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Posts posted by SpenceSouth

  1. Ah ha. Eureka!


    So one of the other carriers notices that Sprint is about to rollout their real network using this update and finds a "problem" which holds the update up at the last second. I am now thinking we may never see 4.4.3. Dirty pool I say.


    Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

  2. Actually, it is surprising that if something has been released, it hasn't shown up on XDA yet. There are so many enthusiasts there that either one of them would have received it, or they know someone who did and it made it to the forums. Heck, XDA regularly gets "leaked" and "unreleased" updates. 


    I personally think that because Sprint doesn't actually control the release of the software, there is a good chance they are wrong about the release date. They were just told a general window of time, or something, and had to spill the beans.  


    Just Hesse trollin' us.

    • Like 1
  3. Come to the conclusion that battery life is 'meh' with this phone, even with battery guru. I had it fully charged when I went to bed last night and left it off the charger.. Woke up 7 hours later and it was at 34 percent. And regular usage gives me at most 6 hours. Anyone have similar experiences?


    Also, the 'NEXUS' letters are starting to fall out on the back of my phone. Basically little plastic strips. Kind of annoying because it fills with dirt now.


    Sorry for being a negative Nancy. But basically I love everything else about the phone, don't get me wrong


    Sounds like a fair criticism to me; no need to sugarcoat it, you won't be doing others any favors.  The real rub is that Android 4.4, the Snapdragon 800, and single path radios are all hailed as being the most energy efficient in their respective classes.  Makes you wonder what's drinking all the juice.


    Personally I find it to be a little worse than my EVO LTE, which some may find as odd considering the SVDO and smaller battery, but all in all the Nexus is a great device.  

  4. ...if it doesn't contain the Spark update well... I am personally going to start raising hell. Not sure about anyone else.


    I have been patiently waiting...


    I'll be right there with you.  I knows others like to judge us as being very impatient, but we have sat relatively content for 6 months waiting for the update.  It's time they deliver. 

    • Like 6
  5. Sprint seems to have some widespread Daylight Saving Time bugs in their NV deployments. Several of us have experienced the 1 hour off time when your phone is set to acquire time automatically from the network. It seems to have started with the "Spring Forward" a few weeks ago. It is possible that the 3G/1x connection that you are moving back to when talking on the telephone has a different time than the LTE network that you are normally on due to this bug. If your time is off and the tower and band you are on has been accepted, you should contact Sprint so they can fix the automatic time in that area.

    Yep I've gotten this a few times driving between Orlando and Jacksonville. It can be very frustrating if you don't catch that your phone went back an hour.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



  6. Then I guess you wait.

    Again. Endless nagging and bitching isn't doing anything to help the issue.


    I only see one instance of nagging and bitching going on right now.  The lack of tri-band support is a persistent source of early-adopters anxiety for owners of this phone.  It's perfectly okay to express our desire to get this update promptly- after five months of waiting it has hardly gotten out of control and the conversation/statements are completely mature.  No need to bring others down.

    • Like 5
  7. Me, too and I have no idea why but it's very annoying

    Gosh I get those too and always think my phone is going to explode because they come in 5 or 6 at a time. I think it's voicemail related (says something about voicemail in the text) although I never have a voicemail when I get them.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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  8. So I'm back on my Nexus for good after phone hopping for the last couple weeks and I've come to hate my spigen screen protector on my phone. It feels really nice when it's all cleaned up and what not but once it smudges up it feels like absolute shit. What's the recommendation for a normal screen protector and then are there any recommendations for the glass screen protectors?


    If you like matted screen protectors then this is a good one.



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