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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. 0.3 MP camera on the iphone 2? Why even put that on there when I can draw a picture of higher quality with a crayon. All joking aside, nice writeup. I still can't see myself buying one, but it's nice to see they raised the bar a bit for the next generation of tablet screens, processors and GPUs.
  2. Justified murder Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  3. Sprint has said that all LTE phones, except possibly low end models, will have NFC, so don't worry about that aspect. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  4. Scott Johnson Sprint 4G Rollout Update Friday, March 23, 2012 - 3:14 PM MDT Many Sprint fans were put off by the downgrade of the “S” stock and remarks of Craig Moffett of Bernstein Research released Monday morning. Moffett claimed a looming bankruptcy risk on the horizon thanks to mounting debt, Network Vision costs, and smaller channels of spectrum for their LTE network. On top of all that, Moffett claimed that the LTE iPhone, which Sprint executives claim will secure the future of the franchise, could bring disaster for Sprint. By Friday, Shing Yin of Guggenheim Securities came out reiterating his company’s “neutral” rating on Sprint, downplaying the skepticism of Moffett and claiming that Sprint’s fledgling LTE network would handle the pressure of the LTE iPhone. Moffett’s stance Moffett wrote that there is “little margin for error” for the newest carrier to offer Apple’s iPhone. He believes, along with many more, that the next generation of the Apple iPhone will contain LTE connectivity. He is not convinced that Apple will manufacture a version specifically with Sprint LTE connectivity, and if they do, it will prove disastrous for Sprint. There are several notable arguments that can be presented here. Sprint is way behind Verizon and AT&T in their LTE rollout. Also, AT&T and Verizon are using larger chunks of spectrum for LTE which will serve higher data speeds and more customers than Sprint. Further, AT&T and Verizon are also better positioned to continue to provide iPhone users with sufficient speed as data growth grows in the future. Yin’s counterargument Yin believes that Sprint will surely see an iPhone that will be capable of LTE connectivity. He believes that Sprint officials would not have committed to a deal of that magnitude with Apple in 2011 if they were going to get a handcuffed version the following year. As far as lack of capacity, he expects the network will be underutilized initially, making up for a smaller LTE carrier, noting that only 5% of Verizon’s postpaid subscribers converted to LTE handsets even though Verizon has been inundating customers with an advertising campaign built on LTE and offering double data for LTE capable phones. Yin also brought up the fact that Sprint was able to convert about 10% of their postpaid customers to WiMax devices actually selling more WiMax devices in a year than Verizon sold LTE. Customers will buy iPhones regardless 4G LTE is not likely the only technological addition to the next generation of iPhone. After the incremental upgrades on the iPhone 4S, customers were left dreaming of what could be included in the iPhone 5. Even though many customers expressed disappointment that the iPhone 4S wasn’t a generational change, it still broke iPhone single day sales records by 66%. The sales for a generational change in the iPhone could smash the sales record of the 4S. Unless current policy is changed, Sprint has something that AT&T and Verizon are unable to offer new customers, unlimited data. Whether the data comes from 3G or 4G, new Sprint iPhone customers will be treated to an unthrottled “all you can eat buffet” of data. The “truly unlimited” offering by Sprint could even convert AT&T customers with grandfathered unlimited plans thanks to AT&T’s adoption of throttling its unlimited customers. Many customers are unfamiliar with 4G data and what it means to them Despite all the advertising and promotion of 4G LTE, many customers still do not know what it is and how it applies to them. Verizon sales staff may be able to promote that they offer the largest LTE network or that they are the exclusive offering of LTE in that city, but the iPhone has a wide demographic of buyers, many upgrading to their first smartphone. Initially, these new smartphone customers will not notice or care about 4G speeds, they will be overwhelmed with learning all the new features and will use less data than experienced smartphone users, putting less strain on the network. What it all means Sprint is definitely in a state of transition. They are in the middle of a great balancing act, between Network Vision, impending debt payments, and life support to Clearwire. If Sprint can execute Network Vision, they will streamline their entire organization, bringing network maintenance costs down, enhancing coverage, and providing customers 4G LTE technology. Sprint will become more profitable and can focus their attention on expanding their LTE offering on additional spectrum and maintaining a positive user experience. Photos courtesy of cases.com and redmondpie.com. Sources: http://blogs.barrons...od=yahoobarrons, http://blogs.barrons...e-lte-prospect/, http://www.readwrite...d_1_million.php
  5. Blackberry is no longer the top smartphone in it's own hometown. http://www.engadget.com/2012/03/22/iphone-shipments-overtake-blackberry-in-canada-rim-now-runner-u/
  6. One person? Maybe they are getting insane speeds and want everyone else to stay off their tower. LOL.
  7. I'm starting to see a lot of holes in Verizon's coverage in my travels. There are several places that I drop down to 1xRTT for miles on major highways. I have had dropped calls. I never had this with Sprint unless I was off Sprint's grid. I used to have 3G the entire drive to work with Sprint. Now with Verizon it is a mix of 4G 3G 1X and no coverage. It seems like they spaced the towers out as far as they possibly could and still barely provide coverage.
  8. I don't know if I should be happy that I am getting 4.03 Mbps at -107dBm, or pissed off that America's "Largest, Most Reliable Network" is only giving me -107 dBm of signal about smack dab in the middle of their LTE coverage area. The pin is on my address.
  9. I assumed the dBm readings were LTE and the program just displayed evdo... here are updated speed tests Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  10. So I ran 2 separate speed/dBm tests. One from the couch and one from the deck (12 feet away from the couch) and here are the results. Yeah, the second result was still LTE... as I said before, better building penetration my eye. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  11. and I can buy $300 windows laptops and throw them away when they start slowing down. My work uses Windows, so I wouldn't have to try to adjust from one OS to another. Then there is the fact that most of my friends who have a Mac computer, iPhone, iPad or a combination of them, start acting like this.
  12. I might give the iPhone 5 more thought if the rumor is true about the larger screen. My big sasquatch paws just don't work on a keyboard that fits on a 3.5 inch screen. Even the icons and links. Nothing wrong with people liking the iPhone, but when people act snobbish and think everything on the iPhone is superior to everything on an Android phone, I have a problem with that. The people that would stab their own mother for a launch day iPhone bother me too. And as far as Mac OS vs Windows, its a matter of betamax vs VHS. Mac OS may well be better than Windows, but there are about 7 programs that work on a Mac and not Windows and there are about 7 billion that work on a Windows computer and not Mac. Yes I know there are programs that you can run windows programs on a mac with a virtual OS but that is cumbersome and slow and why would I want to run a virtual machine?
  13. pyroscott


    I think I'm going to quit while I'm ahead. The more letters in an acronym, the tougher it is to string together words that fit. LOL
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