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Posts posted by anthony.spina97

  1. But that would involve carrier aggregation which Verizon hasn't really starting to build out for. Only 2 current US carriers can do LTEAdvanced, AT&T and Sprint. T-Mobile and Verizon for right now are still on FDD.

    The CAPACITY of a 15x15, not the throughput of a 15x15. It's the same thing as Sprint launching a second 5x5 carrier in PCS.



  2. i have been thinking about this for a while now. if you take away B41 (2500MHz) from sprint they actually have like no spectrum what so ever. if they could only deploy 5x5 on B26 and 25 they effectively have less spectrum than T-Mo.


    I know they license some 2500MHz from schools and such so lets hope they dont get any ideas to take the spectrum from sprint and try to sell if for a profit. considering a 20 or 40MHz Block of spectrum would get them a boat load of money.


    On the other hand i have no idea why verizon is even deploying LTE in 1900MHz as a 5x5 carrier. they have so many customers that their 700MHz 10x10 is slower than sprint in alot of places so whats the point of a 5x5 carrier. all they would do is give their subs slower speeds and miff em real good.


    They would be better off selling that small sliver of spectrum since T-mo/spint/AT&T/ would probably be highly interested in adding it to their own holdings for wider channels.

    First, you have to include Sprint's PCS holdings that currently are being used for CDMA instead of LTE, which alone can be more than 35 MHz in some markets.


    Next, the benefit of Verizon running a 5x5 in PCS means that Verizon goes from having the capacity of a 10x10 network to having the capacity of a 15x15 network when in range of the PCS carrier. Which, in turn, will increase speeds on the 700 MHz network.



  3. Is there a certain distance that band 41 starts fading?





    There isn't a specific distance that Band 41(or any radio frequency/technology) begins to fade. It varies by every site in every market. It depends on a plethora of environmental factors, site transmit power, down tilt, etc.



    • Like 1
  4. Why is it a bad idea for tri-band devices to be sold on Sprint Prepaid brands? Sprints Prepaid brands (Boost Mobile, Virgin Mobile USA, Sprint Prepaid) represent over 14 million subs. Thats a 1/4 of Sprints customer base. I feel it is important that anyone one Sprints network have the same experience. If not, they would be losing more subs than they already have.

    Plus, if all of those uni-band devices on Sprint Prepaid are all camped on Band 25, that makes it even more congested than it already is. Band 41 is the capacity band, not Band 25, so we shouldn't be putting those ~14 million subs all on Band 25. The load needs to be spread out.



    • Like 4
  5. A cool way I could see them altering this would be to remove unlimited from b25 and b26. If you're on 2.5 ghz, use all the data you want because there is plenty of spectrum



    Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk

    I imagine that that would be a nightmare to implement :/



    • Like 1
  6. I'll probably pick up a G2 once we are a triband market. As of now I am not aware of anything other than band 25 in the city. Am I missing something? (Not talking about "one tower out in concord".)


    "Normal" speeds uptown continue to be ~0.25 Mbps down and that is what I am seeing today.

    Yeah Robert is right. I have a 5S, and I pick up Band 26 all over the place. It's not exactly optimized yet, but where you get it, it works well. I actually haven't even seen more than a few places without it. And many of our other members in Charlotte and the surrounding areas will tell you that Band 41 is just as prevalent, if not more-so.



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  7. I figured it had to be T-Mobile since I know folks that have been by it with VzW, Sprint, and AT&T haven't seen a bit of difference in service. I'm hoping Sprint will also go up on that tower or at least on a tower somewhere over by Morehead and 49.

    As am I. Since I live in Harrisburg, it'll greatly benefit me. (And everyone else with Sprint in this area)



  8. I would've cancelled the order and just waited for the stores to restock. All Apple stores are restocking for the holiday rush.

    He would, but he ordered it through Next and the only way they'll let him get a phone through Next at an Apple Store is if he was a new customer, which he isn't. He just called every AT&T store within a 50 mile radius of us (which is a lot of stores) and all of them only have 16 GB models. I feel for the dude.



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