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Everything posted by pyroscott

  1. Social security Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  2. Social commentary Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  3. Download speeds are pretty good for that test sample, but those upload are not good at all. Slow upload speeds can be just as frustrating as slow download. Welcome to the site!
  4. Ha, ha. I lace up my boots every day defending American's right to an idiotic opinion. Not a problem brother.
  5. It doesn't really have much to do with the handset. It is almost completely dependant on the tower load, backhaul and signal strength. Sometimes I pull 28 mbps and other times it is 5 or 6 mbps. Even WiMax and HSPA+ are capable of more speed than most people see out of them. Post 1000, LTE-A baby!
  6. I am all for Clearwire making money on WiMax. It makes them even more likely to keep up the maintenance on WiMax after they roll out LTE
  7. When I had my Evo 3D, there was one specific item that was particularily annoying to me, especially when I was in a hurry, the carousel animation. You try to move from one home screen to another and all of a sudden, the whole desktop is making 2 fast complete revolutions. XDA member ozkaya created a MOD to remove this from the Evo 3D. This MOD is not available for all ROMs yet, but it will surely be integrated into more and more ROMs as time goes on. Check out http://www.xda-developers.com/android/carousel-animation-for-evo-3d-finally-removed/ for the article and this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1548427 for more details and download links.
  8. XDA Developer Caulkulin, who is arguably the top developer on the E4GT platform, has released a tool that will safely and easily remove the bloatware from the Samsung Galaxy SII Epic 4G Touch. According to XDA Article is here http://www.xda-developers.com/android/kiss-bloat-on-the-epic-4g-touch-goodbye-thanks-to-bare-rom-converter/ And thread containing the tool is here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1535776
  9. Sprint has lost 7% since he wrote that. And stock price has a lot to do with what Sprint can and can't accomplish. It can cripple their efforts in the short term until it rebounds.
  10. Figured I would post this here in case someone hadn't heard about it. This USB Jig http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0053H73JQ/ref=ox_ya_os_product will automatically put your Samsung phone into download mode so that you can flash firmware with ODIN in case you accidentally flash a corrupted firmware or anything else that might brick your phone and not allow the button combo to put the phone into download mode. $7 is a small price to pay to avoid a useless brick. I have read claims that it works on both gingerbread and ICS and that it works with Epic 4G, Epic 4G Touch, Nexus S, Galaxy Nexus and a host of other Samsung phones. This also resets the flash count, in case you need to return it for warranty issues you can reset the count and flash stock unrooted firmware and the phone will appear to have never been rooted. Samsung may or may not remove the ability for this to reset flash count, but it still can get into download mode. There is a handy guide made on XDA for the international SGSII, but the process is pretty much the same for any phone. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1402286 I don't know if there is a similar jig for HTC phones, if anyone knows I would be interested to know. Motorola is said to have a "factory cord" or something that allows similar functionality on Motorola Phones, again, if anyone knows for sure, let me know.
  11. Windows Phone stepping up their game... This definately won't be a sleeper like the Arrive. Microsoft is positioning themselves to take a serious bite out of someone's market share.
  12. I don't know that I would put too much stock in the pictures out there being the actual HTC jet. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  13. Netzero is apparently giving away 200mb of data per month for a year. Or you can upgrade to a 500mb or 4gb plan for as low as 9.99 per month. No contact, but you have to buy your own WiMax device from netzero. At least clearwire is still working on being more profitable. http://www.phonearena.com/news/NetZero-makes-a-comeback-as-a--mobile-4G-network-provider_id28229 Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
  14. LOL, my wife had one of those. 3 phones ago... Not a bad phone for its time but not the iPhone killer it was billed to be.
  15. S4GRU is ALL OVER the tech sites. The breaking news from the weekend has exploded. Everyone is talking about us.
  16. Here's another rumor to add to the GSIII rumor pool. Wireless charging, and not just the touchstone "set it on the mat" style wireless charging. This is rumored to work 3-6 feet away from the charging station. I'd say this is pretty sweet if it turns out to be true. http://phandroid.com/2012/03/19/samsung-galaxy-s-iiis-secret-weapon-is-wireless-charging-rumor/
  17. LOL, I had a Hero that was grandfathered in without the $10 add on. Couldn't take it anymore...
  18. Well, phones in general don't have the same power Wi-Fi chip.
  19. Is that what it is being called now? Application data charge?
  20. Definitely is nice. I just moved my router so I could get better connectivity. The laptop pulls it up just fine but the phone doesn't have the range of the laptop.
  21. Texts are pretty much a complete non-factor on the internet. Just a moneymaker for the providers. We have also seen minute usage almost disappear, and my texts have gone way down since I got a smartphone. I no longer need text alerts to keep up with my favorite sports teams, "there's an app for that", ugh... that ad campaign was annoying.
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