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Posts posted by stlman314

  1. Ya I'm hoping that's the reason, the closet tower to me has antenna I have never seen before, and I'm pretty sure it's sprint but I haven't had a chance to go get a picture.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


    Can you PM in me the location?

  2. Super common on G2, we never have screens at my store because everyday we see a G2 with a dead spit in the center. What i find funny is im still using my launch day G2.


    I'm still using launch day G2 also. However I get the GPS issues where sometime it doesn't lock on. Was using Map My Ride today and I wasn't moving but my signal was bouncing around.

  3. I think this is a bug with the new unified location API in Kit Kat. I've noticed that some apps actually can block other apps from accessing GPS simultaneously, and I believe it happens when those apps are using the older API.


    I've specifically noticed it with Sensorly blocking Google Maps, but I've seen it happen in several other cases as well.


    It isn't just kit kat. Happens with Jelly Bean also.

  4. Does it show any errors? What happens when you click to enter a note? Do existing notes appear? Is this on a G2? Am I annoying yet? ;)




    No sir you aren't annoying yet. These are the steps it takes to troubleshoot. It is on a G2. If I tap the GCI to put the note in it will come up with the spot to insert the note. Enter the note and hit save and nothing. No errors or anything. I originally was suggest that it was due to the PLMN not being correct but it will let me save it on other bot ways but not certain sites. 

  5. Just in case anyone was wondering about the 'throttling' Sprint is supposedly using. I've been in numerous high traffic areas throughout St Louis the past week (during peak hours) and I didn't get throttled down once, at least not anywhere close to noticeable. I also used 25gb's of data last billing cycle(just reset this morning), abnormally high for me(streaming Netflix in HD while at hospitals waiting for various people to get out of surgery) which should more than adequately qualify me to be in the top 5%. So either that supposed 5gb threshold was quite a bit off or their really being effective and smart with this, to the point that the person being managed is still having a decent experience.

    June 10th til July 4th I'm at 23.65gb. I know they haven't started throttling yet cause I would be with you.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

  6. I try my best to contribute. Network vision has been my obsession for a few years. Since my home tower went band 26 last week, I find myself death gripping my phone, or airplane toggling just to see that 11 sector come up in signal check. I was patient for several, and now I'm enjoying it. My fiancee is always asking me why I'm "gripping my phone like that."


    I thought I was the only person that death grips their phone to see that B26 pop up in SCP. Glad to know I'm not alone.

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  7. Was at Busch wildlife last night and had LTE but I had to force LTE or else it would fall to 3g. Was getting a very weak LTE signal but was pulling around 2-3 Mbps just aggravating that it kept pushing me down to 3g when signal strength on 3g was just as bad and data was worse than LTE. Why won't the network keep me on LTE? Also band 25 and 26 seemed around the same signal strength which I hope improves even more.


    Did you check to see what band you were on?

  8. So I called Sprint to get my msl and they said no it's against company policy. They think I will switch to another carrier. I can't find even on Google another way to get it. Any help would be great. Thanks


    Do you have the KK update?

  9. I tried a Spark device, the One M8 Harmon Kardon in the Sprint by Marshall Wireless store in Collinsville. Installed SignalCheck Lite, found B26 instead of B41. Speeds were 5 Mbps on average. The other Sprint store I go to at Fairview normally had 10 Mbps averages. Sprint needs a lot more Band 41 sites over the metro to blanket the entire Metro like what they did with B26.

    It is easier for B26 since it is as simple as putting in a carrier card. I'm hoping Nokia gets this show running fast.


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

  10. I think it was a little early to call St. Louis a Spark market already. There's certainly Band 41 available in certain places, but it's not widespread enough. Downtown is probably decently done. 


    Things will get better latter this summer once Nokia goes full steam ahead on new Band 41 installs on existing Sprint sites. 


    Problem with downtown is once you get between some of the buildings you lose the B41 signal. 

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