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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. I haven't messed with mine very much, I had issues with ghosting on my first one so I sent it back for a replacement. All I did on my second one is read a book so far. I may test the waters and see what is out there. It is nice to finally have a tablet with developer support. My Galaxy Tab WiFi has almost ZERO devs on it. The ones with cell radios have good dev support, but not the wifi only one...
  2. Nice, did you load a ROM on the first one you bought? Or still on stock KF software?
  3. The Kindle Fire is back on Gold Box deal today $139 for a refurb KF. Act quick, the last time it was on Gold Box, it only lasted a few hours. http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B0051VVOB2/ref=xs_gb_ARRGQEEMLV4PT?ie=UTF8&qid=1327619743&sr=8-1&condition=refurbished&pf_rd_p=441937901&pf_rd_s=right-1&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_i=20&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1Q4RWRC7GYHD3ZREBTDW
  4. Yes, there will be improved building penetration with voice service and LTE over 800mhz. The EVDO coverage will also improve and will increase in-building coverage by as much as 20%.
  5. Unfortunately, the South Texas market has not been announced by S4GRU.com. This means that the market is likely not in the first or second rounds of network vision and will not see network vision upgrades until some time in 2013. I'm not sure why the store reps would tell you that, but many times store reps are completely clueless and believe the rumors they hear, or they are just trying to sell phones and will tell you what you want to hear to purchase a phone at that time. Stay tuned to S4GRU for more updates.
  6. Yes, Star Trek IV coming to real life. Would they have called it transparent aluminum if it wasn't in Star Trek?
  7. Spiced rum Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  8. Caspian sea Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  9. Charter must be much more devoted to the caps. I never get more than 1% over my advertised speed. Not that I am complaining though. 30mbps down and 2mbps up is plenty for me. The only thing that burns me, is that I had to buy a new modem to get those speeds. The leased one was junk. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  10. That is some great battery life. I didn't think that the 28nm process would save power that drastically. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  11. I've been on 4.0.4 since February. The upgrade from 4.0.2 to 4.0.4 is not a google thing. It's a Verizon thing. http://www.gottabemobile.com/2012/04/27/verizon-to-blame-for-lack-of-galaxy-nexus-update/ For the life of me, I don't know why Verizon ever wanted the GNex. They like their phones locked down and laden with bloat. Now that Sprint has the GNex, Verizon will have to keep pace on updates or they will look awfully silly.
  12. I was aware of a couple bugs right after release that were promptly fixed, but I was not aware of anything else that hadn't been addressed. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  13. Technically the Galaxy Nexus was released in the US 15 December 2011, so I guess one might say it is last year's phone. If you want to look at it that way, the Nexus S is a 2 year old phone, and beat every last one of last year's CDMA phones to the punch with their ICS upgrade. What I consider "last year's phones" is anything built around Gingerbread and having to upgrade to ICS and "make it work" with the new OS. You'll always find some things that don't work the best when you upgrade the OS. This year's phones are anything built around ICS, and next year's phones will be built around Jelly Bean. (sorry Viper owners) Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
  14. The nexus is not "last year's phone" Google uses the nexus to introduce the next generation of operating system, so it could be considered the first of the current model line, but hardly "last year" and not "outdated." This has been discussed here before. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but the Nexus S was the first and only CDMA phone to receive the official Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade. P.S. GNex camera has beat the HTC One camera in every comparison I have seen.
  15. As I said I like to start from the basic building blocks of Android and set up my own, personalized interface. Avoid the system bogging junk, and stick to what I want to use and that's it. Some people like to jump right in to Sense and it works for them. Some people like to fit in the mold that Apple has released. To each his own. I've always been a one man wolfpack. I loathe when I am told what to like and what widgets I should use. AOSP works for me.
  16. pyroscott


    It would almost have to be for a model like the GNex that is a top 3 seller on multiple networks with the same form factor for it to be worth it for them to build it. Not everyone is interested in an expensive case even if it improves battery life. I would be, but there are a lot of people who would rather spend $10 on another OEM battery and swap. I would guess that the reason it is available for the iPhone is that there are so many iPhones sold that the consumer base is huge. Even if only 1% of iPhone customers buy the battery case, it is still probably more sales than 5% of EVO LTE customers. Then again, it seems like more Android users are concerned about being able to use their device heavily for hours on end, so maybe a battery pack would work. It would help if the AT&T version could use the same case.
  17. pyroscott


    Quite possible. If the phone sells in multiple millions, it might be worth the R&D to come up with a battery case for Mophie or some other interested party. I HIGHLY doubt it.
  18. I think I need to be checked for alzheimers... misspelled and cut the number in half memory is not serving me well today. I did run out of Kona coffee though. Folgers doesn't cut the mustard.
  19. pyroscott


    Too bad it wasn't a monster battery like the RAZR MAXX. Then I wouldn't care about having a removable battery.
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