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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by mmark27

  1. I too have some invites, send me a message if you want one.
  2. Well, yes and maybe no, but SCP is hanging on the display, the phone is getting data as you can see it says mobile data active. In my engineering screen it says I have a -118dBm LTE connection on B26 and I can get/send data. It could very well just be a samsung issue, but I was just following up on my report I sent through SCP.
  3. Mike sent you a log. I'm seeing the SCP hang after disabling WiFi and WiFi calling. Display looks like this even though WiFi is off. Persists through airplane mode cycling. sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  4. Lately, my S5 has been having a hard time reconnecting to Sprint Network data after being on WiFi. One thing that does speed up the connect is to turn off the WiFi calling, then it connects up. I'm highly doubtful that SCP has anything to do with this as SCP only reports what the phone is doing.....and in this case, I think, WiFi calling is the culprit (of many issues).
  5. WiFi calling takes you off network completely, so SCP is real lost. Don't worry about it. sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  6. WiFi calling (on the S5) causes GPS issues when I try to use Google Maps and/or Waze sometimes. Have to disable WiFi calling in order to get a solid GPS lock "in those apps", using GPS Test, I've got a great lock. WiFi calling could definitely be the culprit for SCP. I disable that the second I leave the place I need it (work). sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  7. This really belongs in the S5 user thread but, Sprint and Samsung are usually the first to update their phones from any carrier. So it's not "abysmal". This one is an anomaly. 4.4.4 is very minor, yes, technically just security patches but Sprint is fixing some other bugs that other carriers haven't had to deal with. 5.0 is going to be a lot of work for them. sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  8. Someone will figure it out. They always do. sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  9. Any day now the 4.4.4 (NJ1) will drop for the S5, so let's hope! They've also fixed a ton of Bluetooth issues reportedly so maybe they worked up the radios and reporting good. sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  10. Probably not, they'll just release more phones. Pains me because I use a Samsung phone and I WANT this feature! Hey, at least they finally learned how to spell "engineering". sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  11. Well I'm in your hood now, in STL. Near Ferguson (since everyone now knows when that is). I don't have it in Madison though. Just never got prompt, didn't know if we were all supposed to see it. sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  12. I never got a prompt to clean the logs (yes, no, ask later) ? Will everyone get said prompt? (yes, I just updated) sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  13. Okay, I'm anxiously awaiting this new version and am bummed about the loss of all my site data, however, how about this idea: What if you made an add-on to your app for Premier Members that contained all the site data address/location with predicted GCIs, since most markets have them. Since we can't control export/import without root and it sounds like a lot of work for you to code, maybe it would be easier for you to just build a db with all these data from premier threads so it would populate into a predicted location line or note line and then that could be user edited if incorrect??? That's probably a lot of work, but we've got a lot of data from markets with enough prediction already. My thoughts on the premier only thing could be that, or could be a publicly available for a couple bucks....a portion of sales could go back to S4GRU for the data and help with site costs. Just thinkin' out loud here. Maybe this has been proposed already.
  14. Yeah. Started that with the ne5 software. Annoying and hopefully fixed with our next software. Sprint has acknowledged the issue. sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  15. This for sure, solid hand offs on complicated networks. The WiFi is probably too strong, honestly. Keeps a signal forever away from my house (when on a dog walk) or walking to my car after work. But that signal, isn't real usable. Glad you like the phone. I really wish it had a better camera in low light, but otherwise, I'm pretty satisfied.
  16. I always, always sing Menomonee ever since I heard it exists. HA ha sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  17. RF perception is weak with the S5, but it's been usable everywhere I've been. I like a lot of other things about it but if you're basing it off RF, then you could do better. For me the IP67 is a big draw, so I wouldn't go another direction until there's a worthy successor with that. So that means I wouldn't look at the Note. My biggest gripe is the slow startup with the camera, but that might just be a new Samsung feature as reviews show the Note4 takes a few ticks to open. sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  18. It's not rolling out yet. No announcement or source posted. Just a confused Samsung Help Page. Hopefully soon though. sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  19. I never put anything but OEM batteries in my devices. Too expensive for cheap batteries. That's how phones burn up. I have 2 stock batteries I can swap. sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  20. It may be time for you to move to a new carrier if Sprint isn't meeting your needs with a 5s. It really isn't going to get better in many of those locations as most towers are updated, save for a couple kind of in that area. B26 (800MHz) is going to carry the weight of coverage indoors and your 5s can get that. However, for outdoor speeds the upcoming B41 will help. These are just the facts, as was observed long ago, with the tower setup for the Milwaukee area, Sprint isn't going to have great coverage. They need more towers and that's not going to happen for a while or ever.
  21. Hmm. That's weird. That fixed all my YouTube issues. Thought it might help you. sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  22. Zero out your server proxies in the ##data# menu, edit, enter your MSL, multimedia, change fields to 0 or sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
  23. Luckily Madison has a few up already, Milwaukee too. Those will get turned on regardless when they turn on the rest. sent from an underwater dust storm with my Sprint S5
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