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Everything posted by duddys31

  1. Yea I don't know why I put a 100 when I knew it was a 150 million instead. Because that's probably near most of the pops yo be covered outside of ibez and it won't be every single site because of some site being to close together. The places that people are seeing b26 are these in spark only areas or is it in places where 3g/4g complete places inside of markets.
  2. I hope there is a lot of sightings in the coming months if sprint is going to hit that 100 million pops covered by end of 2014 they are gonna have to really start picking up the pace.
  3. Cool I think Samsung must be a little farther ahead of Ericsson but I've heard there's quite a bit of b26 in Florida so idk. Seems as if Ericsson is a little slower on the 800mhz side of things.
  4. The b26 in Indiana that you were connecting to, was this in a Samsung market or Ericsson market?
  5. Are you all picking the b26 in Atlanta all over or certain spots. I didn't there would be csfb problems with b26 and b41 but guess no difference between them and b25.
  6. Thanks that's what I was gathering from what was being discussed.
  7. Guessing could just be not time yet for it to be done or carrier cards also I guess.
  8. This might be a stupid question but if a site has been 3g/800/4g accepted what would keep that sight from being 800lte accepted. If they have gotten 1x800 accepted would that likely mean that the spectrum has been cleared for use.
  9. Yea I also think that they shouldn't be showing coverage for 800cdma and 800let on the coverage maps when I for once have never picked up either. Which they probably think that they will have a good percentage of both deployed by year ends time from what I understand besides ibez. Just my opinion which I'm not premier sponsor but they better start having some massive updates to hit their goal by years end. I really hope they do or I would be happy with a lte roaming agreement with bluegrass celluar cause they have great coverage pretty much everywhere sprint doesn't.
  10. I wonder when the g2 will get the WiFi calling software update. I figured it might come with kitkat but it didn't. For some reason Samsung devices get updates before anything I don't know if it's easier to implement on theirs or if lg is just slow. Hopefully we get it soon cause it would be nice to have when I'm out in the county.
  11. I would think also in the near future that a lot of phones will be able to house pretty much all bands taking out from cca event sprint adding b12 to some phones. Why couldn't sprint just buy every small carrier their is at&t and Verizon does it all the time. I know it wouldn't be as many subscribers but coverage would really pick up and I think that's one of the things that hurts them from getting new postpaid subscribers. Idk just a thought.
  12. So they wouldn't be able to shut down protection sites would they. I would think that they would have to keep them for build out requirements in that area.
  13. So I guess my question would be then that what good would come from it for sprints sake from buying vodafone out here in the u.s. particularly.
  14. I think it's crazy that Verizon and at&t can keep buying all these small carriers but sprint can't buy t mobile
  15. I'm glad to see b26 popping up in places now seems as if there will be a big push for bet coming. Does it seem as if places or towns complete are the ones seeing b26 pop up or is it just incidental. Was thinking maybe their somewhat some kind of method or plan of how it will be deployed.
  16. So if he acquires Vodafone is that Verizon wireless. I'm kinda confused.
  17. Cool so they picked that site to pretty much do testing for the network vision b41 deployment I'm guessing huh. Pretty cool nonetheless. I want to see some msn b41 sites. I'm in Ericsson territory so I'm so glad Nokia is doing Ares with as much good reviews there has been with them. But also glad to see y'all getting some b41 love also.
  18. So is this a protection site that got a btw equipment update?
  19. From what I seen on the spectrum map that Robert showed there was the same amount across the US. Southernlinc is near the bta I'm in but it still showed sprint as having the same amount as other areas that didn't have southernlinc around. If anyone that knows like aj or Robert would prolly know if there is enough and could give me a definite answer would be nice. I have looked and looked and still have come up confused.
  20. I really hope they do bluegrass has ridiculous coverage in Kentucky and would help sprint on coverage so much needed in a lot of areas. I hope something really comes of it. I was looking into the spectrum maps and bluegrass has their own 700mhz holdings. I'm not sure if some of the area if southernlinc has 800mhz in my area or not still trying to figure out if in beta 52 if sprint owns enough here for a 5×5lte carrier?
  21. Does anyone know if there's enough 800mhz spectrum in bta 52 for a 5×5mhz of lte to be deployed there I've looked at the spectrum maps but I am kind of confused.
  22. But I think theres is something that could happen cause it seemed bluegrass celluar was interested in some kind of a deal maybe from the articles and stuff I read. And wouldn't they still be able to use sprints spectrum or their own and put lte on it and work out a deal that way?
  23. I think that even with native rural roaming coverage in the future probable I would think sprint would still compete for some spectrum in the 600mhz auction just because they don't have much of it and also probably the last auction for prime sub 1ghz spectrum to be gotten. Doesn't necessarily mean they go all in on the auction but I would think they would still like to have a at least a 10 to 20mhz in total for volte on down the road.
  24. My phone after the update battery seemed to drain real quick and charge real slow. But after a day I charged over night soft reset couple of times and now it takes a little longer for full charge but battery is lasting a lot longer seems like almost twice as long now and signal seems a little better and a lot more stable. Seems also that moving around in the options its a lot smoother and I like GPS settings better and seem to work better now also so I would have to say the update was worth it for sure!!!!
  25. Yes the battery does not charge nearly as fast as it did before. I use to could fully charge my battery in a hour definitely not even close now.
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