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Posts posted by TheCUJuan

  1. So a couple of months ago, I went to visit some folks in Binghamton and the service is relatively spotty in the area around Matthews street and Leroy St. So spotty that my parents wanted to inquire about switching to Sprint and getting a signal booster for their house and the Sprint store said they couldn't b/c there was no service there. Any idea as to why there's that dead spot in the middle of the city and if the NV upgrades will fix that?

  2. So I got another text from Sprint yesterday that said: "We're continuing to make network upgrades in your area. See how this affects your service at: sprint.us/networkupdate3" The website that it sends you to says:

    "Network Update

    In the next few days we will be updating one of the towers you use most. This construction may cause temprary service disprtions. We are working to ensure the udpates are made quickly to minimize any inconvenience to you. Visit sprint.com/network for information about network improvements."

    Anyone else get this text? AFAIK the two towers nearest to me are the one on San Pedro south of Paseo and the one by the Del Norte Plaza on San Antonio and Wyoming and neither had been upgraded yet.

  3. Ok, so the weird thing is that I just tested it again and it now seems to be working fine. I'm not sure if they turned something on when I called Sprint customer service or what, but it now seems to be working fine... Has anyone experienced this issue before?  :wacko:

  4. I've had an iPhone on AT&T since the very first one and was always able to easily do 3 way calls on each iPhone I owned. However, since switching to Sprint I find that when I try to conference/merge the calls it ends up dropping all the calls. Is this a common issue? Is there a way around the problem?

  5. So I went ahead and got the 32g from Google play and returned the one from Sprint. Well I think some things may be a bit off.. It seems to hold on to 1x when driving far longer than the other nexus 5 or even my iPhone. It also does not show the little r that indicates roaming when I'm roaming like the other nexus did. Finally last night I set the phone on the wireless charger and woke up to a dead phone. When I plugged it directly to the wall I got a quick flagging red light and then a couple of minutes later I was able to turn it on and it showed 20% battery.

    Any how. Are there any network settings I may be doing wrong?

  6. Makes me wanna dump them for my home internet lol

    Yes.  They did pretty well in Austin, Nashville, Jacksonville, Minnesota (except Duluth).  They are still waiting for backhaul in Duluth.  But the majority of the cities with little to no LTE sites in the Sprint network are CenturyLink.  CL also has a lot of sites in some major cities like Phoenix and Las Vegas too.  They are going to need to get theirs going soon, as Cox is nearly complete on all their sites in those markets.  CenturyLink is a factory of sadness.



  7. So as I posted a couple of days ago I switched from iPhone to the N5 and today I took the train to Santa Fe and was able to use the phone in places where I knew the iPhone struggled. What a difference! The reception was much clearer and was present in many places where the iPhone either had no reception or really struggled. Overall I'm pretty happy so far.

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