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Everything posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. I'd rather wait until the HTC Two? (I guess) to come out.
  2. So theoretically...can we expect the same speeds with the clearwire spectrum? Or faster?
  3. Happy for my brother @itsjosemena . He came a long way but he's destined for great things

  4. Im pretty sure Sprint has said they plan to keep unlimited data with the newer plans but with the older everything data plans the unlimited might go away
  5. I think once they have a good amount of lte 2600 deployed then lte 2600 will be the main priority then lte 1900. Lte 800 will be needed if your indoors somewhere
  6. RT @XSTROLOGY: A #Sagittarius can often hurt the feeling of people close to them from their blunt personality.

  7. RT @damndrose: I wish my bank account would refill as fast as my laundry basket

  8. Btw I'm not complaining lol. I just hope at least June of next year we have a lot of LTE deployed across all 3 bands
  9. Sprint cannot afford anymore delays. They can talk the talk all they want about how fast and great their network will be once network vision is completed but new customers and existing customers doesn't care. We want a better network now. I understand what's sprints doing and why it's taking long but the average consumer doesn't. They have a perception "Why is Verizon, AT&T and now tmobile deploying faster than sprint the must suck etc" I just hope that by mid next year sprint has LTE on 1900 nationwide. And a good amount of LTE on 800 and 2600 deployed
  10. Man I'm not going to lie but I might jump ship to tmobile once my contract ends. Only is holding me back is their lack of lower band frequency. But I know sprint and SoftBank are working on things behind the scenes so I'm going to wait. Right now I have my work phone (pay $10 a month) and my consumer through sprint. Might just have a tmobile phone and a sprint phone.
  11. I just have to get through the next couple weeks then I'm on PTO

  12. RT @RogerRabbs: There will always be someone out there who will have it worse than you.

  13. So what's going on with Sprint's LTE advance, VoLTE and HD voice....haven't heard anything from sprint about these topics
  14. Batman arkham origins in two weeks!!

  15. I really want sprint to acquire smaller companies such as Ntelos, Us cellular, and other regional companies to expand their coverage
  16. I see the dent more like 3-5 years. At least by that time LTE should be nationwide
  17. I agree 100% I don't see a benefit of them merging right now. Maybe in 10 years
  18. Idk what was going on today but I was getting more 1 MB down on 3G. Usually in my area I average around .30 down. I also got .7 up which isn't bad at all (for my use)
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