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Posts posted by anthony.spina97

  1. I don't think I've ever downgraded before. I don't use iTunes at all, and all of my backups are through iCloud. If I downgrade, will I be able to restore my iCloud backup? Any suggestions? I don't want to lose everything over this.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

    Making the backup is only for if there is a problem with the downgrade process and you for some reason need to restore your phone, which in that case, you would restore back to 8.1.3 and you can use whatever backup you have on iCloud. I only mentioned the whole "backup not being compatible with an old iOS version) because if you wanted to do a RESTORE to 8.1.2 rather than an UPDATE to 8.1.2 from 8.1.3, you wouldn't be able to then use an 8.1.3 backup to restore all your apps and settings. When you downgrade to 8.1.2 (which you have to do on a computer through iTunes), and if it's successful, you can then perform a backup from 8.1.2 to iCloud so that your 8.1.3 backup on iCloud will be overridden by the new 8.1.2 backup, and you will then be able to use that backup on any 8.1.2 and higher device.



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  2. No restore? Do I lose all data if I do that?



    Sent from Josh's iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk 3.1.1

    If you restore, yes you lose all of your data. But if you do shift+update, you don't lose any of your data. Plus, if you do a backup on 8.1.3 and restore to 8.1.2 and try to use your backup, you won't be able to use it because it will be for a newer iOS version which can't be used on 8.1.2. I just did the shift+update to go from 8.1.3 to 8.1.2 a couple of hours ago, and it was successful.



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  3. I see a value for "Cell ID" and "PID" (Physical Cell ID) but only when connected to LTE. Are either of those the "tower ID" you're looking for?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    You are correct. Cell ID is only for LTE. That is what he was talking about when he said Tower ID, he was talking about the LTE sector's GCI. It should come up as a decimal, and it can be converted to hexadecimal for the proper GCI.



  4. Omg. Omg. That's what I've been dreaming of! Dude. Now I have to downgrade back to 8.1.2 and re-JB



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

    That's exactly what I did about 2 hours ago. All you have to do is download the firmware for your device and do shift+update in iTunes, no restore required. Do it quick though! Apple may stop signing 8.1.2 soon.



  5. Anyway to get the tower ID on there? I'm sick of seeing numbers in field test. If there was a way to display it/convert it, that would be great.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

    You mean the GCI? On the iPhone, it's just a decimal to hex conversion, so if he is able to get his program to see the ID, then I'm sure it wouldn't be terribly hard to implement that feature into it.



  6. Coming soon to a jailbroken device near you. ;)


    Any other ideas for the name would be appreciated.





    Sorry, my extreme nerdyness came out right there. You are forever know as "nahum the iOS Signal Check guy"




    Edit: By the way, if you would like someone to help beta test it, you've got a willing participant right here :)

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  7. I get AppleCare+ on all of my iPhones. I use this "computer" more than any other piece of tech I own, so the cost of AppleCare+ is 100% worth it, IMHO.

    My Dad has never been a warranty guy for all of his life, but when the iPhone 4S came out and he decided to go Apple, the guy at the Sprint store pitched the idea of AppleCare+ to him. We have, up to now, owned AppleCare+ on every Apple product we have bought since then (3 iPhone 4S's, 1 iPhone 5, 3 iPhone 5s's, 1 iPad Air, and now 1 iPhone 6+). You're really spending more money NOT to get it, because a repair from Apple can cost upwards of 200 bucks, whereas you could just get a new phone for free or the $79 deductible with AppleCare.



    • Like 1
  8. Also a properly tuned B26 site should easily best a 3G site. i mean heck i have read stuff on here with people saying they got 1x800 more than 10 miles from their location (and i have experienced it to) and i have seen my friends verizon phone on 4G KILL IT in terms of range.

    Not necessarily. LTE is more fragile than 1x/EVDO, and in some places, EVDO may still reach further than Band 26, even when properly tuned.



    • Like 1
  9. That Google did not just choose Sprint (which has the trove of 2.5GHz spectrum) and made sure to also sign with T-Mobile is indicative of the fact that they want the advanced network technologies that T-Mobile has (like VoLTE). I don't blame them for also wanting current capabilities over hopes of improvements in the future.


    I feel like the biggest reason they are in talks with Sprint and T-Mobile is because they are the only ones that won't charge Goolgle out the wazoo for service.



    • Like 3
  10. Could also be what forces sprint to kick into gear with b26 deployments for volte.

    You're a premier sponsor, you know how widely deployed band 26 is. I'm not sure what exactly makes you think that Sprint hasn't kicked Band 26 deployments into high gear...



  11. I was talking about sprint saying CAPEX will be lowered for 2015 because they found savings. Even if they found savings, they should go full bore with spark. This semi proves they're throttling their deployment based on their financials.

    Actually, that semi-proves nothing. You are just assuming facts not in evidence. There has been no hint that shows that Spark deployment has slowed in anyway, shape, or form. They more than likely found ways to cut costs in the deployment of Spark, not by slowing down it's deployment. It wouldn't make any sense to slow down the Spark roll out.



    • Like 2
  12. That's incorrect. As far as what we know, Spark deployment has been accelerated ever since Alcatel Lucent and NSN sorted out their equipment shortage issues.

    He's probably talking about when Sprint stated they were changing their focus on how they deploy Spark (in that they will move from deploying to every site, everywhere, to doing it to the sites that need it first and the rest of the sites afterward). In which case his statement is still incorrect, because they haven't slowed down deployment, they have just refocused how they're rolling it out.



  13. Went to the Apple Store Saturday morning with my Dad to get him a new phone. He upgraded from his Space Grey 64 GB Sprint 5S to a Space Grey 128 GB Sim-Free 6 Plus. Had to get a new SIM card from the Sprint store though, because for whatever reason the network wouldn't let him activate his phone with his old SIM. It's been working great since! When we got it home and restored it through iTunes it came up and said "Congratulations, your iPhone is now unlocked!" when the phone booted into iTunes. Bet you never thought you'd see that coming from an iPhone that was activated on Sprint, did ya? :)



    • Like 3
  14. Does it make sense to factor in a penalty because a customer couldn't/didn't follow through on their original committment?

    I was under the impression that if you buy a subsidized device on one of the newer plans that you have to pay the $15 fee for having a subsidized device. If that is the case, it's not a penalty, and therefore it should be factored in.



  15. How does paying $20/month for a phone and using it beyond 24 months lead you to "you will always save"??? That's $480 for a phone you could get for $200 with a contract. If you're gonna stay with sprint anyway that'd be a much cheaper option

    If you're on a newer Sprint plan, you also have to factor in the $15 per month service charge for having a subsidized device. That makes it much more expensive to go with a contract rather than a lease.



  16. I noticed a tower being upgraded near me and I would assume it is for B41. The tower currently has B25/26 on it. However, I am not 100% sure this is a Clearwire/Sprint upgrade. Based on this forum, the B41 antennas are supposed to be smaller than the Sprint B25/26 antenna, however, from the link below the Clearwire B41 antenna are a little longer. The circles in red are the new antenna, and the circle in green are the Sprint B25/26 antenna. Are the one's in red Clearwire B41, or are they for another carrier?



    Those appear to be 8t8r antennas, not Clearwire.




    Edit: Fraydog beat me to it :P

  17. Oh, sorry. Didn't notice they had hotlink protection setup.


    http://boycottverizonwexford.com/ (scroll down, click "View Lawsuit").


    In that particular situation, Verizon did everything right, and the residents complaints are either outright lies, or completely silly.


    It's very likely Verizon win the lawsuit.

    This is the funniest part of their complaint, IMO:

    • Detract from the rural character of the area
    • Ruin what is currently a pristine night sky



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