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Posts posted by TheCUJuan

  1. So I wifi calling came out just as I was going on a business trip somewhere with poor to no sprint service. Great timing...

    However ever since stating to use it there seem to be at least 7-12 calls "made from my phone" to New Orleans - different phone numbers but all close to each other. I didn't do any of those calls and have had wifi calling off for the past week since I came back to good sprint coverage. I called sprint and they changed some "m Id" or something like that for my phone. She said it could take some days for that to kick in.


    Has this happened to any of you?

  2. When i got my friend to port from Straight Talk to AT&T and then a few days later to Sprint, I restored her iPhone 3GS backup to my iPhone 5, and the same thing happened. As soon as I realized what was wrong, and got rid of the straight talk data profile, her phone worked great.

    Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1

    Just in case this ever happens to me. How do you delete these profiles?
  3. So has anyone else have problems getting an incoming call while on LTE? They just turned it on here. At first I had no problems. It seems to have started with the b41 upgrade. Sprint care was no help, says I have to wait for the upgrade to finish and then my phone will work. Not sure I buy that.

    At least in my home tower, call service was very sporty for 3 or 4 days while they were upgrading.. Then it worked like a charm

  4. Can you get a signal inside the Roundhouse? In the past I could only get a signal on the north and east side of the building and in the rotunda with Sprint on 1900. And then only up high. Pretty poor signal.


    Even on ATT and Verizon I couldn't get a signal somewhat deep in the Roundhouse. And most subcommittee hearing rooms were dead zones. But the WiFi was OK most of the time.

    Service in the roundhouse had improved so far. However, reception in the basement and in the House gallery remains very spotty - almost non existent.

  5. No it has been broadcasting for like the last twenty minutes. Just ran to Wyoming Walgreens and didn't have anything. Just read this and sure enough it is on.



    Sent from my iPhone 6 64GB using Tapatalk

    So is it me, or is the LTE not really working? i have found myself switching back to 3G to be able to actually use the internet. When I do speed tests they are often coming up with a dallas location? 

  6. So a friend of mine was telling me he drove between ABQ and Santa Rosa and for 90 minutes of that drive he was on 1x and therefore unable to stream pandora or any other music services. He made it sound like it did not use to be that way. Anyone know why that would be and if there was a change?

    He also said he had heard of someone who has a house where Sprint had a tower near the highway whose contract with Sprint did not get renewed. Any word of any towers on i40 getting decommissioned? Thx!

  7. How do you figure that? I mean, sure, they give you 500 free minutes, but ATT has had a plan that for $5 you get .01/min calls to many Latin American countries..

    I misread the press release, I think it's unfortunate that they are not giving the free year to existing customers, I was getting ready to add the plan to the account. But wont do it for $5.  :td:

    Oh and tmobile has a $10 plan that gives you unlimited calling to landlines in Latin America. As a Latino customer with family in two of the countries covered in the new plan I'm very disappointed.

  8. Even at $5/mo, it's still waaaaaaaaaaay cheaper than the other carriers to call Latin America.

    How do you figure that? I mean, sure, they give you 500 free minutes, but ATT has had a plan that for $5 you get .01/min calls to many Latin American countries..

    I misread the press release, I think it's unfortunate that they are not giving the free year to existing customers, I was getting ready to add the plan to the account. But wont do it for $5.  :td:

  9. My usage is going to stay high for a while because of the speed tests I'm running... Especially if I find an 8'er site. I'm just not used to having such fast LTE lol. A friend just switched to Tmobile and I told him he should've tried out a triband phone before doing so... Looks like I was right. He should've.



    Sent from my iPhone 6 on Crapatalk

    Why so many speed tests?  :banana:

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  10. Correct. I don't mind 16gb iPhones, because I use the "cloud" profusely. My last iPhone 5 was a 32gb and I never used more than about 12gb at a time. Anything larger is a waste of money for me.

    That's great. There's lots of iphone 6 +s here that are 16 gb but Id be afraid of running out of space. I use the cloud a lot but have some larger games that take up a lot of space. How do you deal with pictures and videos? Those seem to take up a lot of my space too.

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