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Everything posted by supert0nes

  1. I guess there wasn't even a thought of making them divest any PCS licenses. Oh well, I hope for good things from T-Mobile!
  2. You're going to need a lot of water to wash that hat down.
  3. Totally gotta eat my words on this last one. It updated. Not sure why one I did a week ago didn't, but I'm happy today heh.
  4. Lately I've mapped a few trips that haven't gotten uploaded. Not sure if it's worth it anymore with this inconsistency.
  5. This is how I would redraw the states! Especially up here in in the North Central.
  6. I don't see T-Mobile running into capacity issues any time soon. They can probably keep unlimited going. I would probably switch if Sprint set it at anything less than 5GB.
  7. A couple things, Sprint has spare spectrum in their PCS A-F holdings right now, that could be purposed for an additional 5x5 carrier. I suspect they will look at doing this after they complete the first phase of Network Vision. This is a great read by wiwavelength explaining this. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-27-spectrum-analysisdoes-sprint-have-more-options-for-additional-lte-carriers/ Sprint absolutely can repurpose 3g to 4g if demand for LTE increases and EVDO decreases. Finally I believe one day in the mid term future they will turn EVDO off and just have 1x/LTE.
  8. Are you talking voice coverage? Sprint is currently deploying 800 cdma 1X in many markets on a vast majority of the towers. It will greatly enhance coverage and reduce dead zones. Your phone is designed to take advantage of this, so as soon as enough towers come online with 800, you'll get a PRL pushed to your phone and you'll get much better voice coverage. In addition, all the other enhancements of network vision will increase coverage as well, although not as great as when they turn 800 on in your area.
  9. http://tmfassociates.com/blog/2013/02/22/this-year-next-year-sometime-never/ Tim Farrar undervalues Sprint's bargaining position in my mind. I still believe there is a better chance of Sprint or AT&T owning this spectrum (especially if the magic qualcomm LTE chip recently announced is all it's cracked up to be) than his dream scenario where Hesse is out and Sprint is in a begging position to host Dish spectrum.
  10. Ya I think I trust the guy working on the towers to remember better than a program that's guessing.
  11. Here in MN T-Mobile acquired extra spectrum from AT&T through various means, and has actually been working pretty hard to deploy up north. In Wisconsin T-Mobile didn't have as much spectrum and their deployment is pretty close to nonexistent.
  12. Couldn't agree more and if they are close in almost all of the top markets, then yes, I think the brs is sufficient and they can re lease the ebs of they need to in 5 to 10 years when this debacle is over with. Sent from phone
  13. Oh man that sounds like one hell of a fight! I know Hesse is crazy, but probably not that crazy. It's best for Sprint to stay out of the 850 race. I'm pretty sure T-Mobile would fight harder for 850 than Sprint, and they would both be fighting for table scraps. Plus any monopoly that AT&T would have to give up, Verizon would absolutely love to bid on. I'd probably go the other way and let the regionals holding 850 get bought up by Verizon and AT&T.
  14. USCC doesn't really fit with Sprint. They would have to divest a lot of spectrum. They would be a better fit for Verizon, or even AT&T. I bet Verizon would have snatched them up if they thought the FCC would easily let them.
  15. This is another one of those cases where when nothing else is going on, Dan just likes to get out and do interviews. He loves keeping Sprint in the news.
  16. When your phone is in 3g, to save battery it only intermittently looks for 4g. If you were sitting in a 4g area long enough, you most likely would switch from 3g to 4g relatively quickly. Different phones have different thresholds for how often they check for LTE and what signal is needed to stay connected. Toggling airplane mode is just an easy way to get the phone to scan for all available networks, including 4g.
  17. So i just got done mapping in Brooklyn Park. The tower on Zane is broadcasting 4g very fast. Also the tower on 81 is broadcasting 4g. I was able to keep 4g from 81 to 169 to 610 to west river road and back to 252 / 85 The 3 towers there are handing off nicely. Brooklyn Park is well covered! Sent from phone
  18. Which is why I pointed to the LTE engineering screen, even though I don't have one on my phone (cm), I think it's exactly what you are looking for to diagnose your LTE connection. Also we are very much in a pre launch state in the twin cities. Just today I couldn't connect to a tower I always can in Brooklyn Park. Hopefully that's just to help them launch the tower over on Zane.
  19. My tactic is to fire up Sensorly and then going into the view Sprint 4g LTE coverage map section. Then I'll travel into an area with solid purple. If my phone hasn't switched to LTE, I'll toggle Airplane mode. If you get LTE at that point or the LTE bar lights up, try going to the LTE engineering screen to get a better understanding of your LTE connection. If you write down the signal metrics people here can tell you if you had a strong LTE signal. I'm being lazy or I would have provided links to the signal bars lie forum post and the LTE signal measuring article.
  20. We kindof just made up the Thursday thing as speculation. In retrospect, it's probably completely untrue. Who knows maybe they just try to complete work by the end of the week.
  21. Also, I would be very interested in an article summarizing Clearwire's spectrum. We always have to hear about 160MHz nationwide blah blah for Clearwire. And we've addressed it in the forums, but not on the wall to my knowledge. I think something that -Summarizes Clearwire BRS/EBS nationwide and points out places where Clearwire is lacking in BRS. -puts an appropriate value on contiguous BRS vs. non contiguous BRS and leased EBS. -talks TD-LTE speeds and capacity -summarizes with a suggestion for how the FCC and Sprint should clear up any spectrum controversy. I would definitely love to contribute to an article like this as I think it would add to the wealth knowledge S4GRU contains.
  22. I'm most interested in your SMR + Cellular proposal article!
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