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Posts posted by anthony.spina97

  1. So a way to disable EVDO and still have data? That'd be nice.



    Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk

    Probably not. The option is just allowing you to choose the highest technology you want your phone to connect to.



  2. Doesn't Sprint not have a 2G network? So for Sprint it will be the same as it always has.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    It's talking about 1x. Yes, 1x is actually a 3G technology, but as far as the general public know, and as far as Apple cares, 1x is 2G.



  3. 7 was a lot more stable. I was very happy with the performance boost over vista, even on an ancient Intel Core Duo.



    Sent from my iPhone 5S using Tapatalk

    I've found the opposite to be true. My Dad's Alienware with a top of the line NVIDIA graphics card (GTX 680) and a quad core i7 processor, along with 32 GB of RAM runs 7 worse than my PC that has an Intel Core 2 Duo and a low end AMD (well, it was ATI back then) graphics card ran Vista.



  4. Money is not all that makes this site exemplary; I appreciate your input and research.  Thanks, Josh!


    That is exactly what I was going to say. Josh has 9700 posts, I have 600. I donate with money over posts, Josh donates with posts over money, and in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with that. I think the information he is able to provide to us is just as valuable, if not more valuable, than a monetary donation.


    Great Job to everyone who runs the site, you're all the reason I keep donating every(ish) month!



    • Like 6
  5. I don't see why people are so pissy about this. It's 10 bucks. Seriously, that's not something to get your panties in a wad for. That's 240 bucks over 2 years. Most of you will spend more than that just on the phone you're going to get.


    I'm seeing the same people complaining about this discount that were complaining about how they won't switch to the new plans because it would only save them 10 bucks or so. Now you're all up in arms about an iPhone user saving 10 bucks a month? Seriously? Get over it. Go to McDonald's one less time a month and there's your cost savings right there. Move on.



    • Like 12
  6. If you updated to iOS 8.0.1 and are experiencing the "No Service" and no Touch ID problem, download iOS 8.0 onto your PC, back up your device, and do Shift+Update and select the 8.0 IPSW and let it go back down to 8.0. Apple took down the 8.0.1 update from OTA and is working on a fix for it now. So far, this is the only remedy I have seen for the problem. Luckily I haven't updated to 8.0.1 yet ;)



    • Like 1
  7. I love this so much.... It makes me feel horrible to be sharing a brand with them, but whatever...





    Sent from my iPhone 6 on Crapatalk

    Wait, so if I can charge my device off of microwave frequencies, doesn't that mean that my device should be charging all the time? My Wi-Fi router outputs essentially the same frequency as my microwave (just with less power output) so that means I should have a full charge all the time! Time to sue! LOL :D



  8. An idle CDMA1X mobile does not "ping" the network.  In slotted mode, it "wakes" every few seconds and "listens" to the paging channel.  And probably 99 percent of the time, there are no pages directed to the mobile during that slot, so it goes back to "sleep."



    I do understand this, and I can see it happen in the 1x engineering screens on my iPhone, but doesn't this happen only when the device is on CDMA (in the case of a single path device, whether it be 1x or 1x and EVDO)? The iPhone, when connected to LTE, is not connected to 1x AND LTE at the same time, so I would assume that it technically isn't in a slotted sleep state. The way I understand it, the iPhone communicates with the CDMA side of things (when connected to LTE) by switching back to CDMA 1x for a very short period of time and pretty much listens to the paging channel (like you said), but it doesn't actually idle on 1x when connected to LTE (due to the iPhone being single path), so therefore it TECHNICALLY isn't in a slotted sleep state, right?


    If I'm incorrect, it would be nice to be corrected. I'm always up to learn something new, or in this case, be retaught something (correctly) that I tried to teach myself (incorrectly). :)



    • Like 1
  9. The only way we will be able to tell if the 6 and 6+ use CSFB will be whenever an iOS 8 jailbreak comes out. Then, we can install Signal 2 on the device and see if a 1x connection shows up when on LTE. If there is none, then more than likely, the device relies on CSFB. On the iPhones, when connceted to LTE, the field test screen does not let you see any thing about 1x. Signal 2 was the only app that showed us 1x connections when connected to LTE.


    On a side note while we're talking about CSFB: doesn't CSFB, theoretically, provide a device with better battery life because it isn't maintaining a constant connection to both LTE and 1x, or, in the iPhone's case, not constantly have to ping the CDMA side of the network when connected to LTE?



    • Like 2
  10.  Also, I only have a very weak LTE signal at my office at about -110 dBm on B26.

    I wouldn't call -110 on Band 26 "weak". That's actually a pretty decent signal. I get a -114 signal at my home (not all towers around me are broadcasting/optimized yet) and I can still yield speedtests of anywhere from 3-10+ mbps. -110 on Band 25 would have been bad because of how easy it is for it to deteriorate from the high frequency, but since Band 26 propagates so well (in regards to Band 25 propagation) a -110 signal isn't too bad. Just my two cents :)



  11. If anyone (with iPhone 5s Model A1453 or A1533) is having trouble downloading the IPSW from Apple, I have it on my Google Drive which should yield better download speeds, I can share it with you if you would like. You can either PM me or reply to this post with an email you want it shared to. If you don't have these devices, you can request the version you want and I will upload it for you. Just wanted to throw it out there if anyone is having problems. :)



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