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Everything posted by The_Chemist

  1. Robert, that's an excellent primer. I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks!
  2. You just lucked out and got one of the good ones! Other than my lousy RF performance, I noticed around the Harrisburg area, in numerous places, my G2 gets stuck on 3G. When back in a strong LTE area, the only way to receive LTE again is to cycle the radio. I've waited up to 20 minutes and finally gave up and then switched in and out of airplane mode. This may be a Sprint network issue though - not sure.
  3. Let's hope if it is indeed software, a forthcoming update will at least enhance some of the lousy attributes...
  4. Yeah, i know. I just read an Internet article on how poorly the G2 is selling vs LG's expectations. I hope LG actually does indeed recode the baseband, fix the crackling earpiece volume and fix the lousy GPS performance rather than abandon the G2 and move on to the next model. The battery life can't be beat. What a waste if the RF performance stays where it is now...
  5. WOW, I'm sorry to hear that! I guess we're stuck then, unless we swap out the device for the N5. I wouldn't know how to keep the older radio on the N5, so I'd be stuck with the new version that many users feel is not as good as the original. I often wonder why cell system providers don't require an excellent level of radio/antenna performance out of all the devices they allow on their systems. Look at the differences between the G2 and the N5. Why should a G2 owner have to put up with less RF performance than a N5 user? I don't get it.
  6. I know what you mean about the LTE performance of the G2. That's exactly why I tried a few other devices today at the Sprint store. From my totally unscientific, rudimentary testing, I at least satisfied my own curiosity if there were devices out there that receiver a better LTE signal than the G2. I really wanted to see if the One Max was as bad as its specs on paper. It appears that the One Max can at least equal the G2 in LTE performance (which isn't saying much). So are you saying that the Verizon OTA on the G2 didn't improve it much? I thought that "ericdabbs" said (...and I apologize if I misquote him), the users of the Verizon G2 saw about a 10 dBm gain after the update.
  7. I was observing LTE performance. The Sprint store where I went, is on a cell edge. They have no repeater. The signal levels were all -107 to -110 dBm except for the N5 and GS4 which hung around -97 dBm. On my phone, the G2, I looked at both your SignalCheck Pro and the network strength under "settings, about phone", which agreed. The store display phones I looked at, I used "settings, about phone..." I held the devices and switched them between my right and ledt hands. The signals remained pretty consistant throughout my testing. After all, I was in a Sprint store. I was limited as to what I could do with tethered phones. Rudimentary at best, but I wanted to see how well the One Max RF reception was compared to my G2. As long as I was there, I looked at the few other popular devices as well. Nothing scientific, but it cured my curiosity...
  8. Here is some interesting information that I wanted to share with everyone: I went to the Sprint store this morning and checked out a few phones. I wanted to compare signal strength to my LG G2. I'm interested in the HTC One Max so I wanted to see how it compared to my G2. HTC One Max: Same dBm as G2 Samsung Galaxy Note 3: Same dBm as G2 (single band device) Samsung Galaxy S4: +10 dBm better than G2 (single band device) LG Nexus 5: +10 dBm Better than G2 I had each phone side by side and observed the signal strength over a 5 minute period. Above are the findings. I didn't check firmware versions, only signal strength as the phones were displayed in the store.
  9. My G2 does that as well, but not to the extent yours does. When I get a crackling call, if I switch to speaker, it sounds just fine - it only crackles through the earpiece speaker. Not every single call I get crackles either. Some calls crackle and some don't. One that crackles for sure every time is my VOIP voicemail. If called from any phone other than the G2 it's fine. Here's a weird one as well. When I get a crackling call in the earpiece, turning the volume up the entire way makes it sound normal (the crackling stops) - but then it's too loud. This has only started since the ZV8 update.
  10. I really like your iOS status bar! Awesome...
  11. I used to love to watch that show!
  12. No, I'm just reaching for the stars.
  13. That's similar to what my G2 does. My Bionic locks on and holds where the G2 can struggle or won't pick up the satellites at all. Other days it works fine, but still weaker reception than the Bionic in the same place.
  14. My G2 will have performance as you stated at times (even inside my house). There are also times where the G2 just will not see the satellites.
  15. Yeah, I agree. Even using the GPS with Google Maps can demonstrate the errors. I tried using my Droid Bionic alongside the G2. The Bionic is dead on, the G2 could show me in a location 10 miles away from where I really am.
  16. I installed GPS Test which verifies the problems. I also read on another forum that GPS was an issue with the G2. Hopefully it'll be fixed with the nest update. Let consumers be the beta testers! I tried using Google to locate my phone and that fails most of the time as well. At first I thought the antenna may just not be the best, but that doesn't explain why it sometimes picks up satellites inside my house.
  17. YES, mine is awful. My G2 GPS issue appears to be intermittent. Sometimes it will even lock onto satellites inside my house and other times it has problems outside. It also will give an incorrect location.
  18. I have a question that I'm hoping someone can answer for me. I have an LG G2 phone. Using Mike's SignalCheck Pro, I noticed that when I am on LTE and a call comes in, the phone falls back to 1xRTT. When the G2 is set to CDMA only and I receive a call, the call comes in on 1x800. Isn't 1xRTT 1900 MHz? So when my phone falls back from LTE, I am not getting as good of a call signal as I would if I were on CDMA First, am I correct in my thinking about the call signal quality, and secondly, why is this happening? Thanks in advance for a response.
  19. Sorry to confuse you. All I meant was that I wish I knew how to load the ZV8 update myself NOW instead of having to wait for it. My phone is one of the cracklers I'd be afraid to try and load it like you and the other experts on this forum can so easily do.
  20. I have read that the crackling voice is fixed in ZV8 on these threads. I'm patiently waiting for my ZV8 to come along (This is why I don't play games of chance - I'm always a donator not a receiver). I can build a computer, and I have no problem whatsoever repairing Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers at work, but I'm afraid to root or install the updates to my phone. I'm afraid I'll "brick" it! Go figure...
  21. We'll have to keep our fingers crossed. The G2 is awesome except for the RF performance and the crackling voice quality that some users experience. I'm still waiting for ZV8.
  22. You just partially deflated my hopes that someday, the LG G2 would be a super RF performer. Now it is only left up to better radio .img files.
  23. Thanks, that's pretty interesting. I especially liked the part about not clearing the 'framework services".
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