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Everything posted by MarshieZ

  1. RT @whatevercole: Even if I sleep 9 hours I will still complain that I did not get enough sleep that's just how it goes

  2. RT @whatevercole: Why am I just seeing this beautiful masterpiece now http://t.co/aRiBfBDJzM

  3. That makes me kind of wonder, I looked and actually three out of the six Sprint stores closest to me are hiring sales reps? Yet so many are getting cut, these stores must be doing well I guess. As for the ones who are getting laid off, I hope everything goes well for you and that new opportunities arise! Remember, when one door closes, another one opens.
  4. Hey, the screen could be black & white and in 8 bit. It could be worse.
  5. RT @KyleLajewski: smart phones but stupid people

  6. Do you have your screen on full brightness, dimmed down or auto? Just wondering because I've been so busy I haven't "timed" it yet, but I have mine on full brightness. I on the other hand do have the screen on quite a bit.
  7. RT @NewACTQuestion: #NewACTQuestion Starbucks messed up Kate's order. Kate's white. How done is she?a.) 100% doneb.) 300% donec.) SO do…

  8. Dan Hesse All hail the person helping turn things around!
  9. I thought the same thing, I wonder how they got "that" number.
  10. Oops! Sorry! I haven't really been keeping track of the S5 until yesterday, my apologies!
  11. Anybody else see this yet? Thoughts? http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2455011,00.asp
  12. Now to get back on point with the thread... I really hope this will be a wake up call to consumers to realize just how much the MSRP actually is on these devices. The subsidy kind of puts a brick wall up and the only thing people pay attention to is the bottom line. So yes, I fully agree with you guys here. Maybe people will wake up and be more careful and respect their phones. I see way too many people drop them, chuck them across a room and toss them like their a toy from the .99 store.
  13. Thank you, I have said this I don't know how many times. And no, I'm not saying this about everyone. But people ESPECIALLY my age (I'm 19) go for Apple because "everyone has it", there are plenty Android/Microsoft items out there that are just as good if not better for less money. But some people are so closed minded about it they go for it purely because it's "what everyone has." On the other side of it though, there are certain things that Apple products are useful for especially in a work environment.
  14. Actually what makes me laugh is what is written in this article: Is it any wonder more people don’t love their wireless carrier? Sprint’s new plans do a pretty good job of illustrating the tangled mess that wireless calling plans have become. (“It makes me want to stick a fork in my eye,” a woman from Illinois told us for a story last year.)
  15. Sorry, but this is a joke to me... Just like the above link states, is everyone forgetting about Virgin Mobile? $35 a month for 300 minutes of talk and unlimited data (technically) and texting. How is this any better, there is even better pricing on phones through Virgin and a bit better selection depending what you're looking for. If they included roaming or something fine...
  16. RT @ZannaMallory: I have this need to compliment people and it might come off as creepy but in all reality I just want to make people happy…

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