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Posts posted by mrrogers1

  1. I'm going to be doing a lot of bouncing around on these forums because although the Lg Flex seems to have a great radio, the LG G2 WiFi performance sucks. It just for no reason at all just stops downloading... Oh well, LG Flex FTW!!!


    Check out your router, my G2 is golden and at 150Mbps connection, can't be mad about that. What are you downloading?


    Ok, I feel like I just got punked! Look at the damn size of this thing!!!


    [image Removed]


    From left to right:

    The LG Optimus G

    The LG G2

    The LG Flex

    The Samsung Tab 3

    and for reference another Optimus G turned sideways so you can see how rediculusly wide the LG Flex is in the OtterBox case!!



    Ha ha ha, I bet wife was like "oh hellz no".  :lol:  Flex is quite the large device. Thanks for the pic, that is great for people to see. 

    • Like 1
  3. OK guys... I was told by a crew and a Samsung rep on site that our cluster was launching 4g last week but we have not seen anything. I do get an IP address in my LTE Engineering screen only when my WiFi is turned off. Dies mean they are testing and will launch soon?


    [image removed]


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk


    "Does mean they are testing and will launch soon?" Hard to say definitively on that but.... what you do is flip your phone to LTE Only mode and see if it'll connect.  You should pickup SignalCheck Pro (get lite if you want) and you'll be able tell from the RSSI "about" how close you are to the towers.  I don't know if your market has top notch tracking like ours BUT if it does, you'll be able to see GCI & PCI information which will allow you to pin point the tower if the market tracking is there.  You should also be able to use the GCI in the main market map for your market to identify the tower you are connecting to. 


    To put phone into LTE Only mode (this is needed since most towers do not have the eCSFB software when they are first fired up with LTE) use dialer code 5689#*980# and go to the IOT(CDG2)/System selection/Network mode/LTE Only.   Once you are done, make sure you change your network back to CDMA + LTE/EvDo Auto OR Global (*from standard network selection screen in settings) because you will *ONLY* have data connection and no voice services while connected to a tower in LTE Only mode. 


    Happy Hunting! 

  4. Yeah, while she was still at the store, I told her to get the G2. She is much happier with that. We also picked up a free Samsung Tablet for $15/mo and she said the Flex and the tablet were damn near the same size! Hell, after I get my hands on it, I may be swapping out for a G2 also LOL!!!


    Ha ha! Yeah, my wife is little (4'11) with little hands, G2 is a little stretch for her but she loves it.  There are a few "One-handed operation" settings that can make it even easier to reach commonly used things such as Dialer, Keyboard, Lock screen PIN. I have big hands and still use the one-handed setting for dialer, it's "handy". 


    I also got the tab and that's working out pretty good too!  :tu:

    • Like 1
  5. So did they fix some of the issues with the radios or software of the G2?  I believe they had an article a while back on the main wall about it.




    Circuit Switched Fallback I believe is what they called what they were incompatible with.


    That is not a problem with the handset (all Tri-band devices), it's a problem with the towers being upgraded.  There (from what we have been told and have seen) has been a shift from rushing to get "a" tower 4G accepted to getting them fully up and running on the NV hardware which includes the Base station, RRU's and Antenna first, then accepting them as 3G and 3G/800 voice towers.  That enables the Tri-band devices to actually use that tower once it is 4G LTE accepted as the eCSFB software can be loaded. 


    Now, I live in a market that they had only done half a dozen 4G only towers before the NV Team (people that call the shots) had the revelation that they really need to NOT deliver like that and need to upgrade "up to" the point of 4G LTE first, you know, the all new "Spark" network and all.  So they brought everything up (which was pretty crazy with legacy equipment being turned off and new NV being turned on for ALL Sprint users to utilize) such as 3G/800 voice on most towers in a relatively short period of time.  Now, when we get a LTE accepted tower, the eCSFB software patch is typically pushed to the tower anywhere between 12 and 48hr. 

    • Like 1
  6. Doesn't matter if its a G2 to G2 call.  There are other factors that need to be in place before HD voice will be launched.  Also we don't know the effects of how handing off from a HD voice capable site (NV upgraded) to a non-HD voice capable site (non-NV upgraded) will occur.  Perhaps Sprint might be waiting until NV 1.0 is complete before deploying HD voice.


    Yep! The thing is, the hand off *won't (from what has been said) happen so that's why it wasn't turned on.  With NV largely being rolled out (not NV1 totally but you know what i meanz), I would think NV to NV market calls between capable handsets should be good IF the logic holds that they quietly turned it on as part of the roll out.  All this has peaked my curiosity so I'll now be paying close attention.  I have half a dozen G2 users local to me and all but 3 or 4 towers are 3G/800 accepted where I live and work SO I should be able to tell when talking to my fellow G2 users and then testing with some EVO LTE users that are holding on to their RF deficient handsets.  :lol:   I even have some HTC One users to confirm it's not just our kick a$$ device.(the One is good to but "it ain't no G2")


    as far as i'm concerned HD voice is on, at least in my area. anytime i call someone with a newer android phone you can tell the call is different and much clearer. anytime i call a land-line or an iphone it sounds like it did pre NV upgrades, aka "normal"


    I'm not gonna lie though, I have had some conspicuously "crystal clear" calls that I noticed but figured it was still quirks with the towers being 3G/800 voice accepted and all that madness.  The change over was rocky but things have settled, calls aren't being dropped all over the freakn place now so maybe, just maybe, HD is a go.

  7. Ok, my wife broke her OG, and even though we had insurance on her phone, they wanted $150 to replace her phone! So here I am, as I just bought 2 LG Flex phones!!! :rasp:


    My OG has just went dead as my wife purchased both phones while i am at work. We may not keep her's as she a little petite something so she may get an LG G2.


    Well, 14 days and 30 bucks are all that it'll take to put her into G2. Size might be an issue and the unique shape but definitely let us know how that works out. 

  8. I'd say the N5 for convenience, and ease of use.


    But the LG G2 has a massively beautiful screen. So go to a store and play with both, it all comes down to personal preference. Even though I think the G2 is one of the more good looking phones out there, the N5's understated utilitarian look appeals to me, and the phone just disappears into the background at times. It does everything marvelously, and there's nothing it can't do.


    I haven't played with the G2 too much, but I will say that if you don't mind overly customized skins, then the G2 might just be for you.





    .... except last all day after being abused for hours.  :D


    I agree with Eric, Note 3 shouldn't be on the table, it's very core (it was THE RF device to have prior to the NV1 training reaching optimal speeds) was neglected for some really odd reason and with the network rollout happening, it's very dated and incapable of playing with the big boys at this point.  Now, I saw someone that was in one of those markets where they can't even light up band 25 and 41 despite hardware being in place which makes the true advantages of the tri-band devlce moot, but I think those situations and markets aren't that wide spread. 

    • Like 1
  9. HD voice takes 2 handsets with capability PLUS the base stations/systems both devices are connected to have to have it enabled. I believe we were supposed to be seeing these services enabled with NV 1 completions BUT I could be wrong. This might be kind of neat to see what @s4guru Robert thinks (knows) about this.  :ninja:

  10. I bought the N5 for my wife and I took it back, it was too much of a compromise. I have had my G2 since early December and honestly couldn't be happier or more impressed with it. N5 compromises on battery, screen and features BUT you can't argue with the advantage of having Pure Android OS and updates.  I didn't want to have to get too extreme or search too much (for a rom that I could trust, it's my wife after all) and definitely not WORRY about the wife's device being 100% reliable so I thought the N5 would be good for her.  Problem is, it was to much of a compromise when I know just how good the G2 is.  I'd liken the N5 to a CJ6 Jeep and the G2 to a new Wrangler Sport Unlimited. It all really started with the CJ5/6 series and if you want some pure, easy to mod, cheap and plentiful parts to add to type of off road fun, CJ can't be beat. If you want full featured, every day driven comfort, rugged (enough) but sexy out of the box fun, you're gonna spend more but get much more at the same time.  :D


    Jury is still out on the Flex as it's only been on the "Sprint Streets" for a few days but it looks like it's going to be a good one.  Not sure if the large screen is enough to draw folks from the G2 but it's the main quantifiable difference between it and the G2 because everything else "seems" to be on par with the G2. I'm not sure how the battery is so far (still early) but the G2 has set the bar QUITE high.  As a heavy user, I typically am seeing 19-23hr of up time on battery with 4-5hr of screen time.  Light users are seeing as high as 40 plus hours on 1 charge. 


    G2 just needs to be rooted and a little (ok, maybe a lot) UI overhaul because LG's design team did some strange things in addition to using a pretty gross blue all over the place. We've done what LG should have done from the git go with our rom and added some much needed curb appeal and performance and even additional battery life (yes, shameless plug but I'm not saying anything that isn't true) in our rom >>>> Team D3rp LG G2 Rom (Our Spark compatible rom will be posted in the coming days.)


    *Oh, on predictions, I never ever use stock keyboards as OEM's NEVER pay enough attention on them to make them stellar.  Swiftkey has been and will continue to be my (and most people I know would agree) go to for non-OEM keyboards. You can grab a "Trial" version from the Play Store OR better yet, they have a pretty good beta program and the latest beta has the numbers as a seperate row as well as emoji's built in, just google it, you'll find it.  


    Good luck man! 

    • Like 4
  11. I have a neighbor that wants to do a Framily with me (5 plus his 2 lines gets us to 7)... We both have lines under contract (but upgraded before Jan 10th)... Have I understood it correctly that this is not allowed under the current rules?


    You will need to do a TOL and combine all lines into 1 account THEN you can roll that single existing account into a Framily.  You will not be able to have split bills (see the last couple posts/pages) when you do this so you need to be comfortable with that seeing as its your neighbor and not family. And NO, it is not possible to TOL out once on the Framily to split bills (see last couple posts/pages). 

    • Like 1
  12. In the Hidden Menu there is no IOT(CDG2) page?







    All shortcuts on G2 except for Hidden Menu work in SignalCheck Pro.


    Also, interesting they put a different ugly eye burning color in the Flex. We got the blue, you got the green. Can you post a screen shot of the Notifications expanded?


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk




    I turned my G2 on after you mentioned this. Went to update it... Nothing. Then after a few min the notification light started to blink. The update was waiting to be installed!


     Wonder if it was patience or persistence?  :lol:​ 

  14. The particular Sprint store I activated my phone at has said that this fee is systematically applied to all Framily plans(even after I showed them on the service agreement I signed the exact terms of when this fee is charged).


    So going back to that store wouldn't get me very far(nor would I have the time to do so for the next few days).


    Weird man, no part of your situation makes sense that they would charge the fee... 

  15. Yes as originally stated.......


    see attachment


    Right, what are you going to use PC Suite or Support app for? There has got to be a "normal" way to do whatever you are trying to do and that is what I'm trying to figure out.  Is the fact that those two apps/services are not working the PROBLEM or are you trying to solve an actual PROBLEM? 


    If it's just that the apps/services don't work, then I can't help ya . 


    If there is actually something you were hoping to do with said apps/services, there may be something that I or someone else could possibly help you with. 

  16. I wouldn't(or at least shouldn't) be in contract, has I just got service this Monday(and didn't have Sprint prior to then).


    Contacted retentions and according to them, the store put me into a contract. They said contact the store(which I already visited), so getting any help from them would be unlikely. So they said wait until I receive my first bill, and they'll go from there.


    I just hope the bill comes before my 1st 14 days are up.


    Above and beyond that, the $15/m fee being referred to is currently being waived... They messed something up and you should go to a store and get fixed if possible, don't wait. 

  17. :o I initially downloaded LG PC Suite and when that didn't work I decided to use LG Mobile Support Tool to correct the issue, neither work, it simply doesn't detect the device when it's connected. I have no issue with the pc itself detecting it so I'm at a loss on what to make of it. :blink: I'm starting to think those two software programs aren't set up to accommodate a new device like the G2:unsure:




    What is the "issue" you are trying to resolve? *Forget about the PC suite and Mobile support not working, what is the problem OR are you just trying to use the PC suite and support app just to use them??

  18. how do I navigate to ioroot?


    ioroot folder is on your computer.


    I have an issue I hope anyone could answer. 


    Hello everyone I'm a owner of the G2 since Christmas and although I haven't received the latest update LS980ZVA I'm very content with LS980ZV8 for the exception that voice mail has been hindered by Google Hang Outs.  :unsure: 


    The issue at hand is I've been unable to connect with LG PC suite and or LG Mobile Support Tool and have run out of options on what to do next. I've tried going through the steps in support tool and attempted to download the drive but Sprint's model is not listed in the drop down menu and the PC Suit, even after using it's driver re-installation method has not helped. Both software programs have been unable to detect the G2 connection to the PC.  :( 


    Please advise on what's my next course of action. Thanks in advance!  ^_^ 


    What are you trying to use the PC Suite or Support tool to fix? (Hangouts issue with VM can be resolved by NOT using Hangouts as your default SMS/MMS app if you are going to use VVM. 

  19. So if I put $100 down on a phone and do the upgrade swap in 12 months I won't get any of that back or credited in the next one. Doesn't look like a good deal if you on unlimited and upgrade a lot compared to no money down if you have the option . Also why pay for it faster when its 0% interest.


    Sent from my SPH-L900


    Because you CAN own it at the end of the 12 months and sell it OR keep as backup (why pay for insurance when you have a 12 month old phone in perfect working order). If you don't pay it all the way off, putting more down just to keep monthly payments down and trade in doesn't make a *ton of sense to me.  Now paying a little extra every month and say, owning it after 12 or 16 months makes more sense.  It really is like leasing a phone (that's how I explain it to people) with option to buy or give back but you get unlimited miles, just return it in working order if you are going to return it.  :)

  20. so there is a rule that says you cant tell another person if services are active or not?



    The only way to know if a site is active is to go to it and check.


    Then we share that pin point accurate data back to our Sponsor thread, the maintainers (freely volunteering MUCH of their time) update our "little maps and spreadsheets" and then any Sponsors know what is active on exact towers. Hard to understand how you don't see value in that kind of data (or take issue with anyone claiming that it is OR that is explaining how to access it) but hey, to each his own. 


    We have a great community based resource here that costs money to maintain and what it takes to gain access to the exact Lat/Long and information as to status on a tower is trivial to the knowledge that is gained. 

    • Like 1
  21. I still don't have it either, however, my town has really crappy LTE and "okay" 3G speeds. So I am getting anxious to see how this affects performance as well. But, so far, it doesn't seem to do much but enable the other 2 bands and give us a wal-mart icon.

    Not true there are plenty of reports of it actually favoring band 41 over 25 if it is available unlike before the update.

    That is because not only are they enabled but are also higher priority than band 25.


    The update RF performance gains may be negligible if you have no band 26 or 41 to connect to.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



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  22. I'm interested to hear the thoughts of the members of this forum on the following question:


    Is it "abuse" to band complete strangers into a framily plan?


    Hellz no it's not... not sure how it could be, just because they really aren't your "friend" shouldn't me squat to Sprint. Not, would I hang out at the Sprint store waiting for the first 6 people to come out and ask them to join my Framily, NOPE, that's a tad bit tacky (being at the Sprint store and all) but I don't see how it should/could/would make any difference.  If liability is tied to the bill, then there is no risk I can see by doing this anyhow. 


    Why did you ask? 

    • Like 1
  23. In the last 8-10 days about 30 LTE sites have been accepted. Mostly in Omaha. It was very badly needed.


    So is the 150 towers of CDMA 800 service that was accepted considered completed and running then? I can't tell because I don't have an phone with 800 mhz service.


    See the post above yours, then come to sponsor forum, then you'll see why you should get a phone that uses Sprints LTE and 800.  ;)

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