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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. You've hit it right on Jeff. I had to leave, even after 10 years with sprint. My data speeds forced me out, not to mention the erosion of benefits and nickel and diming bringing my monthly bill on par with Verizon That said, I will gladly go back to sprint when the network is back to what it was 3 years ago. Im not trashing sprint and they offer exceptional value by offering unlimited data. I also am worried what their churn numbers will look like this quarter.
  2. All the gray circles are towers that will be upgraded with network vision. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  3. I don't really blame them for using Clearwire and Wimax, LTE wasn't ready at the time, Clearwire was going to roll out a "nationwide" WiMax network, and the cost was relatively low in comparison to building the network themselves. Who knows, Sprint may have been planning on building their own LTE network the entire time... just using Clearwire to get the first 4G network and buy some time while Sprint saved money for their LTE network. Clearwire $#!# the bed on securing other wholesale customers and apparently was betting on their retail business to carry the network. Retail revenue wasn't what they expected, they had to slow their rollout and had to rely on Sprint like a crutch. Sprint could have let them go bankrupt, but losing 4G would have taken Sprint down too. So, it all comes down to, would you have rather seen Sprint stay 3G until now? Or be the first with a 4G network covering a good percentage of their customers?
  4. Just read a "positive Sprint" article on Seeking Alpha addressing Bernstein's comments. http://seekingalpha.com/article/448061-recent-sprint-downgrade-is-unjustified Contributing author Value Seeker wrote: It is a good perspective from someone who is bullish on Sprint and downplays a lot of the risks that Bernstein quoted when downgrading the Sprint stock.
  5. I like when he says that "the average customer doesn't know what 4G is, they think that the iPhone 4 is 4G because it has the number 4 in it"
  6. Was this on the Sprint website? Or??? Very interesting that they actually dignified his "foot in mouth disease" with a response.
  7. Maybe you should read some of the articles on this site about how Sprint is rolling out their LTE network. Lightsquared was a partner to Sprint, and Sprint was going to build out the lightsquared network alongside their own LTE network in exchange for lightsquared paying cash and allowing Sprint to use their network for extra data capacity. Now that Sprint has cut lightsquared loose, they are continuing on their own course and plan to use clearwire for extra capacity. It's a good thing Sprint "didn't put all their eggs in the same basket" but it would have been very foolish to count on lightsquared for their entire LTE network as lightsquared wasn't guaranteed that they would even be allowed to use their spectrum for terrestrial service which is what sunk them in the end.
  8. I would think they would at least allow you to map the button you want to use...
  9. The iPhone craze kind of started with the iPhone 3G. I think there is something in the 3G signal waves that brainwashes people. Good thing my head is too thick to be affected. Or maybe it is that I lack the required equipment for a brainwashing?
  10. Pretty cool. Clearwire is coming up with some decent customer adds lately.
  11. Map is still showing 2 data capacity upgrades in St. Cloud MN but no data speed upgrades anymore.
  12. I don't know. That whole ad campaign about "if you don't have an iPhone, well, you don't have an iPhone" felt insulting and made me dizzy. Really? My Android phone isn't an iPhone? Good! I guess they could have been going for the parrot technique. Get me to repeat it with incredulous anger and maybe it will stick.
  13. Matthias, you're going all in with the windows phone huh?
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