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Everything posted by supert0nes

  1. I base my opinions on the idea that Dish wont be in the wireless business for much longer, definitely not at the point if/when Sprint merges with T-Mobile. It's my opinion to be sure, but I'm sticking to it.
  2. I'm with you up until T-Mobile and 600MHz spectrum. I believe the technology is good enough that coverage can be handled by 800 and capacity by 1900 + 2600. I don't really care either way about the EBS spectrum. Also Sprint + PCS H nationwide seems like the most efficient solution to me. I might like to see Sprint buy Dish's 2ghz spectrum or AT&T. I think a stand alone T-Mobile + 10x10 of 600 in the most freed up TV channel nationwide is great for us as consumers. I don't think AT&T and Verizon should be banned from all spectrum auctions, but handled very carefully to make sure that T-Mobile gets enough 600, but AT&T should be allowed to buy AWS and Verizon some 600. If Verizon gets 600 in areas where they do not have cellular, maybe the FCC can force them to divest all PCS.
  3. We might have to dust off the old chat room that day for a party Sent from phone
  4. He's also going after Lightsquared because he loves watching things crumble.
  5. I think we also figured that there will be some small cell deployment as part of NV 2.0 and unlikely, but possible that there will be some new macro sites as well. Then there's the whole build out requirements by 2016 that AJ brought up the other day.
  6. Well we're surrounded in Maple Grove. There's towers in every direction broadcasting LTE on 610, 494, and 694. The only issue is that they need to upgrade a tower in the 169 and 694 area and also downtown Maple Grove to really get good LTE signal in and around the city.
  7. Sprint has 1 5x5 carrier for LTE right now in PCS and the coverage/capacity really isn't bad and often overlaps quite a bit. When they have more PCS carriers, and the 800 available only when phones need it, and Clearwire spectrum + small cells for extra capacity in high density areas, the finished product should be able to completely meet Sprint customer needs. Buying any more in new bands seems inefficient and greedy to me.
  8. I heard they have just a little bit of AWS lol
  9. The EVO LTE has more issues than just isolated LTE sites. It has a limited range compared to other phones as well.
  10. Flipping in and out of airplane mode or the lte discovery app floating around these forums.
  11. Sprint doesn't have EVDO-B. eHRPD is at the network level, so if this is the case, the towers would have to be currently configured to different network backends. We usually see whole cities/markets get eHRPD get turned on at once. Also, only LTE phones in LTE enabled mode can see eHRPD.
  12. I could be wrong but that sounds more like 800 CDMA. 800 LTE should start showing up around the end of the year.
  13. Also, the fact that there is no EVDO on 800, means that once this is all done, we should hardly ever fall back to EVDO, causing even less users, whereas phones hold a connection on 1x and LTE all the time.
  14. http://www.theverge.com/2013/5/2/4293682/meet-tom-wheeler-the-man-who-could-control-your-digital-life I'm thinking that spectrum screen will fall.
  15. The FCC's 180 day "shot clock" for approval ends on May 29. Yes it would matter. They would want approval before any vote, and would almost definitely delay a vote until an approval has happened.
  16. Hmm only 2 out of the first 3 results for me are s4gru. Gotta fix that. The problem with pointing you at "the article" is that pretty much every article here is another relevant part of network vision. First I would start with the stickies on the top of the Network Vision forum, especially the "what is network vision" or something along those lines.
  17. "Let me chirp these fools" -Three 6 mafia - "Roll with it" I'll let you find that one yourself.
  18. This is the nature of FD-LTE where the same amount of bandwidth is allocated to uplink and downlink. The complexities of a macro wireless network are often ignored when it comes to personal service.
  19. I don't actually know. I have Cyanogenmod without LTE engineering screen. I usually just toggle airplane mode when I think I'm around a tower that should be broadcasting 4g.
  20. Just a note, you can drive right by a lone 4g tower and not even connect. It could take a couple minutes after entering a 4g signal area (or not) when your phone will switch to 4g. Once on 4g, your phone will hand off between LTE towers just as nicely as 3g today, which is to say, quite seamless.
  21. I see another topic started for this before my post by a couple minutes, so my post can be for reference in the everything 800 thread at least
  22. The end is nigh! 60 day notice for iDen shutdown! http://newsroom.sprint.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=2579&view_id=3515
  23. Minnesota has had almost immediate turnaround most of the time Sent from phone
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