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Posts posted by anthony.spina97

  1. The one unlock every 12 months isn't enforced: I've unlocked 5 devices in the past two weeks. Technically those were international unlocks but the rule supposedly applies to international too.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    We had 3 iPhones unlocked internationally in 5 minutes. It's not enforced much.



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  2. Had they not saved money on the backhaul like I had recommended, Sprint would reap an order of magnitude more in return over what they save in being thrifty.

    I'm sure that if you were the one planning Network Vision years ago with the budget that Sprint was working with, you wouldn't have been able to follow your backhaul "recommendations", either. But you're right, had they been able to plan with more than "just in time" backhaul, they would be much further ahead in the game than they are. At least they are making up for it, though, and at a blistering pace, too.



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  3. Sorry :/ no idea.



    Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk

    Within 20 seconds of having his phone in my hands, I was able to fix the problem. Turns out, when he put his Ooredoo SIM card in his phone, it installed a "Profile" that added the APN settings for the carrier into his phone, so whenever he tried to access the internet on Sprint, it tried using the Ooredoo APN settings, and wouldn't be able to connect to the data network. I deleted it and immediately he got his data access. Who woulda thunk it? Lol.



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  4. Having a little problem with my Dad. So, he has been in Qatar for the past week with his SIM-Free iPhone 6 Plus that we went and got for him just after they were released. He had activated it on Sprint when we got it for him, and while he was in Qatar, he was using it on Ooredoo, one of their cellular providers. Upon returning to the US (he is currently in DC at the airport waiting for his connecting flight to Charlotte), he has popped his Sprint SIM back into it and when he tries to use data, he gets "Could not activate cellular data network. You are not subscribed to a cellular data plan." He is getting LTE and everything and he is able to send SMS and make/receive phone calls, but is not able to use data.


    I have had him do a PRL update (##UPDATE#), I have had him pop out the SIM card and put it back in, soft reset the phone, restart the phone, and reset network settings, yet he still can't use his data. When he gets back to Charlotte and I get home from picking him up from the airport, I am going to contact Sprint to see if there is anything they can do on their end.


    Anyone got any ideas or insight on this?



  5. For many years from 2000-2011/12 when ATT and VZW were investing BILLIONS on their network SPRINT did NOTHING. I guess if you call skipping the spectrum auctions doing something then yeah Sprint did something. Or maybe you want to brag about their achievements with wimax? While other companies were setting themselves up for success Sprint was doing NOTHING. That is simply true.

    Oh well, you know, it's a little difficult to spend billions, or as you say it "BILLIONS" on network upgrades when you don't have BILLIONS to spend. And Sprint wasn't doing nothing, they were planning Network Vision, which started deployment in 2012, which took years to plan and finance with the limited amount of resources they had. And AT&T and Verizon weren't exactly investing BILLIONS into their networks, they were either buying up smaller operators or, in Verizons case, setting up the LTEiRA (while also putting some money into their own networs). Verizon and AT&T also have ageing equipment at most of their cell sites because pretty much all they did to make their networks so good was go and slap up a new panel on the most sites and add some high speed backhaul.


    I have not a clue how you can sit here and try to make accusations like that, on this website of all places. How about you go back to HoFo or Tmo news or wherever you came from. :thx:



  6. As an iPhone lover, going to have to agree here. iOS is not perfect. iOS 8 has been riddled with bugs and issues. And there are still many things I wish I could do on iOS that I can't.


    So no perfect lol



    Sent from my iPhone 6 using Crapatalk

    CellularInfo is going to be a step in the right direction, though. ;)



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  7. DFU restore? Or do I need to download the ipsw


    We are iPhone 7,2 right?

    You need the IPSW. I believe your iPhone 6 is 7,2. I could be mistaken. A quick Google search can probably confirm or bust that. And no, you don't have to do a DFU restore. Just plug into iTunes, Shift+Update, and select the IPSW and it should downgrade you without a hitch. Make sure to take a backup though in case something goes wrong.



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  8. EDIT: I was planning to include a status update with this post but I forgot so here it is:

    Getting close to a first beta, just working on showing the current LTE band next to the "LTE" symbol in the status bar. Obviously there'll be more features in the future.

    Thanks for the update! It's awesome that you are making such great progress. Can't wait to test it out!



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