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Posts posted by jroepcke51

  1. All, I have updated my map in the premier area for the whole ABQ market that includes the November 1st schedule and any permit activity. Also noted is the changes Sprint has made from the 10/1 schedule. If you are not a premier sponsor, I highly encourage you to become one. It provides great insight to what the network will be doing going forward.


    Edit: Just a tid bit of information, 80% of the total 307 sites in the ABQ market has some technology scheduled in the next 90 to 180 days from November 1st.

  2. We can file Nascar under Marcelo's "Nice to Have" category. 




    Personally very happy he's willing to save these funds.  Much of Nascar's demographic doesn't give Sprint the time of day when selecting a carrier, if they even live in Sprint coverage. 


  3. Hi everyone,


    I feel like this has been discussed before and my previous understanding was that Sprint plans to refarm PCS spectrum that is currently 1x/EVDO to LTE as more and more people switch to LTE capable devices. However, now I am not clear on whether or not that is still the plan. Is the plan now to just use B41 for capacity and only use the G block of PCS spectrum for PCS LTE? Or will additional PCS LTE carriers eventually be added?





    Honestly b41 should be enough. They will able to deploy three carriers and have CA. Yes more sites are necessary but that is how sprint will win bc they have so much spectrum to throw at the user



    Sent from my iPhone 6 64GB using Tapatalk

  4. I am obviously asking my question wrong, so let's try again: According to the NV sites complete map listed on this website, all of the sites around me have been 3G upgraded and most have been 4G upgraded. Now here is the two part question: why is the upgraded 3G still so slow, and why is it that it seems like most of the time I am on 3G when there is lots of 4G around me?

    I will answer this again.

    If a site is 3G upgraded, that means the upgraded backhaul is not available yet (i.e., 4G has not been accepted). This will be improved when backhaul is upgraded.

    Second, if the tower is 3G/4G accepted, the 3G carrier is overloaded or known as a high capacity site.

    Third, I have heard of issues of the 6+ not wanting to catch band 41.  I don't know if there is any of that available for San Bernadino County though.  My assumption is that Band 26 has not been deployed for your area. In parts of the country that I frequent (i.e., Missouri for example). Band 26 greatly improved coverage and speeds as there was an additional carrier.

  5. I Understand the EHRPD is no faster than EVDO. My point in specifying EHRPD was to indicate that the 3G cell sites have been upgraded. My question is why is the upgraded 3G so slow? my friends on Verizon usually run about .5 to 1.5 Mb per second in 3G. If the answer is that band 25 is swamped, doesn't that mean that Sprint is overselling its resources? Or couldn't Sprint have added more carriers to increase capacity when upgrading?

    I have already answered this.


    1. your 3G connection is swamped.

    2. If LTE is slow, then that carrier (Band 25 1900 LTE or Band 26 LTE) is swamped as well.


    Finally, yes more carriers will have to be deployed to increase capacity but Sprint is doing that through Band 41.

  6. I personally don't think OP's question is unreasonable. I live in the greater Los Angeles area and endure the same slow experience, despite the fact that just about all the towers have been 3G upgraded, and most have also been LTE upgraded. The main question I would love for someone in 'the know' to answer for me is: Why is virtually all the "3G upgraded" eHRPD that I connect to so slow still (usually less than 0.1 mb/s)? I know eHRPD is potentially much faster than that. Also, why is it, despite the fact that LTE is all around me, that it seems like I am rarely connected to LTE? And when I am connected to LTE, it is often slow too ... Thanks in advance

    Ehrpd is just a technology for you to connect to LTE. The 3G is swamped. band 25 LTE is most likely what you are connecting too which is swamped as well. Band 41 is the savior and will remedy your slow.



    Sent from my iPhone 6 64GB using Tapatalk

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  7. This was posted on a site I frequent and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts regarding this considering that service has not really improved or like here, has gotten consistently worse.






    We have 4G here and it was fast when they rolled it out but it has gotten horrible. I ran speedtests yesterday which averaged 1/.10. The 3G never got improvements. Until Sprint makes some real network improvements (we don't have spark here) they will continue to be irrelevant. I have been with Sprint for a long time and put up with the b.s. over the years but 2015 will be the last year I give them. I will wait it out for Spark to be deployed here and hope that it makes some sort of improvement but judging by what other people are saying in some markets Spark doesn't change a thing.


    Either Sprint is doing something wrong, there are some technical issues, or maybe they took a technically cheap route at network vision; idk.


    Any thoughts?

    Yes many thoughts but since this is your first post I believe you are a troll.



    Sent from my iPhone 6 64GB using Tapatalk

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  8. The yellow is Sprint EVDO? seems sort of a useless map since they are overlaying LTE and once thats done i would assume they would shut down EVDO and move that over to make more LTE carriers.

    Yes it does. But for every site, sprint is upgrading with new equipment. Evdo will not be shut down so soon. Sprint does not need to refarm bc of all the spectrum in band 41. In most markets, they will be able to deploy 3 20mhz channels and have carrier aggregation on top of that
  9. Actually, I don't think I have line of sight with the antennas. After looking more closely at the map of my tower, I realize I mistook an adjacent tower for my Sprint tower. The actual Sprint tower is a flagpole setup. It's shorter than the other tower and I don't think I could see it even if I got up on my roof with binoculars. But I'll check once I get a clear day.


    Even without LOS, I think if I got a directional antenna, I wouldn't have any problems with picking up B25/B26.

    Are you trying to use sprint LTE as a home ISp?



    Sent from my iPhone 6 64GB using Tapatalk

  10. Can someone let me know if this looks correct?


    $40B for the 50 MHz of usable spectrum (I'm ignoring the unpaired uplink below 1710) covering 316 million people comes out to a MHz/Pop value of $2.55, which is incredible. PCS sold for about $0.98 MHz/Pop, the original AWS band sold for $0.60, and 700 MHz sold for $1.28.


    Especially considering the relatively high frequency spectrum at play here, we're looking at a massive increase in the cost of spectrum even from just a few years ago.


    Could this have implications for the "true value" of Sprint's BRS holdings and EBS leases?

    This is the correlation I made earlier. Even though clear wire was not an auction, what sprint paid for it was easy compared to what is happening here and for the total amount of spectrum. Just think that sprint will deploy 3 20mhz carriers and have CA on top of that. Balanced and fast.


    Also these prices cannot be sustained if there is a 600 auction. No way.



    Sent from my iPhone 6 64GB using Tapatalk

  11. So a friend of mine was telling me he drove between ABQ and Santa Rosa and for 90 minutes of that drive he was on 1x and therefore unable to stream pandora or any other music services. He made it sound like it did not use to be that way. Anyone know why that would be and if there was a change?

    He also said he had heard of someone who has a house where Sprint had a tower near the highway whose contract with Sprint did not get renewed. Any word of any towers on i40 getting decommissioned? Thx!

    I experienced the same thing yesterday. I have 3G back by clines corners though.



    Sent from my iPhone 6 64GB using Tapatalk

  12. I don't think the price of CLWR was a fair comparison given the control Sprint had over CLWR and their board. Effectively no other company could have bought CLWR due to Sprint's controlling interest.

    Completely agree. But in comparison, one of sprints smartest decisions in the last four years other than doing network vision.
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  13. Clearly Sprint is vindicated in deploying WiMax to retain the 2.5Ghz licenses given the prices we're seeing for AWS. Not that anyone really doubted this, however, it shows how valuable that spectrum position is.

    How much was clear wire bought for? Cheap compared to this especially since multiple carriers of 20mhz and up to three carrier aggregation.
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