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Everything posted by kyle_4thousand

  1. I just ran 3.50 mi @ a 8'53'' pace with Nike+. http://t.co/0fYHYHg6ir #nikeplus

  2. RT @soLizzywaslike: Dallas won't know what hit it.

  3. I was on 3G all morning too, but I'm also in an area where coverage is kind of spotty. Didn't think anything of it. But now that you brought it up, maybe they where doing some testing.. Also noticed that my 3G was faster than usual today as well.
  4. I'm not going to vote in SGA elections because 1. I'm graduating and 2. Bribes are not ethical #ucfsga

  5. So much win: no hangover, in fact I feel amazing ????

  6. Turned it up tonight, but that's only the beginning- Dallas this weekend is gunna be crazyyy http://t.co/jy9sylUzTM

  7. RT @soLizzywaslike: Happy happy happy birthday @kyle_4thousand do it up biiiiiig!!! http://t.co/uBWbkvZWGe

  8. I would like to see a second 5x5 PCS LTE carrier nationwide before I see additional 2.5 carriers 'in select markets'
  9. And I thought seeing a cell tower every few blocks was bad.. This will need to be on every streetlight to work like plain Jane PCS
  10. It should be illegal to be this stressed on my birthday

  11. Got confetti'd at work today :) @ Aon Hewitt http://t.co/ADyWHtqgIM


  13. Tweeting because I just want to let the world know that homework sucks

  14. What Sprint and TMUS need are 10x10 chunks of spectrum in the 600, at the least. In 5-10 years when they start deploying the spectrum for LTE, data usage will be exponentially higher than it is today. We're already seeing the 5x5 PCS LTE carrier getting overburdened, and I could see Sprint's 5x5 and 3x3 SMR carriers ending up at capacity in some markets near the end of the decade. Sprint won't be able to solve all it's capacity problems with B41, especially in fringe & rural areas where it isn't economically viable to deploy small cells or DAS. If big red and the death star get their way with this auction I feel like Sprint and TMUS will not be able to catch up when wireless data usage explodes in the next few years. With only 2 strong competitors in the market, it will truly be a duopoly, even worse than it is today. Pricing way above the competitive equilibrium, reduced consumer surplus, higher producer surplus and profits, inefficiency, and a big fat dead weight loss to society. All thanks to inefficient allocation of resources (public good -> spectrum) by the US government.
  15. I know about the spectrum deal, I'm just curious if Sprint may want to utilize some of the sites that USCC had and are now vacant. Reason being is that there's a USCC site near my parents' house I would love to see Sprint put equipment on, being that service is sometimes marginal in that area. Just wishful thinking is all
  16. Has there been any indication of Sprint taking over leases on former US Cellular sites?
  17. because being vocal about anticipating the spark update is ruining this thread much like those being vocal about anticipating B26 is also ruining half the other threads on this site as well.
  18. I'm also looking forward to making calls in my room without them dropping. Considering I have 5 towers within 2 miles of me (one of them across the street!), and can't even place a call sitting next to my window. The struggle is real and it's pathetic to say but 800 is the holy grail that will make communication to my family and friends so much easier. here's some perspective on what I put up with on a daily basis in this concrete psuedo dorm/apartment building: 1x: -100 dBm eHRPD: -108 dBm **wait never mind, 1x only -__- Edit: this complaint is meant to be constructive in nature as I am full aware of the capabilities that this network can and will do to improve the quality of my service with respect to voice and data
  19. I hate that Walgreens, the pharmacist is such a dick And yeah, it has improved a lot in the last 6 months or so. But step on UCF campus and it's still horrible unless you can get on B41. Also learned by digging through building permit records that the one and only NV upgraded tower on campus failed inspection back in September, which is why i believe it hasn't been turned on yet. (because no one was there when the inspector showed up)
  20. I love working out but I hate going to the gym at UCF. It's too full of brotards and bitchfaces trippin on preworkout and roids

  21. Another thought is my band priorities. I have B26 as 1, B41 as 2, and B25 as 3. Plus I run PRL updates all the time to kick my phone to B41. But I would be surprised if those settings caused a 3G connection to stick longer than it should with normal re-scans happening in the background. Another theory I was thinking about is the disparity of legacy 3G to NV 3G/4G, since there are a good chunk of sites around here that are still legacy 3G but 4G accepted. I just wish the phone was smart enough to realize when a 3G connection sucks and an available LTE connection works better. For example, I was sitting on 3G -93 RSSI with data unusable.. I set it to LTE only and got a -105 dBm RSRP with data working just fine. I've noticed that happening a few times, even when not on the road. It was just worse than usual today since it sat on 3G for a good 40 minutes while i zoomed past towers I knew where 4G accepted.
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