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Posts posted by dkyeager

  1. Basically forced to do the update within two days.  Samsung band selector app still works on the Verizon network MVNOs. One noticeable change so far: 4G in large letters in top right icon with LTE going down the side.  5G icon looks the same if on the LTE bands that switch over and the site at least has DSS.

  2. 6 hours ago, greenbastard said:

     Sprint was who we thought they were.

    I think a lot of Sprint's behavior goes back to financing.  Almost every site would get upgraded. Vendors were locked in regardless of product merit.  Almost going bankrupt does not help the planning process.

    T-Mobile has cash flow thus can approach the network on a more rational basis.

    • Like 3
  3. 47 minutes ago, iansltx said:

    Visible and US Mobile Pooled. ServiceMode is locked out on the latter but speeds are uncapped and latency is better (VZW/Visible deprioritization here, like many places, is pretty brutal). But obviously for network sniffing the Visible SIM is better, so when I'm site hunting that's the one that's in my phone.

    Have you tried the Samsung band selector app when using US Mobile?  You could then get band info from cellmapper etc although you might lack bandwidth.

  4. On 1/31/2022 at 2:06 AM, iansltx said:

    To be clear here, finding T-Mobile n41 when there were two towers live in the entire Austin metro back in October 2020 or so was easier than finding VZW C-Band with "95 million pops". Not comparing the current n41 build of course because that's taking a gun to a knife fight at this point.

    Also tried finding n77 southwest of Austin. Couldn't. n2 for days.

    The biggest issue is it's NSA, thus you need to be on main bands and try to force it using speedtest or other high data application.  If your not on unlimited, this could get expensive. Even then, only can really use signal strength to confirm sites which is quite primitive. Widespread VoNR can't come soon enough so SA can thrive!


    P.S.: 0.5GB per speed test for n77/n78

  5. New update. Says it can not be reversed. Patch level remains the same, Jan 1, which makes me nervous. Want to see that band selector app works first.


    Build Number : G998U1UEU5BULH
    Android version : S(Android 12)
    Release Date : 2022-01-24
    Security patch level : 2022-01-01
    • Overall stability of your device has been improved.
    • The security of your device has been improved.
  6. 22 hours ago, iansltx said:

    Did some more exploring tonight. Saw n77 on both my USM and Visible SIMs, but never for long enough to take a screenshot, let alone do a speedtest. VZW's coverage maps are *massively* overstated for n77, at least here. Had to go pretty far north to even get those glimpses. Finding T-Mobile n41 was miles easier.

    Agree, at least by a factor of 2 (unless still tuning). Picked up what SCP says is n78 (n77 subset)@ -100db (Jan 24th edition) on S21 Ultra. Got 303/31 speeds.

  7. 1 hour ago, dkyeager said:

    Hoping for esim for my S21 Ultra.  No luck so far.

    Just figured out this is a waste of time. US Mobile and Verizon lock the eSim to the emei while T-Mobile only uses it to see that you have a capable phone, like Red Pocket does with physical sims (although RP does keep track of what phone you are using it on with the emei.)  So @Trip was right in this case on liking physical sims.

  8. 5 hours ago, iansltx said:

    ...didn't find a shred of C-Band, including with my brand new US Mobile SIM.

    Verizon has a reputation for being frugal with MVNOs. After looking around, I also decided US Mobile was my best option. People have gotten C band on it.  Hoping for esim for my S21 Ultra.  No luck so far.  Red Pocket does not claim Verizon 5g, although they say Soon!(TM).  I do see some 5g with it.

    Typically MVNOs are deprioritized, thus I am reluctant to claim truly getting top speeds with one.

  9. 1 hour ago, red_dog007 said:

    Fiercewireless put out an article today.  Sounds like AT&T wont get heavily started until later this year when equipment will be more available that supports both 3.45GHz and C-Band.

    Financially makes sense, but may put them far behind T-Mobile and Verizon 5g marketing.  Could put them up against Dish if Dish gets their act together and starts their public network in Las Vegas in late February.

  10. 49 minutes ago, red_dog007 said:

    I don't have a 5G phone yet. Once Dish goes live for consumers I'd totally throw down for a phone and hop on Dish's network.  At least provided they allow access to towers even in unofficial markets.

    It will be interesting to see how Dish handles this. They could go the TracFone route of using the carrier with the best service, or it could just be a standard roaming arrangement with AT&T outside of their native network.


    The most investing comment from one of the Dish contractors was this network will also be used to replace home satellite dishes. I can see them going into the WISP business eventually.

  11. 41 minutes ago, red_dog007 said:

    So, I just got a new Toyota.  Uses the AT&T network.  I just paid $200 for their unlimited prepaid unlimited service.  Is there any way to find out information on the modems Toyota uses?  What bands are supported, do they support CA, support 5G, etc?

    Also, another note of discussion, with the 3G shutdowns from AT&T, VZW, Sprint and even the LTE shutdown on Sprint, a lot of vehicles will no longer be connected.  Do we know if car manufactures are going to have the option to upgrade those modems to LTE/5G?


    https://www-forbes-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.forbes.com/wheels/news/car-industry-upgrades-4g-automakers-preparing/?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&amp&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16429785461601&amp_ct=1642979125889&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.forbes.com%2Fwheels%2Fnews%2Fcar-industry-upgrades-4g-automakers-preparing%2F

  12. 1 hour ago, Trip said:

    Bleh, hope not.  The eSIM is a huge step backwards to the bad old days and I have no desire to encourage their use.

    But in any event, maybe I should get Boost service, then, if people are already seeing it.  I can use it for AT&T until Dish native gear goes live in this area.  Have to ponder that a bit.

    - Trip

    I think on esims it depends on how they implement it. If you can freely activate them on one phone while having it loaded on many that would be great.


    I will let you know when I see Boost Mobile native 5g live here. So far no sign of even the plmn being active which I figure will be my first indicator. I look at changing networks with the TNX Sim and seem to get a full list of all carriers and their alternate plmns.

  13. 5 hours ago, RAvirani said:

    No user access to the native 5G RAN in the Washington, Montana or Alaska yet. 


    13 hours ago, Trip said:

    I'm anxious for it to go live except that I don't have a 5G-capable phone that actually reports data to SignalCheck...

    - Trip


    The T-Mobile and AT&T sims could also be basically generic MVNO sims. Hoping if they need a new sim, it's esim. I did hear that testers did get one. 

    Analyzing cellmapper data appeared to show it was found by people using the T-Mobile sim.

  14. 1 hour ago, red_dog007 said:

    Is Dish still 100% MVNO or do customers now have the ability to use their towers?

    T-Mobile and AT&T MVNO (separate sims) with some Sprint holdouts.  Many Dish towers are going up (so far without power in Columbus, OH).  plmn 313340 will show mainly Las Vegas, which is in beta.  Rumor is big announcement in February.

  15. On 1/19/2022 at 11:44 AM, dkyeager said:

    On Jan 15 in France Samsung started the Android 12 update process with One UI 4.0.

    Source: reddit.com/r/samsunggalaxy

    esim ability for this phone is NOT included.  Likely not supported by hardware.  You would need to consider a sim sized device like https://esim.me  I have one, but waiting for MVNO support.

  16. 1 hour ago, thisischuck01 said:

    I'm of the opinion that they're looking to hedge their bets in further EBS/BRS acquisition. 

    Great job on your analysis of small cells versus the 3.45GHZ and the population coverage requirements.

    I wonder if the fcc is stalling because they may address the key limitation of of 2.5: the convoluted frequencies. Not sure how they would get there, but it would be better public policy if you could actually use a single license in current times, ie 5, 10 or 20MHz. Of course they could also go in more of a nonprofit or small business direction. But most likely they will keep it as planned given how messy the transition would be.

    In many/most metro areas BRS/EBS is fully licensed. Would be nice if they put pressure on the squatters.

    • Like 2
  17. Bought a esim "sim" card a few weeks ago that operates in all of my more current phones according to its app. It arrived a couple of weeks early from Berlin.  Now if my MVNOs would get moving and support more than iPhones and rarely Pixels so I can test this thing. https://esim.me

    The only item really troubling so far is reviews in google play store keep getting deleted, even 5 star ones.

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