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Posts posted by jroepcke51

  1. But it's not the govts. problem. It's the ceo's.

    Correct which is why I am frustrated at our government. However, proper oversight (limited at best) would have implemented a spectrum screen about the low band spectrum, but this is all another discussion


    Edit. My public accountant self is coming out.

  2. It also proves there's a lot of wealth concentrated in two carriers. Obviously there won't be a simple division by 4 of the duo's dividends because tmo, sprint prices are lower but the only way we'll know if 4 players are "unsustainable" is when sprint and tmo have usable lte networks in most of the places the duo have.


    Of course it depends what the definition of "sustainable" is.

    Baldy and DT think it means that all carriers involved need to be able to pay out multi billion $ dividends per year.

    Lets not forget that this is a public company and investors have expectations. With a capital intensive company, dividends are expected as FMV increase is usually minimal b/c P/E ratio is really high.

  3. It also proves there's a lot of wealth concentrated in two carriers. Obviously there won't be a simple division by 4 of the duo's dividends because tmo, sprint prices are lower but the only way we'll know if 4 players are "unsustainable" is when sprint and tmo have usable lte networks in most of the places the duo have.


    Of course it depends what the definition of "sustainable" is.

    Baldy and DT think it means that all carriers involved need to be able to pay out multi billion $ dividends per year.

    Beat me to it. 

    • Like 1
  4. Why not? Shall I quote att and vzw dividends and share buybacks for 2014?

    You are referring to two of the top 4 carriers. This is a dumb retort.  I appoligize for being forward.


    If the profits were more balanced between the four, I could see four providers surviving.

  5. Why would you enable your competitors? Whyyyyyyy?

    att vzw starved sprint tmo of lowband so shouldn't sprint want to starve them of high-band? Isn't this obvious?

    Yes I would agree about starving them but not when they would pony up 15 to 20 billion for it (or leasing options). Think about the reciprocity that could occur.

    • Like 1
  6. $1.9 Billion write-down for a reduction in value of the Sprint name.  How does one even calculate that?

    In FASB accounting (including IASB), Goodwill needs to have an impairment analysis every quarter.  At all of my clients, it is a sophisticated caluclation that us, external auditors, agree with for the issuance of the Q and perform detailed procedures over the analysis for K.

  7. I also just had the realization that even though Sprint is really late to deploying LTE in Los Alamos and Santa Fe, they still beat AT&T.  Amazingly, AT&T only has LTE in Tierra Amarilla and Lake Abiquiu in Northern New Mexico.  Their omission in the City Different is quite startling, seeing how Verizon fired up LTE in Santa Fe in Mid 2012 and Tmo did in Mid 2014.  AT&T is way behind.

    TMO is also very limited in Santa Fe and drop to 2G between ABQ and Santa Fe.  IF Sprint can bang out the whole drive between LA to ABQ (which lets face it is most of the traffic during the week), would be great.

  8. Overlook has always been tough. As is the back of Rover Blvd. With that hill across from the tower acting as a RF shadow and the depression over by Overlook, I wouldn't expect much improvement with a full build. Maybe extending into the shadow 100-200'.


    A second White Rock site that reaches into that shadow would be ideal. Even a pico cell on public right of way in Overlook Park would be an innovative way to handle it,

    My parents back up to overlook.  It is tough. They have an airave which helps (when it works). However, I have converted them to whatsapp which my brother uses as well. 

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  9. I didn't connect to B25 today, but I have a suspicion that they turned lte on this afternoon because I was in town and had dropping voice signal all lunch. I'm actually at TA-46. Yeah it's kind of a bummer they shut it down after 9/11

    Try living there during 9/11. Never seen so many guns on school campus. Miss being able to do that drive. Best part of the hill. I am heading up next week to ski and stay at the parents so I will check it out.
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