE only. Otherwise it defaults to 3G. Any Idea where this tower might be?




    edit: Must be getting ready to set it live or testing. I am currently only getting a 1x signal after airplane mode cycle

    Could it be the tower we normally pick up as you drive by UNO? I have been able to get LTE, literally in the middle of no where due to elevation. I also saw that in St. Louis last weekend. Couldn't get LTE where we were walking around but go 675ft up into the Arch and have LTE. :)


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  14. The carrier name comes from the 1X connection.. he's on Verizon 1X and Sprint LTE. Last I heard, there aren't any LTE roaming agreements yet, certainly not between the major carriers.-Mike


    Maybe stop flashing PRLs that are not for Sprint. You kinda sorta need the records that tell your device to scan for LTE.
    Thank you kind gentleman! I'll relay the message and also tell him to go pro and use it to keep tabs on the emerging market. :D*Oh, and to stop flashing non-Sprint PRL's. Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  15. Holy weirdness batman! Hey guys, take a look at this post on XDA and tell me what you think could be going on.




    Here is what he said in his OP in case you look and don't go to the actual full thread. It seems real crazy and I told him to grab this great app to try and get to the bottom of it...




    I know this doesn't sound possible hell I Dont believe it myself but I am in LittleRock Arkansas where Sprint has NO 4g, I'm up here at work bored so I flash the 1000 Verizon prl, I unlock my SIM card (don't think that mattered , I didn't put a SIM card in). I forced roaming on my phone and I about had a heart attack when the 4g showed in my notification bar!! I thought it may be wrong but I ran some speed test with and without it. The catch is I lost voice. How is this possible?




    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta


  16. Well, turns out even though Sprint said the device was perfectly fine before I made the purchase, turns out the phone was stolen. No HTC ONE for me.


    Anybody want a ONE for parts? $250 obo.


    Stuck on the Poor Man's HTC for now.

    OH MAN! That really, really sucks. I don't know if there is anything more you can do but hoping the info Sprint gave you can be used to recoop some of your money. That is just ridiculous man, how the heck did the ESN pass the Sprint sniff check?


    Oh, also, the phone is not repairable so best use is as a "bad esn" test device. This is a pretty sad deal man... Sorry bud.

    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta


  17. My wife installed it last night. This is how it went.


    I've been picking up 800 from a tower that is not anywhere near me. Last night, the 800 alarm went off and when I looked down, I saw I was connecting to a closer tower. Not the towers closes to me, but close enough to Increase my signal strength.


    We normally roam, or have very little luck not dropping calls while sitting in the middle of our house. Last night, after seeing the connection, I told my wife to look at her signal strength. Blah, blah, it's not any better. OK. call me. So dead set on proving me wrong, she calls me from the couch, while I'm sitting in the chair 10 feet away. The call didn't drop, no cutting in and out, the call worked perfectly.


    So, she says how did you know that would work, knowing I has something on my phone that was telling me. I told her to go the play store and grab the app. She pulled it down, installed it and opened it. Then she looked at me and said " What does 1 times 800 mean?" I said it means your phone works in the house now dear.

    I love being right too when the wife just "knows" she is. I actually saw (and heard my alert which freaked me out!) 800 for the first time today, traveling in KC, MO. :)


    This app just keeps getting better and better.


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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  18. Quick question. I was looking into getting a ONE and was told to wait to get a phone that will be able to receive the 800mhz and 2.5 GHZ bands of LTE that will be rolling out in the future. Then I saw this link http://www.androidcentral.com/att-htc-one-receiving-update-enable-new-frequency-bands and wondered if it is just an AT&T thing to be able to update the radios like that or is that something that Sprint can do too? The only reason I ask is that I HATE my EVO 4G LTE....

    From what I can tell, the Sprint variant only has band 25 LTE which is CDMA 1900 only. We have GSM 900/1800 for our world roaming.


    Personally, I wouldn't wait but then again, I upgrade every year. Also, I don't know how fast the other LTE bands are going to be lit up once the existing 1900 systems are fully up and running. I think the One is a great device and holding on to it for 2yr then upgrading to tri-band would make good sense. I'm not much for "holding out" for the next big thing, I buy the big thing and then get the next big thing when it's available. (*I gots issues.... Lol)


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta


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  19. Got a hold of an HTC ONE for a great deal yesterday, rooted and s-off'd in less than an hour.#WinningOn the rich man's HTC, sipping on some Moonshine

    That's the way to do it! Welcome to the club.... Now come grab you some d3rpONE Rom and you'll be all set. ;)


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  20. Excellent, glad to hear the CID's are displaying properly.  Location features are in progress; I was leaning more towards logging than displaying the lat/long on screen, but I can consider that too.


    Video overlays?!  You guys are killing me.. we clearly need to find better ways to waste our time.. ;)




    Ha ha! Yeah, here is what I like to do but these days it's EXTRA spendy.  :lol:



    Thanks for helping fill some of the void Mike! 

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