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Everything posted by The_Chemist

  1. I wonder what method Sprint uses to decide what batch of phones get updated when...
  2. Still didn't get the ZV8 update.
  3. Thanks for the explanation. Early on, my LG G2 was also shown as having no coverage in roaming areas according to Sprint's coverage map. Now it shows off network roaming. I'm not sure how whomever updates the map is not aware of the misinformation.
  4. Mike, you're too much. Am I understanding correctly that SignalCheck will actually display LTE signal on a deactivated phone? That's awesome!
  5. I did look at the Mega. I wanted something with a better quality display though. Thanks.
  6. I have the LG G2. I would really like a device with a large screen. I'll be paying full price, so I need to weigh all options carefully.
  7. That would be great to see the comparisons. I really like the One Max, but am hesitant to take the plunge because of the LTE performance.
  8. Yeah, It's kind of strange. When I chose the One Max as my device on Sprint.com coverage maps, it shows no coverage in areas where other Tri Band phones or single band phones show off network roaming. So how are you liking the screen?
  9. I have a question about the HTC One Max. I was looking at the Sprint LTE coverage map for PA on Sprint.com. When I choose the HTC one max as my device, there are large areas of no coverage. If I change back to my current phone the LG G2, I get off network roaming in the same places on the map that the HTC One Max shows no coverage. Is there an essential band that is missing from the One Max that doesn't allow roaming on Verizon's network? I tried many other Tri Band phones as the choice of device on Sprint's coverage map, but only the One Max shows the vast areas of no coverage. Is this an error on Sprint's coverage map when the One Max is chosen as the preferred device? Curious?
  10. You're making me jealous! It'll be years before they have band 41 here in Harrisburg. Enjoy it!
  11. Thanks for your input. I really like the screen on the one max, but I'd hate to sacrifice LTE. Somehow, I'm always in a fringe reception area. C'mon 800 MHz LTE!
  12. I'd be very interested to hear your impressions of this phone after you have had it a few days. I'm especially interested in how you feel the RF performance is. Thanks...
  13. Thank You Mike. I'll just wait until I receive the push update.
  14. Some calls, not all, have the crackle. It sounds like when you turn the speaker up way too loud and it distorts. I actually think that if the incoming voice is a little loud, such as on automated systems, it over-modulates the codec.
  15. My area is voice 800 complete. Just waiting for LTE 800 now...
  16. I'm with you on that one... The new HTC should be awesome as long as HTC decides to put some effort into the RF performance this time around. I really wish that there were some organization that would establish minimum reception and transmission standards for cell phones. It appears that the manufacturers of some of the current crop of devices is focusing on the "gee whiz" features and totally forgetting about the two way radio and sound quality.
  17. I'm not going to make that work-around change to mine. From what I wiki'd about it, that is a variable voice codec. I'm not so sure it's such a good idea to mess around with that. I was going to order a N5, but now the latest update for the N5 took away the fantastic RF qualities that it had - at least from what I have read. I guess I'll just hold on to this G2 until something better comes along with great sound and great RF. The G2 call quality is disappointing at best. My other phone (a Verizon Droid Bionic), sounds so good it's just like being on a landline. The bionic has a really rich warm sounding earpiece. The G2 isn't anywhere close to that, it's very tinny.
  18. There is currently an update being pushed that should help with the "crackling' call quality. I have not received the update yet, but it is being pushed out in waves, so hopefully I'll get it in a day or two. I tried to manually download the update from the LG website, but in their infinite wisdom they don't have the drivers for the Sprint LG G2. I also have the fluctuating signal bars as you stated. I also feel that the RF performance is very lacking. Hopefully a not too distant future update will fix these problems as well. I think the general sound quality of this phone is very tinny. There is no warmth at all. According to many people that I speak to with the G2, the mic gain could be a tad bit louder as well. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
  19. I was reviewing the RF ERP/EIRP of the G2, N5 and GN3. Since these are uplink numbers, I assume a higher value is better (meaning more transmitting power)? Am I correct? I know that in receiving, the closer negative number you get to zero is better. Thanks
  20. I Hope that actually does happen for the G2. It would be such an awesome phone with enhanced RF performance.
  21. That's an excellent question. I'd like to know the answer to that as well. I have the N5's brother the G2 and am soon going to order a Black 32 GB N5 (Got my SIM from Sprint today via UPS, thanks to you posting the correct SKU!). Thanks!
  22. I Think I remember AJ saying that while on LTE, the text can tunnel through. Hopefully I didn't misquote him.
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