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Posts posted by anthony.spina97

  1. Welcome to the plus club. Start doing your hand stretches now before you receive it. You don't want to end up with iArthritis.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

    I'm almost in the Plus club. Just gotta get this unlock for my 5S to work and sell it to my friend tomorrow and we'll be golden! (Figuratively and possibly literally depending on which color I get ;) )



  2. I just called and the rep "claimed" it went though successfully but said give it two hours. So we shall see if it went though. The good thing from this was she sent me a email that I can respond to that her supervisor will respond too. Hope that I won't have to use it.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I was told 48 hours. As far as I know, my phone still isn't unlocked. Of course it hasn't been 48 hours yet of course, but if it doesn't work by tomorrow night, I'll be calling back again.



  3. Basically. If it seems sketchy, or the rep starts making up B.S. policies on the fly, ask for a supervisor. They may try to dissuade you every way they can. "Your phone may not work anywhere else; you might lose your Sprint number; you need to wait 90 days; etc.." Just refer to www.sprint.com/unlock and keep reading their own policy back to them.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    So after a couple of phone calls and being given a couple of different phone numbers to call, I got in contact with a guy that said the best he could do was give me my MSL. I then asked him "oh so you can't do the DSU unlock right now?" and he said no, the only thing we can do currently is give you your MSL. Not sure what to do next...



  4. In all honesty, you need a prayer. I called everyday for 1 week until I found a supervisor with knowledge. It may be attributed to getting the bugs out of the system, but it was tough. As long as you meet these 3 requirements, they'll unlock it: no installment/contract on the line, account in good standing, and not reported lost/stolen. The unlock push is instant, and only required a ##update#. You don't have to restore.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Awesome. So just call and ask about a domestic unlock? And hope they know what they're doing? Lol.



  5. Any iPhone 6/6+ users able to pull PRL 55022 to their phones? It certainly fixed the dropped calls/blocked calls issues my friend was having yesterday.



    Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1



    Still on 51104 here after PRL update.

    All the 5S's in my house have either updated on their own or have been updated by me to 55022. My Dad's 6+ is still sitting at 51104, though.


    I'll say, this PRL update has caused us to be able to unplug our Airave. I love it! Now Sprint!! Don't ever change it!!! :P



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  6. You realize that link is from February of 2013, right? A very long time ago and also before Softbanks purchase of (80% of) Sprint, and before the completion of purchasing the remaining stake of Clearwire.


    I'm not sure why everyone keeps suggesting that Sprint sell some of it's 2.5 GHz assets. It's not going to happen. 2.5 GHz is the key to Sprint's comeback as a data strong network, and they aren't going to risk their comeback by giving it to their competitors. If Sprint participates in the 600 MHz auction, it will be financed by other means, not by the sale of any of 2.5 GHz.



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  7. You're doing a great disservice to yourself if you didn't read that 17,000 word Jony Ive profile... It's a great peek at why Apple can design circles around other companies, taking good ideas and executing them in spectacular fashion.



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    It took me while to read the whole thing, but I got through it... :tu:



  8. You mean the coolest thing apple ever copied?

    To be honest, Apple hasn't really invented a lot. They are more in the market of being innovators; taking something already invented and more or less perfecting it. And as fan-boyish as that sounds, an argument can be made to convince many people that that is true.



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