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Posts posted by mrrogers1

  1. mrrogers1 - Thanks.. I actually toggled this before my ~1 hour drive home from Richmond, and Sensorly caught 600-something 4G points as opposed to the previous 400-something, phone stayed cool, and battery increased about 13 percent from charging. Before, with WiFi option not toggled, besides the phone getting really hot, it only increased 4 percent while charging, and that was for a longer 1.5 hour drive during traffic. I'll probably still keep Sensorly off throughout the week though, as I'll be driving the same route to work daily. But it is important I evaluate 4G performance closely all week otherwise b/c my contract ends next weekend and I have to figure out what I'm going to do.

    You'll be hard pressed to find a better value proposition than Sprint and with LTE deployment picking up (and only getting better) I can't think of a reason to "do anything". :D


    Oh, if you aren't already, grab the SignalChecker Pro app and use that. It'll help with the evaluation and is a wonderful app (the developer is here in the forums and really receptive to feedback) for anyone to have on their devices.


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  2. Something else to note, once an area is mapped, it's best not to map over it again and again, unless a new site comes online. The reason being, Sensorly averages the data collected to create the maps. So if you've been driving by a Sprint site recording very weak LTE, and one day that site is live, and you get a strong LTE signal, it will take many many more passes to bring the signal level up on Sensorly.


    Since you seem pretty interested in this, I would recommend becoming a Sponsor, then you can see exactly where the Sprint sites are that have been upgraded, and target new sites for mapping! :tu:

    Thanks for the heads up on remapping, I did not know this. :)


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  3. It's true that yesterday, texts were being delivered to both my old and new phone. Also, the "Activate My Device" screen was still showing the previous owner's plan and usage, and I just thought to check it, and yes, it's now showing my info for the first time.


    The other thing is the Sensorly tip -- thanks for that. I had been running Sensorly the whole time, in an effort to avoid taking my eyes off the road constantly looking for the 3G/4G symbol.. thinking I could just look down during stop lights. But I mapped 1.5 hours while driving to Richmond, so I'm done with Sensorly for a while so I can really figure out what's going on with the 4G. I have the maps memorized now anyway lol.


    Sort of back on topic though, only one day in, and I can already confirm this is my favorite phone ever! Only thing that can dissuade me is battery life.. I've yet to see what it's like without GPS and the screen constantly turned on like I've had it so far during these 4G trials.

    To use Sensorly AND let your device do it's "standard" scanning (without manually cycling airplane mode or using an app to do it for you) you can change the "Report to server" setting to "Only over wifi". You'll collect data as usual BUT your data connection won't be pegged wide open sending the data, as collected, to the servers.


    If you want to see the before vs after effect of this setting. Look at the details screen while collecting with default settings (also paying attention to your data transmission arrows in the notification bar of your device). Change the setting to only over wifi and look at the details and data transmission reporting again. :)


    Only thing that is being changed is the "when" the data is delivered and of course, your devices ability to scan for LTE like normal.


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  4. i did a search and it looked like this was mentioned awhile ago, but any chance you could add the EVDO channel and EVDO sector ID info on the screen? I've been plotting the EVDO sector ID's from the towers as i've driven around to them looking for NV upgrades so i can tell what tower EVDO is connected to when i'm at work. Having that info all on one screen would really be nice so i don't have to keep dialing ##33284# to get back to it all the time :)


    I think you can get to that under Menu/System Shortcuts/HTC Field Trial.

    • Like 1
  5. You're sure the signal was from O and 48th? I don't see any strong enough signals on Sensorly to indicate it's active.


    Sent from my HTC ONE

    Not 100% but that reading was in front of that store on Wed. I actually drove by to see if they could get LTE at the location because the South store can barely get LTE. So I grabbed that as I drove by to send to one of the peeps at the South store. :)


    I won't be back in Lincoln until Wed but can check it again if no one gets to it.


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  6. Lincoln folks, is the site near O and 48th still offline? Was hoping it would be up, wanting to see how that changes the coverage on Sensorly. I feel like if they can get a couple more sites online, they'll have a launchable amount of coverage in no time.

    It was online Wed, not sure when it would have gone offline. That was right in front of the O street Sprint store (that is on ruins right now from renovations lol)




    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  7. I can't find the link for all towers and the status can you share


    1st, Thanks for doing what you can, to support!


    2nd, here is our market thread http://www.s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/636-Network-Vision-Site-Map---Nebraska/Iowa-Markets


    Here is the full map http://www.s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/517-NV-Sites-Complete


    Please be sure to be respectful of the wishes of out site admin's and keep information found within these threads to yourself. :)


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta


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  8. Anyone know anything about the 90th and Sorensen area, I see it maped east and west. What towers are these pulling off?



    There is a NE/IA thread with specifics as well as a thread with all towers and statuses nation wide but you'll need to be a sponsor to access. Please consider supporting site.



    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  9. @mrrogers1, thank you. I will definitely let you know. We do need beta testers for this type of app. A recent update to the Developers Console for Google Play allows us to have beta and alpha apps before being rolled out to everybody.


    Also, eventually, we going to add some basic analytics to the app so that we know better how most people are using the app and how we should focus our efforts more. I currently just keep tabs of how everybody uses this in my head lol (from many feedbacks).


    One of the best things about developing an app for a high tech demographic is the better quality feedback and bug notices. But, one of the hurdles are the many different types of ROMs to make sure the app works for. I actually just received my new Nexus 4 today so that I can do even more testing easier now.


    ps - I just re-read this and am not really sure if it is coherent or not. I'm really tired and it's been a long day at work.


    Coherent and appreciated.  :) 

  10. I wish I would have waited a month and bought a Galaxy SIII instead. :(  I think unless HTC wows me with their next phone, I will getting a Samsung from here on out.


    HTC One is pretty flipping amazing in every way man, not joke! I am quite disappointing in the EVO LTE (wtf... LTE is the the name!!) as well, I had one, my wife has one, my parents and multiple people (let's just say I have s-off't 19 EVO LTE's) I know got one after I did, who knew LTE was actually going to make it to Omaha this year. Lol!  Well when it's "that time" (2yr mark) LTE should be pretty much covering us so they'll all upgrade to the next device OR get smoking deals on the HTC One and they'll love the phone AND the LTE.


    Today was a very disappointing day for me because I was driving with the family and we crossed 90th and Dodge (headed east), my HTC One chimes (of course I was running Sensorly and SignalCheck Pro and expected to pick it up in that area) and I realize, wife's phone has NOTHING!  Then I put her phone in airplane mod, switch back, still nothing.... I have -90dBm LTE on my phone and her poor EVO LTE doesn't even see LTE at all.  I don't get it...  :cry:

    • Like 1
  11. May I ask, which mode(s) do you use? Is it only "Cycle only when not connected to LTE"?

    You didn't ask me (I also didn't say) but I too use the cycle with not connected.


    Let me know on the possible, "stop cycling" fix being available to rooted folks, I'll try it.


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  12. Hey, see post above. I just wanted to quote you so that you have a better chance of receiving a notification about my reply.


    ps - I would have deleted the post above and reposted if that open was available...



    Thanks for the reply!  I will get a logcat to you all.  Closing the app is pretty well impossible for me to do without forcing it but I will get logcat and info as soon as I can. Oh, I am very rooted and s-off so if there is a trick to getting it to keep running let me know. (*Are you maybe talking about converting to a system app to protect the process?)


    The logic with going to the location does make sense now that you put it that way. I guess since I always have to restart the toggle since it stops on it's own, it drove me crazy having to do the extra steps.  Under normal circumstances, the location is what is useful AND being able to click on the location and have it do something will make it even more useful.  Thanks! 


    Take care and I'll be in touch

  13. So what does that mean?


    Well, there was an update (usually optimization) to the radio so might be getting better LTE or even 1xRTT for that matter.  Might have less battery drain, lots of stuff could be jam packed into the update.

  14. Would this be through the regular HTC Software Upgrades, or through a Sprint app?




    Software Upgrade


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  15. Hi SpenseSouth, I was lead to your app by the very involved group of "LTE Hunters" we have here and honestly, when straight to the paid version once i saw the advanced options. Only thing is, I'm having issues with the app on my HTC One (Android version 4.2.1).  I do have some enhancement requests to send but I'd first LOVE to get the app running 100% on my device. 


    So things I'm experiencing are...


    1. App will stop polling, unexpectedly on it's own. I don't think it has anything to do with connecting to LTE either as (I do have the scan when not connected to LTE setting checked) I may never see LTE and it'll stop anyway.  (*This is a big one as if it's not running, it's not doing it's main job.  :) )


    2. The app seems to never want to close (or be reduced to background) by normal means.  To close the app I either have to actually kill the process using Manage Apps or a kill process action OR sometimes when I hit the back or home it'll just force close the app. *I can grab a locat of the FC if you are good with reading those. 


    3. I don't think it's supposed to, but when it's running and you click on the app in the notification bar, it takes you right to the GPS location page.  Then you have to get back to the main screen off the app from there. Is that logic on purpose? 


    These are the main things that I can think of right now that I am more than willing to help get sorted with you.  When the app is running, it does, "what it do" so well, I just have found reliability issues when running on my device. 


    The enhancement I was thinking of is the ability to actually click on the GPS location (stored on the location page) to take us to the location in Google Maps.  It would allow us pinpoint on an interactive map rather than just see the time and location LTE was picked up, which while useful, it's not actionable data right now. 


    Thanks for the app and dedication to the community of LTE Hunting folks around here. 

  16. I won't have an LTE phone until later this year, so it's kinda silly for me to use that app.


    Truuuuu :)


    I don't actually use it. From my experience the ONE is very good at picking up LTE on its own. Usually only 30 seconds to minute delayed from when I know coverage starts.


    Sent from my HTC ONE


    I grabbed the tools everyone was talking about and have since found what I think is the sweet spot which must be aided by the fact that my device is good at this. Sad to hear how "not good" at grabbing LTE the EVO "LTE" is but that's another story all together. 


    Data is a two way street incoming and outgoing.  All I'm saying is you've dealt with the outgoing by delaying sending the reports until you've hit a wifi network.  Sensorly is still presumably maintaining an incoming or receiving data position though to locate where you are to accurately map.  That could still potentially impact tower hand-offs. 


    That is all i use it for.   And I would recommend talking to the developer who is on this site.  It isn't buggy for me and it does what it supposed to do, notifies me when it connects to LTE on a Note II. 

    SignalCheck Pro is another great app (I obviously have it as well) but it still only "passively" lets you know when you hit LTE.  It basically let's you know what you are connected to.  It doesn't actively seek an LTE connection like LTE discovery does.  I'll generally run SignalCheck Pro, LTE Discovery, and Sensorly simultaneously if I'm mapping. As for forcing a reset of the radios, that is what LTE discovery does every 30 seconds until it hits LTE if it is functioning properly.  That is my point.  


    1. If you look at the data traffic when collecting with default vs wifi only (use what the phone shows for data traffic up/down) it is very apparent that it's night and day difference. Do it and you'll see right away that the constant locking in of data transmission is from feeding the server. When you chose to do it later, data transmission looks like normal polling. Location is most likely handled by GPS, the app is linking location to system data (what data/voice) which the phone has on it's own.  "Sensorly" servers don't know where we are/where unless we send the packages which can obviously be done at any time. The app map is powered by Google Maps and the fact that you have to have fine GPS location enabled to open, is using it for location. I don't think they would provide the option if it made it so the app didn't work right. :)


    Yeah, I'm going to have to read through his whole thread to make sure I'm not bringing up old issues he has in the queue to work on. It does what it's supposed to, on my device, when it keeps working but that is not consistent.  Question, when you close the app (so like hitting home), can you actually close it without a Force Close? I can't close it and then when I kill it (because it won't close) it force closes. Maybe it's device specific, I may grab some logcat's for him, but for now, I'm finding LTE plenty fine. 


    I understand your point (but manually resetting is nice). Discovery just isn't consistent for *me on my HTC One and I don't have time to go out and just map and not care about the airplane mode or quirks in the app. 


    At the end of the day, all things equal (apps working 100%), for a hardcore LTE hunter, Sensorly + SignalCheck Pro + LTE Discovery (just like you use) is going to net the best and most fruitful mapping. No denying that, it's a no brainer. 


    For the "want to be helpful and are curious but not at the total expense of end user experience" users (This is me), Sensorly with tweaked settings + SignalCheck Pro (for alerts and data reporting) is more suitable.  It gets the job done and doesn't interfere much. 


    We're both after same end game and we'll get there, for sure.  :tu:  :tu:

  17. Thanks fellas, will go over there. Sadly, what I described is also what is in the Play Store reviews but I supported with my money anyhow and really wanted the audible alerts! :)


    I'll check out the thread and can provide feedback for him. *Do you all use the paid version and does it function reliably for you? If so, what device?


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  18. I don't know how good this theory is.  Sensorly is still presumably maintaining a incoming data connection to ascertain your position.


    Forcing the phone into airplane mode serves a really valuable function if you are trying to map on sensorly though.  Phones only actively scan for LTE every several minutes (varies by phone).  Based on other reports your phone is one of the better one's in this regard, but still...  Let's say your phone scans every 3 minutes by default.  If you are driving 60 mph on I-80 (makes the math easy) you could go 3 miles without your phone even trying to connect to LTE.  That means you could miss mapping a huge chunk of a tower's coverage area in theory.  LTE Discovery takes that 3+ minutes down to 30 seconds.  You are going to connect to the tower as quickly as possible and be able to map up to several extra miles. 


    Sensorly continues to collect the data, no matter when you send it.  If you look, the "packages" are constantly being collected by the app and with the default settings, they are constantly being sent. The only reason to let it (from what I can tell) keep doing that is for a more "real time" updating of the servers and that's not really needed.  If you look at the details page while mapping with default settings vs wifi only, you'll see what I mean. That constant data connection is because it's trying to send back to servers as fast as it can, not because it doesn't know where we are. The packages get delivered as soon as you get to wifi so I guess if you only see wifi once a month, that's not so great but I'm in wifi pretty much anywhere I *end up* or certainly when I get home.  I would think GPS being required to even open the app is how they know where we are and since the packages are collected no matter what, sending later nets the same outcome. 


    As for LTE Discovery app, I totally see your point but man, that app is too buggy for me (maybe it's just buggy on the HTC One or something) and I even bought the paid version.  It stops cycling for no reason, rendering it useless and having to constantly monitor it, to restart it, is a pain.  All that, not even taking into account that it is rather intrusive (to device use) but that's one of those "as designed" features that comes with the territory.  I'd probably keep using for "exclusive" LTE Hunting (when I could careless about missing calls etc... ) but it's buggy as all get out. For mapping with Sensorly with the added bonus of knowing when I hit LTE service, I use SignalCheck Pro which is solid, SOLID in what is does and is used for. Love that app and the extra info it provides makes the nerd in me giggle.  :)  *I also like that you can also force a reset of radios just like airplane mode if you really wanted to within the app. 

  19. Sadly this is why I am scared to play media from my HTC One. Bums me out since the device was meant to be a media house.

    Um... Are there a ton of people with this problem? Not really, so don't be scared, use the device man! :D


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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  20. I think you could if you care to support the forums worthy cause with a donation. ;) Same as the last time you asked for updates.


    http://www.s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-Information-about-S4GRU-Sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-Sponsor'> http://www.s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-Information-about-S4GRU-Sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-Sponsor


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta


    I sincerely appreciate the efforts made by the s4gru community and moderators. But i think being asked to donate 100$ to a forum just so they will provide me with a little bit of information is kind of absurd. I am a family man with 2 children, working a full time and part time job just to make ends meet. I am sorry if I don't have that kind of money to donate to a forum at this time..

    You should re-read the sponsor page... I didn't donate 100 bucks, you don't have to either.


    Sent from my HTC d3rpONE using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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