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Posts posted by anthony.spina97

  1. What is the advantage in having this Apple watch when your phone does the same thing (mostly)? A cell phone on my wrist? Just doesn't seem like something I would ever even at all want, let alone need. But...I'm open to being wrong. I'm curious..do you really find it useful? Do you enjoy it? I wanna know!

    Well I want one for a couple of reasons. The first is I'm a techie who always wants to have the latest and greatest pieces of tech. The second is I've always loved watches, and I've always liked the idea of smart-watches that connect to your phone, but I've been waiting for Apple to make one that is designed specifically for the iPhone (because I'm not overly fond of the many smart-watches that are already on the market). I like the convenience of being able to just glance at the watch instead of having to take my phone out of my pocket, and I like the idea of not having to worry about missing notifications when I decide to walk away from my phone, because I'll just get them on the watch instead.



    • Like 2
  2. I just received mine last Wednesday. I have a sport model that I put in a lunaTik case and band combo (no one knows its an Apple Watch)!


    I am really liking it I think that Apple Pay on a watch is a Killer feature! The App loading time has improved with the new firmware 1.0.1. I am finding quite a few of the apps I use have cool Watch Apps!



    Well that's great! I'm planning on getting a sport model too. I'm also really looking forward to native Watch apps later this year, so load times will be even better.



    • Like 1
  3. I'll just wait until apple starts selling the fully unlocked edition for all carriers that way I don't have to hassle with Sprint on unlocking it for me.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    They already do. You just walk in and ask for a SIM-Free iPhone and you pay full price for it and you can use whatever SIM card your little heart desires. :)




    To stay on topic though - I'm not sure I could ever let go of my 6+. :)

    I feel the same way. My sister has the 6, and I just can't go back to having to charge my phone multiple times a day. I use facebook, snapchat, instagram, browse S4GRU, and play games on my phone all day. With my 6+, I can last the whole day, from when I get up to when I go to sleep, with that usage. With the 6, I would have to plug my phone in at least one extra time a day, which I don't want to do.



    • Like 1
  5. FYI, thread participants...


    Robert is presently traveling through rural territory with limited wireless coverage, but he has asked that you not engage in discussions of overwriting the Sprint Wi-Fi calling firmware. That just takes advantage of Sprint and defeats the spirit of offering this free Asus router -- to provide Wi-Fi calling in difficult coverage locations and to lessen the load on the macro network. We realize that you probably can find such alternate firmware discussions elsewhere. But S4GRU will not host them here.


    Please think about ethics. And thanks for your cooperation...



    I was hoping someone would say something about that. I agree that it isn't ethical to be trying to override the software on a device that was given to you free of charge. I don't see the point of doing so, either, considering you'd probably get rid of the Sprint WiFi calling prioritzation, which would completely defeat the purpose of getting the router from Sprint anyways.



    • Like 4
  6. Same here. I got rid of TV and stream most shows. I've used as high as 290gb before but i think I'll probably blow the cap this month.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    We often use well over 500 GB on our home internet every month. We do have three Xboxes, four computers, and seven people who all have iPhone's using the wifi. Plus, all I do is stream music, netflix, youtube, etc. all the time. So it doesn't surprise me that we use so much.



  7. I never got a tracking number, but ours showed up today.


    We have a 50 DL and 5 UL package from Time Warner, and before on our old router, we were only capable of getting no more than 30 down on wifi. Now, we're sitting pretty with this:





    And that is on 5 GHz in my bedroom, which is upstairs and through 3 walls from the router location. This thing is pretty great. Thanks Sprint!!



    • Like 4

    I still have and use my aol email address but have been transitioning to Gmail at a glacial pace. I see no point in dropping it all together cold turkey cuz it's worked for me all these years, continues to work, and I only view emails on my phone anyway so the web interface doesn't matter to me.

    I am in this exact same position. No sense getting rid of it since it all comes through my phone anyways.



  9. Conisdering I went from an iPhone 4s in July of 2013 to an iPhone 5, then to a 5s in January of 2014, and then had to give an arm and a leg to convince my Dad over the span of 6 months to let me get a 6 Plus in March of 2015 (I really wanted it soley because it has better battery life and it is a triband device), of which he paid 850 bucks plus AppleCare, I'm gonna stick with this one for a while. ;)



  10. Got my router and installed it but have been noticing after turning my phone screen on after it hasn't been used for several minutes the phone is not connected to wifi and then suddenly reconnects after a few seconds. Has anyone noticed this issue? I have an iPhone 6. Not sure if its an iPhone issue or the router.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    That happens a lot with iPhones in general.



  11. All of the recent jailbreaks disable the OTA daemon so that shouldn't be possible anyway. ;)



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    That was exactly my thought. But you know, just in that one freak case that for some reason someone is still able to do it, the outcome won't be pretty. Lol.



  12. Just make sure you do a full restore in iTunes. Nothing should get messed up, as installing a new OS will overwrite every jailbreak tweak you have. It will make it completely stock. You could probably do an OTA through the phone, but a clean wipe/install is always best.



    Sent from my iPhone 6+

    Do NOT, I repeat, NOT, do an OTA update on a jailbroken device. That will take you straight down the road to bricked-device-ville.



    • Like 1
  13. I understand what lou99 means by this, as it has been written on other sites that the higher spectrum allows for faster speeds. I believe lou99 meant that in those areas where T-Mobile has more spectrum than Sprint, has faster speeds because of it.


    Right now though, I'm not thinking of faster speeds, but rather better reliability and honest salespeople who will tell the truth about plan options. T-Mobile doesn't seem honest about their business, as I certainly haven't experienced much of what they've said back when I had MetroPCS.

    Oh I understand what he means too. I'm just trying to call out a known troll for doing what he does best: trolling. :)



    • Like 7
  14. That is so weird. I had no issues with getting one, and I don't think that I have "retention customer" stamp on my account, seeing as I still owe over $650 for my iPhone 6+. :scratch:

    Yeah it confuses me too. But oh well. We convinced the rep to put a request through to his supervisor and we got a call back within 20 minutes that said that it's ordered and will be on it's way. I'll call that as a win :)



    • Like 3
  15. Callomg sprint advanced network support is the best way as it is number listed in the technical document for assistance. 


    Which is exactly what I have been doing. I keep getting told that my account doesn't qualify because I'm not a "retention customer." I guess my family and I are not worth retaining?


    I'm not too up in arms about it. I mean I either get an amazing router for FREE, or I just go back to my normal life as it was. So it's not a big deal if they don't give it to us. I just think the reasoning behind them not giving it to us is dumb.



  16. He stated that cincy has slow speeds and I replied that it's because of amount of spectrum a carrier has.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I saw that. But what does T-Mobile being "faster than Sprint" in other markets have to do with anything? I'm not sure how your post was related to Sprint at all when the question being asked was about T-Mobile.



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