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Posts posted by SpenceSouth

  1. I'm in new Orleans and I get b26 all over with the 23 radio. And a prl update always gets it scanning for b26 if I need to give it a jump start.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Wonder if Ericson is the common factor here.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  2. Colorado Springs has had B26 for months. It's Samsung market, so CSFB is implemented quickly as well. I think this can be attributed to the quirks associated with the N5.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    Any different on .17?


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  3. Finally realized today how bad the .23 radio is for picking up B26. Until today, I have never once (according to SignalCheck logs) picked up B26 on my N5. Flashed the .15 radio and have been hitting sites all over Colorado Springs on B26. Since a lot of you have said you've been able to pick up B26 and even B41 occasionally with the .23 radio, it makes me think there are implementation differences between markets which impact the way the N5 picks up other bands. Anyone else experienced anything similar? Or am I just that unlucky?


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Did the B26 sites have eCSFB? My guess would be that they did not and that's why you found them with .15 and not with .23.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  4. That was a 55dbm. It was 1mbps basically at 100 dbm or higher

    Sent from my VK810 4G using Tapatalk

    I experienced that from some new B26 sites that weren't eCSFB enabled. Coincidentally, once it had eCSFB the same sites would have blazing 30mbps speeds. Might be something in the initial configuration affecting it...


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  5. Do you think they'll be done by July? b26 seems like it's an extremely slow implement



    Sent from my iPhone 5s

    It has actually been quite fast considering all than has been done. I think by the end of July it may be widespread but I don't think it will be done.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  6. Interesting. T-Mobile has a better signal than sprint regardless of band 26. Also band 26 speeds are no more than 3.5 Mbps and T-Mobile is 11-17 mbps. Verizon must have xlte because its 40-50mbps

    Comes down to site proximity and bandwidth in the end. Both T-Mobile and Verizon have a lot more spectrum to throw at a single carrier there.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  7. Not necessarily rooted. Just unlocked.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    I don't think you even need to be unlocked or have a custom recovery if you have the image file and flash it using the command line in fastboot.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    • Like 1
  8. I thought .15 wasn't good on band 26 because it makes band 25 so strong

    Not at all from my experience, which has been considerable at this point. It is set to the highest priority on my phone and it will latch onto it and not let it go. Even in an area with perfect B25.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  9. This was suspected to be the case, but has proven wrong by many people's experiences. The .15 radio is the only radio that will easily pick up B26, eCSFB enabled or not. .17/.23 simply do not connect to band 26 like they should even when eCSFB is fully activated. Personally, I run .15 all the time because most of the B26 around me is eCSFB enabled. On the off chance I hit a new B26 tower I can always force 2G/3G to call/text.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

    I know I have connected to B26 on .23 in downtown Orlando. That site has functional eCSFB. I do strongly recommend .15 though.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  10. Like I said my g2 works fine with that prl so its not a market.


    Terrell now that you are rooted, do yourself a favor and download the Franco Kernel Updater.  The donate version is $5.50 on the play store, but he does have a free version out there as well.  Personally as a developer I say pay the $5; it is completely worth supporting this guy.  Really makes a difference with battery life.

    • Like 1
  11. Digiblur stated before that if 1x800 is broadcasting on the test SID in your area, you can see problems with EVDO since there is some sort of location mismatch between the test SID and the settings for EVDO locally to the area.  When my area switched off the test SID to the local SID for 800 here I no longer saw this issue on my Nexus.  1x800 could work in harmony with EVDO.


    Gotcha I didn't recall that.

  12. I know the 513 PRL ismeant for hunting 1x800. It has a high priority for 800smr 1x and maybe even evdo, which doesn't exist. So it could be causing it to mostly want evdo on 800smr since you have 1x800.

    Actually that is the one I think I am sure isn't the case. I'm very confident in the person who created that PRL. He knew what he was doing.


    Something else is amiss.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  13. Well something has to be the cause. On my N5 with the 513 PRL, I have no issues connecting to EVDO or eHRPD while on 1x800.


    Same phone, same PRL, but different results with connectivity... Has to be something different.


    You two were the first two I have seen with that issue and you both live in Florida.

    I've reflashed it with DFS and QPST so I don't think the method is the cause.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  14. Could it be possible the 513 PRL is searching for non existent evdo channels? So that's why it has trouble?

    Not sure. When I went downstairs and connected to my nearest 1x1900 site it also connected to EVDO just fine.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  15. Everything is good now. Reflashed the prl. Thanks for your help man. I am in your debt.


    Glad I could help.  I am actually noticing that on 513 my phone doesn't seem to want to find EVDO either.  I'm going to reflash it or go back to 512.

  16. I have 1x800 and LTE but now evdo does not work at all. Help

    Try reflashing the PRL. I'm assuming you are using 512 or 513? Also, EVDO is working fine on another Sprint device in the same area?


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  17. Yeah just post it


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


    Okay so I have posted the instructions below.  It looks much more daunting than it really is; the process is quite easy.  You should be able to download the supporting boot.img and QPST from the links provided.  If you guys want I can post my git repository link that has the boot.img I used, but it should be the same.  I tested this on my devices just now before sending it and have done this same method about five times- never had any problems.  Regardless, read my brief disclaimer before trying lol.  Good luck!


    Any step with "Type: " refers to a command we are entering into the command prompt followed by enter.




    Please follow this guide to the letter.  I do not assume any responsibility or liability for what may happen to your device by attempting to modify your PRL, nor do I provide PRL's.  As the user you assume all responsibility and risks associated with this.  I also assume no risks for the 3rd party software used during this procedure.  Note this is the PRL flash procedure just for the Nexus 5 device.
    Preparation Steps:
    1. Download/install the Android SDK and have your six digit MSL number handy.
    2. Find the Platform-Tools folder located in the SDK Directory.
    ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-studio\sdk\platform-tools
    3. Be sure to have the Nexus 5 drivers installed and USB Debugging mode enabled. 
    Unzip the image and place it INSIDE the platform-tools folder.
    5. Download and install QPST 2.7 build 402.  DO NOT install build 422!  It is a fake that comes with a nasty accessory (trojan worm).  You should be able to find it on XDA- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2263391
    6. DO NOT close the command prompt until we are entirely finished with the flash.
    Lets get started:
    1. In the platform-tools folder, hold shift and right click, then select "Open Command Window Here".
    Note: The newly opened command prompt windows should reflect that we are in the platform-tools directory.
    2. Type in the command prompt: adb devices
    Note: You should now see a serial number appear.  This indicates that your devices drivers are installed and it is in USB debugging mode.  If you don't see your device's serial number, try reconnecting the device, using another USB cord, restarting the computer, reinstalling the drivers, checking to be sure USB Debugging is installed, etc.
    3.  Type: adb reboot bootloader
    Note: This will reboot your devices into Fastboot mode
    4.  Type: fastboot boot boot.img
    Note: You should see on the cmd line that this is downloading the boot.img.  Afterwards your phone will reboot normally.
    5.  Type: adb devices
    Note: We are verifying that our phone is still communicating with adb.  See the trouble steps in step 2 if you have any issues.
    6. Type: adb shell
    7.  Type: su
    Note: You will have to allow superuser permissions on your phone at this point.
    8.  Type: setprop sys.usb.config diag,adb
    Note: You will not see any activity on the command prompt or phone after this step, but you should hear a should from your computer, if your volume is on, to signify that your computer is installing the diag drivers.
    9. Open QPST Configuration
    10. You should see that there are a couple active ports in QPST.  Highlight the one that has some number under the phone tab and has USB for the link.
    11. In the menu bar: Start Client > Service Programming
    12. Select your phone with your phone number and hit okay.
    13. Go to the Roam tab and select "Read from phone".  You will then have to enter your MSL number.
    14. In the Roam tab, look in the Preferred Roaming section and browse for your .prl file.  Select it and then click "Write to Phone"
    15. Don't freak out... You should have gotten an error stating that your phone returned a permanent error and you will now notice that your phone does not have a signal.  Close out of QPST- don't save any changes. 
    16. Type: adb reboot
    17.  When your phone reboots check in the Settings>About>Status page to be sure that your PRL took.  Enjoy!
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  18. Is there a easier way to write a prl to the Nexus 5? I thought having a Nexus was suppose to make things like this easier. I can write a prl to the G2 in 5 mins and the Nexus it just does not work. Can someone make a youtube video on this?

    I'm away from my computer right now but later I can write a decent guide and give you everything you need.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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