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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Looking that way. Disappointing...
  2. That's partly because many businesses don't allow rooted Android phones to use Good. I had it, but then I decided I would rather be rooted than have access to work e-mail on the go. Who wants to work when not at work anyway? It'll be there in the morning...
  3. Best... commercial... ever!
  4. http://www.phonearena.com/news/Samsung-used-low-cost-chip-for-Samsung-GALAXY-Nexus_id26678 That explains it all.
  5. Well, Verizon GNex does not do SVDO. I would imagine the Sprint version does not.
  6. Cheap trick It completely immobilized me, and I am 270 lbs of butt kicking soldier. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  7. Top shot P. S. Stun guns suck. I got shot by one for a non lethal weapons class Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  8. Pretty sure the nexus uses the same chip for cdma/evdo but I will check Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  9. Could have been something to do with the advanced camera features of Android 4.0. The specific camera worked better or something... I don't know. All I know is that I prefer the Nexus camera over the E4GT. I'll take speed between pictures over a little better quality any day. That's how I decide which point and shoot I buy. They all take good pictures, but some take forever to process the picture, I start snapping pics in the store and whichever one is the fastest is the one I buy. The review of the different cell phone cameras is here http://www.phonearena.com/reviews/Camera-comparison-One-X-vs-Galaxy-S-II-vs-Nexus-vs-N8-vs-iPhone-4S_id3006
  10. I just read a test that had the Nexus camera beating the brand new HTC One X, which the camera was supposed to be the strong point of that phone. The GSII and iPhone might beat the Nexus, but the list is very short after that. Trust me, the GNex is a good camera, most people are instantly jaded when they look at the 5MP badge. It also depends on what you want your camera to do. If you want a replacement for your point and shoot, maybe the 4S and GSII are close to that, even though I have yet to see a cell phone take a good picture using the flash. If you are like me and want something to take a quick picture, in focus, of something happening spur of the moment, the Nexus is plenty good.
  11. What is wrong with the Galaxy Nexus camera?
  12. If going with Samsung again means they put the Exynos 5450 2.0 GHz quad-core ARM Cortex-A15 CPU with ARM Mali-T658 GPU in the next Nexus, all will be right in the world. Maybe that was a condition of Google securing that processor for the Nexus. And as far as Motorola making the Nexus goes, most people expected Motorola to not even be considered since it could have upset the other Android OEMs and Google wants to make it clear that Motorola is operating separately.
  13. Not sure how the whole registering of ESN's works, but I can't see how Google selling CDMA phones would be any different than buying a CDMA phone from a 3rd party retailer except that this specific retailer is not reselling phone plans. I would think that the ESNs would be registered with the carrier from the factory.
  14. I certainly hope it is very similar to the Droid HD RAZR MAXX they mention in this article http://www.engadget.com/2012/04/24/motorola-razr-hd-running-ics/ There is a possibility that it could be a physical keyboard phone. I have seen rumors that the Q could be referring to a QWERTY keyboard. Motorola certainly has a history of physical keyboard success with the Droid 4 being the latest in a line of high end sliders.
  15. Oh yeah, I forgot about the "if" in there. With all the marketing that Microsoft and Nokia are putting into the Lumia 900, one would assume that Sprint would want to make sure that they have a Lumia in the pipeline, or at least a WP. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  16. I thought they said that Sprint was waiting until Aug - Sep for another windows phone Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  17. The reviews are brutal... LOL Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  18. Circuit training Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  19. And a HTC Hero will run ICS if an ICS ROM is built for it. I was talking about OTA updates, not jailbroken hacked programs. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  20. Yes, but the OEMs have a much better picture of when next generation chips are going to be released. In the Bionic example, Motorola probably contracted for Tegra 2 chips and had a supply date from Nvidia, but found out that Nvidia couldn't come through in time. They could be currently working with TI or Nvidia or even Qualcomm to be the first device with their new next gen chip. I wouldn't think you could be a market leader by using whatever was the best 4 months prior to the release of your device. You have to push the limits or you'll be left behind. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  21. My desert eagle stops that. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  22. Oh, so an iPhone 3G can run multitasking? Or gamecenter? Can an iPhone 4 run Siri? The phone software may say 5.1.0 but it does not have a full update. This is fragmentation, pure and simple. Yes, basic apps can run on all versions of the iPhone, but anything that requires the advanced features of subsequent models is unable to run. By no means am I saying that Android is not fragmented, but basic apps can run on a high percentage of Android handsets too. The fact that OEMs and carriers have to add their bloat rather than making it a downloadable app is one of the largest reasons why updates are slow or don't happen at all. And as Ben said, there is a wide range of ROMs for Android phones where you can have freedom to do whatever you want with your phone. Tech savvy people can design their own custom UI and less tech savvy people can load up someone else's custom UI.
  23. Yes, you can just pop them in a new phone and it is active. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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