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Posts posted by SpenceSouth

  1. I do have really bad reception in the area where I work, so it could be just that.


    Well it still shouldn't crash...  I am probably not handling a null value somewhere a long the lines.  That particular part of the application gets very complicated.

    • Like 1
  2. Everything is great with the update except when I go into the map and try to start 1x logging I get a force close.attachicon.gif Screenshot_2014-07-15-06-13-28.png

    What phone model is that?


    Can you try to start it again and then after it force closes go back to the map tab right away and press the Export Logcat button in the menu? That'll copy the logcat into a text file in /maptacular/ that you will be able to send me. Once I have that I should be able to figure out what's going wrong pretty quickly.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  3. Same here. The 'artificial inflation' of the dBm level on .15 allows me to keeps LTE in areas steady and constant receiving 5-12mbs down where I'd otherwise be getting fringe 3g and pulling 50kbs if I'm lucky.

    Same here as well. The dBm "may" be inflated but the effects of having a stronger signal reading are real.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  4. Glad I'm not the only one feeling the pain.. man these OEMs love to make things difficult. Nice job on the new features, sounds like some great work! I have been dragging my feet on drawing up LTE band icons for my app, maybe this will motivate me to get moving ;)



    No kidding there. Not that I'd ever switch but sometimes it kind of makes you envy Apple's one device model system. Thanks!


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  5. Do any of you guys have any idea why my G3 is connected to B41 but LTE Discovery and Signal Check is reporting the connection as B25? The engineering screen clearly states it's a B41 connection.


    I posted this in the G3 thread as well.




    Yeah, even though your G3 is showing a correct PLMN ID in engineering screen the system API's we both use are likely reporting incorrect info. I'd start by reporting it to LG... We might be able to find a work around for this eventually.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    • Like 3
  6. Its almost 1 hour after your post, I figure I'll download the update, but I don't see it in the play store yet. It still shows version 3.6.1



    I didn't get a lot of beta feedback and upgraded A LOT of features so it is on a pretty slow rollout through out the week.  100% of users should have it by Thursday, but if you think you might want to be an active beta user you can PM me and I'll send you a link to request access at.  The beta group has access to the same public version that everyone else does (as of right now) but you would be able to get it tonight.

  7. Wow I haven't realized how long it has been since I have posted here.

    As of today the latest version of LTE Discovery is on the market (v3.7) which is slowly going to be rolling out over the next few days due to the size and scope of the update.

    Notable new features:

    1. Advanced Visual 1x Logger-  The advanced visual 1x logger is a small part of a much larger project I have been working on.  However since it took so long to make this part I felt that it should be released and enjoyed now rather than later.  The premise of the logger is that it will identify, triangulate, and combine 1x800 and 1x1900 signals and towers into a single tower icon on the map.  I've found that the location algorithms I have created have seemed to be nearly spot on from the regularly reported systems values when the app has mapped three sectors so I am excited to see how this works out for everyone else.

    2. EARFCN card- Thought this was something that was sorely needed since people have a lot of questions on EARFCN channels.  Simply put this card will show the projected EARFCN range.  The flip side of the card (pro version click) will allow users to calculate the frequency and band of EARFCN DL and UP channels.  There is also a check shortcut that can bring users into their debug or service screens to check their EARFCN values, but the methods it supports are very limited at the moment.

    3. Fixed GPS Log- This one has been a long time coming... I have finally fixed the GPS Log and rebranded it as the LTE Log since there is a dedicated 1x logger as well.  The LTE Log screen shows all the sites you have detected.  There is a new LTE Log card addition that has automated queries as you log sites.  Basically it will show you the unique number of sites you have connected to and the unique number of band occurrences (not to be confused with total).  It is actually an amazingly useful feature to have and allows you to learn a lot of about the state of the LTE network around you at a glance.  The number of automated queries are limited to three on devices that fully report data and there are more planned on the way.


    4. Live Band Indicators- I have added some well styled band icons to the live notification.  Again the idea is to allow users to get an idea of their current network at a glance and this has worked remarkably well in testing as well.

    Well that's the list!  I hope you guys enjoy the update.  I have been working on it with my partner Dan for over a month and a half now nearly full time.  It feels great to finally be done and get people using it.  This is a VERY large update that touches on many core parts of the application so I won't be surprised to find a few bugs here and there.  If you find one please report it to me so I can get it fixed quickly.  Also if you absolutely cannot wait to get the update you can request to join the beta group to get instant access.

    (Not the best staged images as they are all from the beta development stages, but you'll get the gist of it)





    • Like 9
  8. Just a few minutes ago with phones side by side. B25 , i get fringe B26 at home so i can compare it tonight.]


    Wow that is a big difference.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  9. hey I finally got around to calling sprint with your suggestion and it worked no problem. Thank you.

    Glad I could help!


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  10. Am I the only one who's got Android L on their N5? Installed it last Friday. A couple apps are wonky or defunct (Slack, Facebook), but things are getting a bit better. And battery life is maybe slightly better than on 4.4.x, even though I was using ART on those versions as well.


    It's sad though that I can't view the LTE Engineering screen..."Service Programu has stopped" won't let me. I know L has a new radio with it, and at one point I was able to see the screen to know that B26 was connecting just fine...but not anymore :(

    I had much better battery life on it as well. I switched back to 4.4.4 because I have to test apps on KitKat and the lack of MMS was getting annoying. I hated the new notification system so there was that too...


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  11. Is there an Android app that can show GCI info. and hence I'll be able to see if the 2nd band 25 LTE carrier is deployed? Signal Check Pro does not support GCI info display with Moto X yet.

    If SignalCheck doesn't show GCI info it's because Motorola doesn't allow access to the needed API or doesn't report GCI properly. You may be out of luck until you upgrade your phone.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  12. The overall threads are just way too long to be useful.


    What's the status of tri-band on the Nexus 5?

    Working perfectly.  If you were waiting to buy it, go for it.  I can personally confirm that B41, B26, and B25 all function as they should and can seamlessly switch between bands without interruption.  (YMMV depending on how complete your market it, but no limitations due to the N5)

    • Like 2
  13. It's happening everywhere. There are a select few places I go in my side of town that don't have LTE



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Really? I feel like that's how I would describe B26 in the area lol. Haven't been able to drop LTE (I'm general) at all.
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