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Posts posted by jonathanm1978

  1. I'm on the phone with them now, and ordering it. She didn't have to try very hard to make this sale either, I was already considering it...My toddler broke my 10.1" Galaxy Tab 3 a couple of days ago, so I was interested in getting another one anyway.

    • Like 1
  2. I'd really like to move up from the G3 to the G4, I "think"....but, I'm not convinced that it's going to be the massive updated phone that will be overwhelmingly better than the G3 already is....

    I still have my G3 in excellent shape without even a sign of wear...and working fine...

    And my next phone I would like to have the CCA LTE "roaming" or whatever it will be termed so I can take advantage of the LTE on CCA partners...

    I don't want to get a new phone now, then in 6-8 months they start putting new radio bands in phones that take advantage of the CCA partners networks and I'll be stuck until another upgrade is eligible waiting to take advantage of it...

    I'm thinking the unannounced LG flagship that's coming later this year might be what I get, but I could just decide to get the G4 spur of the moment too depending on what it does....how well it performs.

    I really wanted some more real estate on the front if I went to another phone...

    Since LG decided to keep the same size, if I decide the G4 isn't enough for me to move into, the new Nexus sure looks appealing with that 5.9" screen...I believe that's the size spec I saw.

    I been supporting LG for quite a while, since the LG Optimus S...

    I just aint 100% sure the G4 will be the "update" that it should be...esp in terms of frequencies included.

    • Like 2
  3. I posted the photo from amazons website. She still arguing ...


    That was actually what I provided as proof. "I'm using Str8 talk right now on 4GLTE and I put a VZW sim in it that worked just fine"....


    I'm ready to say "well ok..amazon didn't know what they were talking about and you do...so yay you.

  4. I got someone arguing with me about an Amazon fire phone...I know I'm right about it being an AT&T phone and only working with their spectrums, correct?


    She swears she put a VZW sim in the phone and it worked....


    Anyone shed light on what this person is talking about?

    Does voice work and data just not connect if you use a VZW sim in the Fire phone?

  5. I hope this is great news for Alabama. They are plenty of holes in coverage in my state...and more-so in my area.

    I remember when I first found that 1 LTE tower that went live back August of '13....speeds were around 30mbps down, and 15mbps up. And now, I'm barely getting 15mbps down, and 7 or 8 mbps up....

    Plus, where I live...still no native.

    BIG plus for me...there's a tower 1 mile away from me. Right now, it's AT&T leasing with VZW colocated...but I fully expect Sprint to say "hey, there's an alternative to a new site right here...we can add our NV equipment, access to fiber is there, and expand without too much initial investment beyond the equipment on the tower"


    I'm pretty sure it'll hold another rack, but I can obviously take photos of the nearby tower to let someone see for sure if I'm correct.

    Best believe if I start seeing Ericcson trucks rolling down that road, I'll be bugging them...and find out what's happening.

    Maybe it won't be long before it happens.

    Would give me a -60 signal or so..literally.

  6. It won't be at MWC according to the LG exec who spoke to a S. Korean publication about the G4 coming soon...

    Said they would take the time between now and May or so to fine-tune the phone instead of bringing it to MWC.




    ................................many people believed that LG would choose to launch its new flagship handset at MWC in Barcelona, but it turns out that was just a false hope.

    Talking to the Korea Times, an LG executive said, "We rolled out the G3 in May last year so we do not plan to unveil the G4 at this year's Mobile World Congress and [will] spend more time perfecting the new phone.”



    What's with the rumors that the 810 sucks on the GFlex 2, it's laggy and battery life really bites because the chip overheats so much, stutters...etc?

    Anyone seen the 810 in the wild, and know for sure the chip is not going to make a wise choice to move away from the current G3 with the ....what, 801?

  7. I'm considering it too...but I've never done a tablet on my cell plan before...are they waiving the tablet access fee, and you're required to hold like a 1gb data plan for the term? I'm considering this since I'm pretty safe to say I'll be in an LG phone for the next 2 years at minimum.


    (Really depends on the LG G4 I guess before I can say for sure, I'm seeing some rumors that the S810 chip just sucks and Qualcomm is trying to run damage control to cover up how bad the 810 will suck (lag, overheating and playing nicely with GPUs)

    LG G3

    I noticed that ABP set-up (without root)...which requires you to modify your wifi connection and manually set a proxy to "localhost" on port 2020....doesn't work on 5.0.

    Once you type in localhost and port 2020, the save button doesn't 'light' up for you to be able to tap on it.

    So apparently ABP will have to find another method for 5.0+ users, or there may not be a method to use ABP without root, period.

    Not sure yet as I haven't been able to deeply research what the problem is exactly..just figured I'd give a heads up for those who use ABP (not just the browser version).


    I personally would rather be able to buy a 0.99 license, which I do in every app that allows it, so I don't see ads...

    I know some sites use ad-based revenue and need it to keep lights on, but offer an incentive in apps (devs)...for an option w/o ads for a small fee.

    In my case, I wanted ABP for Zedge...because they don't offer an ad-free option and the ads are SUPER intrusive (entire page, intrusive)...I hate that with a passion.

    LG G3

    You had to create a backup first, I made two just in the event something corrupted the first. Mine restored with no problem at all.

    When it comes to resetting something as important as your phone, and the possibility of losing vital files, you don't get in a rush, or you'll likely regret it. I've used LG backup before also, and it worked great then


    Sent from my LGLS990

    LG G3

    Had it couple days...did a factory reset and used LG backup tool...

    Now my battery seems to be getting back to normal. Right now I have 16hr of life with 3 hr screen on time. That's not too shabby (may have actually been worse before the 5.0.1 update)


    Sent from my LGLS990

    • Like 1

    LG G3

    A moderator at AC got the link below to work. I tried once before I left for work,with no avail, so i'll try later.


    I just tried this and it worked, now whether it was time for more updates to roll or whether this method triggered, I'm not sure. I usually don't mess with GSF and the data flush method, but I really want pollilop.



    Edit - BTW 609.9mb is the size.


    Sent from my LGLS990

  8. Sorry folks, we're busy remodeling our kitchen (rip existing crap floor - particle board - and replace with 23/32 plywood, cabinets ripped out and replace when they arrive, tile / hardiebacker / etc, new sink + fixture, baseboard....

    So I haven't really had much time to look at her phone. I do remember her saying Facebook wouldn't start, but she mostly uses her phone to read the kindle unlimited junk....

    Y'all will likely have lollipop and running it a couple weeks by the time i slow down enough to fool with it (mid March is my estimate on kitchen and bathroom).

    Once we finish the current job, we got entire guest bathroom to remodel, shower and all...

    Not the best fun in the world, but a solid investment.


    Sent from my LGLS990

  9. My wife had an issue with her s5, it would do fine with data on roaming and Wi-Fi, but native data would not work at all. It sounds like a b.s. issue, but we even had the tech see it happen...she found something about a network protocol update that didn't work correctly and caused the issue (said she saw it on Sprint forums)...but at any rate, she reloaded my wife's Rom from their computer in the Corp store. Just happens they had lollipop on their computer for the s5 and she got it already . This was last Monday.


    Sent from my LGLS990

    • Like 2
  10. That airave does eat up one of your available lines.

    Not according to account services back in May 2013. I specifically asked that question, they said no. And when I got my 2nd phone, I was only approved for 2 lines, but had my airave, my phone and wife's phone.


    Sent from my LGLS990

  11. I started the same as many here..on ASL with 1 line, $125. added 2nd phone a year later, and it was $125 per phone, so $250.

    Up to today...I had the ASL removed last May...which took a bit of calling and talking...but it finally happened....

    I received an email just before Christmas..."add lines for Holidays to give to your family...etc"


    I got curious, since now I have 4 lines plus airave (which doesn't count as a line, but has a number)..

    So I asked a rep how many lines I could add....they told me 10 total...so 6 more if I wanted (which I don't).

    Guess it's good to know I've come from ASL 1 line, to no ASL and possible 10 lines (11 with airave).

    LG G3

    I'd sure like some heads up on when they might get around to giving us a lollipop....




    OSVersionAndroid 4.4.2


  12. I really need to bookmark the post about PRL's and what they have an effect on...

    They don't need them for new sites, but isnt there something about the 800 band that PRLs tell which locations to scan for it?


    If anyone has a quick grab to the post about PRL's, link me please because I haven't read  it's entirety in ages...and I don't remember most of what I read.

    LG G3

    They must be doing something they just pushed the 04 to the G2 again. They got me wondering now.

    Yeah that is odd. I tried a third time and my G3 did roll back to 103. Maybe the PRL isn't fully pushed to all areas yet?I dunno how they send those. Could it be that they have both active for a short time...really not sure.


    Sent from my LGLS990



    Right back to 104 again. Must be because it's so new.

    LG G3

    Weird. Now I'm curious if I should hit update again on G3 and see if it rolls back....I'm not rooted so I can't pull the PRL before doing it.


    Sent from my LGLS990




    Tried update and it's not rolling back on G3. Maybe they found a problem with the G2...

    LG G3

    The s5 doesn't have it yet. I just did two PRL updates and it still on 51103. Maybe they are phasing it by device?I dunno if PRL updates go the same as patch updates or all at once.


    Sent from my LGLS990

    LG G3

    PRL 51104 is now out. Anyone find out the changes between 03 and 04, I posted in the PRL post also. Not sure if galaxy s5 and G2 also get new PRL, I'm sure it's coming though.


    Sent from my LGLS990

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