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Posts posted by jroepcke51

  1. Since Marcelo has someone monitoring this site would it make sense for us to take a poll of things we would like? Like how important is... Very ,not very and so forth.

    Forgive me but I think he already knows what's important. I think they have learned that focus groups are already important. However if this is to be done, the sponsor section would be more appropriate
    • Like 3
  2. Bingo


    When my water company starts charging a premium fee to upgrade their equipment- I'm fine paying it till it is paid off.


    Sprint decided to charge a fee that never really was targeted for all users. Basically it was poorly worded and even worse at deployment. Especially since it launched as a 4g fee if I recall.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I don't recall it being a 4g fee at all. I remember it being a smartphone fee
    • Like 1
  3. I might have just figured out a way to downgrade carrier bundles.


    1.) download this file: http://nahum365.github.io/Sprint_CSIM_LTE_US_iPhone.ipcc


    2.) enable carrier testing in iTunes


    On Windows:

    Open iTunes via Command Prompt with this command-

    %ProgramFiles%\iTunes\iTunes.exe" /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1
    On OS X:

    Quit iTunes then run this command in Terminal-

    defaults write com.apple.iTunes carrier-testing -bool YES
    3.) Plug your device in and while holding shift (Windows) or option (Mac) press Check for Update or Restore. When the dialog comes up, choose IPCC you just downloaded. You should then be on 19.1.
    I'll try first thing I get to work.
  4. Did anyone else see fringe coverage degrade after NV sites started showing complete on 800mhz? I'd been holding out hope that 800mhz tuning would improve things, but it got worse instead of better. I live about 20 miles off the Hwy 60 corridor, and regularly drive Hwy 5 between Mansfield and Hartville.


    First low areas where 1900mhz used to work started dropping out (maybe 2 years ago), then when they first turned 800mhz on the coverage improved...but I couldn't hold a call for more than 30 seconds on 800mhz! They finally fixed that about 6 months ago, but now that we're in full summer foliage, 800mhz isn't even covering the low areas as well as 1900mhz used to. Did my area just get hosed when they optimized coverage up and down the highway?

    I have never been to this part of Missouri but I think you answered your question when you stated that it is full summer foliage.  I hate to say it, you might be in a wrong spot for coverage.

  5. http://www.attpublicpolicy.com/fcc/stop-the-magenta-madnessa-word-on-the-spectrum-reserve/




    You know AT&T and Verizon are pissed off when Verizon is citing, of all things, Scooby Doo, and Joan Marsh is yelling out "stop the magenta madness!" 


    Oh, and if Joan reads this forum, hi!  :tu:

    Those are some harsh words.  Interesting write ups.  Sprint is talked about only in inherent speak from ATT. 

  6. That is uncalled for and blatantly ignorant. You've never indulged in anything "not necessary"? I doubt that. If someone enjoys having a new phone not based on some arbitrary timeline set by carriers many years ago, why should they not be able to do that? It's about options. Why do you care so much?


    Excess for no apparent reason is what made America great. We don't need 1500 nukes, but hey...why not? Eat it USSR!

    You're right. I don't care. My thought was related to the over indulgence of the plan. Not Johnner1999.


    I will say that I am sorry for putting the post up directed at Johnner1999. I am willing to admit my mistake on that. 

    • Like 1
  7. It's too bad that the level at Lake Berryessa at the Monticello Dam wasn't high enough to go into the overflow. That is a really neat sight. The over flow there is a concrete cylinder, hollowed out in the middle. When the lake level gets high enough to the top brim, it overflows into the cylinder. It looks like a huge whirlpool. Almost like someone pulled the drain plug for Lake Berryessa.




    The picture is awesome. But seeing it in person is amazing. I lived in this part of California from 1977-1987.


    Using Nexus 6 on Tapatalk



    This is current pictures of the Glory hole.

    • Like 1
  8. Sprint's vast spectrum usage is much larger than what Dish really needs, and there is a considerable cost with that which makes the T-Mobile merger idea more appealing to Dish. Even though it may not be as much spectrum for their video plans, it gives them a better value in the overall benefits to ownership versus a partnership with another company they won't be able to control.


    I think your being short sided about Dish. They need as much spectrum as possible for VOD.  Yes VOD isn't at a level yet but two years down the road they could be scraping the bucket again. I think the purchase of Tmo is stupid.

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