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Posts posted by SpenceSouth

  1. Am I reading that correctly. You were almost 5 miles away from the site and it connected to b41? I can't even get a decent b25 connection in my neighborhood and I have a site less than 1 mile away lol.

    Sorry that is actually the residual location of the 1x800 site I was connected to. I'm working on triangulating the location of LTE cell identities with 1x BSID's so we can begin building a database for LTE site lookups though!


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  2. It did it for me... Lol. Got me all excited to find a reason to drive over there. But I haven't found one yet.



    Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk

    Got an IOA pass lol? Monday is the day to go! Been flying through all the lines.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  3. Haven't recently seen B41 either. I altered my scan settings to try to find some. It is certainly not as wide spread as B26. I've been across the whole park and have only lost it in Dueling Dragons and the Harry Potter ride. I know I had it earlier in the day so I can at least confirm we have the whole works at IOA.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  4. Haven't seen B41 either. I altered my scan settings to try to find some. It is certainly not as wide spread as B26. I've been across the whole pair and have only lost it in Dueling Dragons and the Harry Potter ride.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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  5. No lol I want to see band 25 in particular because I was not anywhere in that park. I also want to see band 41 speeds. Its just sprint does go from being shit to "Tha Shit" in 3 weeks lmao.

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Well to be perfectly honest I haven't seen B25 since leaving the parking garage. I have been on B26 all day.




    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  6. Yeah I was there less than a month ago and there was no band 26 or 25 only 41 was there and it was 1-3mbps down never even hit 5 so I'm going to need some proof

    The screen shots above won't do it for you lol?


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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  7. Well depending on how many people are at islands, and how many have dual or triband devices. and how many are using them in the line while waiting....that's pretty good. :D

    I know I had decent B25 and B41 on the way in, but I think I have been on B26 99% of the time. It has been great lol.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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  8. Have had the full experience in Islands of Adventure. Been on Band 26 for nearly the entire time (with eCSFB) and when I haven't had that I have been on B41, B25, or 3G with 1x800. Sprint is killing it here now.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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  9. All other things being equal, I'd be willing to upgrade for svlte, but I suspect that will also be missing from the Snapdragon 810. Haven't been able to find info saying either way, though.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Haven't missed SVLTE greatly but it would be nice to avoid the occasional eCSFB issues. Especially on the B41 and B26 sites.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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  10. Because:


    •It was backward compatible with CMDA 1x/EV-Do, and supported SVDO from the start.


    •It was the most spectrally efficient of the big three. (LTE/WiMAX/UMB)




    •Utilizes statistical multiplexing

    •Hybrid frequency reuse

    •Supports OFDM

    •Adds multi carrier support

    •Rev A uses 1.25 MHz carriers, most likely 3 per user would be used for Rev B, or 3.75 MHz

    •This is unique from HSPA because the carriers do not need to be adjacent

    Allowing operators to combine spectrum from multiple blocks


    PDF #01 link:




    ••It's one flaw I think, was that it wasn't TDD compatible.


    If I've said something incorrect, please correct me.


    Maybe it's remorse for CDMA dying a slow death, but it is what I believe to be true.


    I've heard of UBM but we haven't talked about it much, if any, around the forums.  I found this rather interesting.

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  11. Does anyone know how to disable 1x800 on the M7? My wife's phone seems to prefer the lower signal of 1x800 over the higher 1xrtt signal for some reason, and it is killing her battery. We have a 1900mhz repeater in the house, pointed straight at the tower. So there is no reason for the phone to be choosing 800mhz over 1900mhz.


    This is a replacement phone, and it is now doing the same thing as the one that it replaced. Sprint is, of course. giving her the runaround.

    Could flash a PRL that does not favor 1x800


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

  12. ^^^^ This was long overdue, but I too never had to worry about it.


    To add to this, the Xbox One is also going to be broken up from the Kinect as a solo console for $399. 


    If anybody has hesitated to get one, GET ONE!! They're awesome!!  B)


    I have to return my Xbox One to Microsoft at the end of the month, and to be honest I don't think I am going to miss it.  The Kinect has a lot of potential but I feel that it is never properly utilized.  With hardware like that they could do all the visual processing necessary to automate driving a car, but none of that power really shows in my livingroom.  Just wasn't impressed all around.  It's hard for the consoles to compete with PC gaming.

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