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Posts posted by anthony.spina97

  1. Tmobile has kicked ass WITHOUT ANY lowband voice or data. I think they'll be just fine.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Kicked ass*.



    *In select metros where you either enter a building or drive outside of city limits and you drop to EDGE or No Service



    • Like 9
  2. What MHz are Band 41 and Band 25 at? Also, I thought Sprint had all the 800 LTE.

    Band 41 is 2500-2600 MHz, Band 25 is pretty much the entire 1900 MHz PCS band. And Sprint owns all of the SMR/ESMR spectrum, which is what is commonly referred to as 800. The other chunks of 800 MHz spectrum are owned by Verizon and AT&T (and maybe some small regional carriers), and that is commonly referred to as 850 MHz.



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  3. I don't think I've seen one for the 6+ in person yet. I also had one for my 5s and liked it, even though it was damn near impossible to remove.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

    Oh I remember all too well it's stubbornness about actually being removed from the phone. The 6+'s is much easier. Just gotta know how to remove it. It's a nice case, if you don't mind spending 50 bucks for it.



  4. I did ok today - made it with a full charge and room to spare.


    I have a job interview at a building with a NV upgraded tower (B26! B41!) about 1/8-1/4 mile away. I can't wait to see what that means for my battery life... I may have a useful device at work after all!

    And on today's iPhone 6 Plus battery life screenshot, *drumroll* :


    You've got me beat in standby, but my usage wins. :) And this is with it being in a low-no signal area from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. :P



  5. I'm really only noticing one issue with 8.2 so far: tapping the home button takes like 3 seconds to light up the screen. Anyone else? That's kind of annoying.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

    Mine seems to be instant, so it could be something that is going on with your phone. Have you tried a soft reset?



  6. What's your carrier listed as on Sprint with 8.2. Still 18.0?



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

    Yup. Strangely, my 5S has gone back to PRL 51104 from 55022. Hmm...


    On the bright side, after 2 weeks of trying, my 5S is finally unlocked by Sprint. I have finally reached the promised land! Now to go sell it so I can get a 6 plus. :)



    • Like 2
  7. Oh wow, i thought thought the NV panels had it all. So they have to go back and put more panels up on the sites they already upgraded to NV? Damn.. Is there a time frame for areas where they have to do that?

    Yes, they have to deploy extra equipment. A time frame? Well, I would leave that question up to the higher ups on here to answer, as I can't provide an accurate answer to that.



    • Like 2
  8. I thought the new panels were all in one as in 800/1900/2500. In Tucson almost all of the cell sites are upgraded with the new panels and RRU with most having back haul. Do they have to have to be cleared to use 800 before 2500 can be activated?

    No. The orginal Network Vision Panels are 800/1900. Band 41 requires a separate panel, called an 8T8R (8 transmitter, 8 receivers) panel/RRH's. And even though a site may have upgraded backhaul, it may only be sufficent for Band 25 or Band 25/26. Band 41 requires much more backhaul in order to be sufficiently supplied, so although a site may have 25/26, it may not be able to receive Band 41 yet.


    And to your second question, no, they don't have to be cleared to use 800 before they can use 2500.



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