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Everything posted by supert0nes

  1. It's nice when you pick it up for the first time, just to know that you got the right prl (I'm on CM currently) and the hardware all works right.
  2. Verizon has nationwide AWS 1700 T-Mobile has nationwide AWS 1700 AT&T has some AWS 1700 Your phone supports CDMA 800 SMR/850 Cellular/1900A-G PCS and LTE 1900 PCS. This is as advanced as any phone out today on Sprint's network. Many Wimax phones support CDMA 800 as well. tri band devices are right around the corner, probably coming on the next wave of phones for the holidays.
  3. 1900 only but that could change any day. I expect sprint to give a full network update press release about nv 800 and 2600 very soon. We are at financial quarter end and all of the acquisitions just completed so timing is important. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  4. Tri-band phones will see light of day this year. They were going to use TD-LTE 2600 long before they were approached by Softbank and thought about buying Clearwire. As AJ has pointed out in another thread, Tri-Band devices (not phones yet) have already passed through the FCC.
  5. You really should be in a good situation with the airave, although some interesting things are starting to happen with CDMA-800 coming online. People are connecting to towers further away because the CDMA-1X 800 signal is picked up even if a CDMA-1X 1900 signal is closer. EVDO and LTE are only data (VoLTE is probably further away than your next upgrade), so they are unrelated to the voice signal issues around NV and Airave and they will stay connected and be waiting for you once you leave/turn off your WIFI.
  6. Sprint has their phones currently set up to hold on to slivers of LTE signal. Once you lose LTE, it takes a bit to get back off EVDO, but it will happen. Nice thing about your house is you should have wifi and none of this will really matter because voice will still come through your airave, whether you have LTE or not.
  7. I would even call this a duplicate of the other T-Mobile thread, where this has been discussed extensively
  8. This is from the Everything 800 thread, which is probably a good thread to look for information about 800 deployments. Obviously this doesn't count if you are in an IBEZ region. Also the LTE 800 number maybe will go up with the investment from Softbank.
  9. I expect sprint to use excess a-f as soon as nv phase one complete. If you mean refarm existing Evdo usage, your timeline makes sense to me. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  10. I'm glad you went into such detail. I didn't know or forgot a lot of the reasoning of the spectrum screen details for both bands. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  11. Well maintain a good tone and only present the most important facts, don't get caught up in the smaller feuds and see what happens. Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  12. I like the name of this article because AT&T seems to be ignoring more facts than the FCC in this case. I would say that BRS owned != EBS leased AT&T likely would not be limited from buying AWS(Including Dish)/PCS or some 600(5x5). Sub GHz spectrum vs High spectrum can't be ignored the way AT&T wants. If they like EBS licenses, they can probably still buy them from Sprint. AT&T isn't worried about >GHz spectrum constraints after so nicely giving so much AWS to T-Mobile. Not every company has the same problems. The smaller 2 have the opposite problem, so the FCC should have an understanding of the entire wireless industry, not just the pitfalls AT&T is running into. Maybe AT&T is just complaining about the awesome plan T-Mobile has come up with for the 600 auction, without directly addressing it.
  13. We can comment on AT&T's policy blog! Looks like AT&T wanted to make some fireworks of their own this weekend. http://attpublicpolicy.com/fcc/inconvenient-facts-and-the-fccs-flawed-spectrum-screen/
  14. Actually it is completely related to NV, moreso than Band-Aid fixes at this point, since those are winding down. Both are mixed in together. While that site isn't as interesting as the sponsor maps here, they do a good job of showing your average customer work is being done. It sure looks like Wisconsin is in full progress right now, and they just need to finish some of the towers they are working on to get progress reports similar to Minnesota.
  15. Got mine on eBay Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  16. I wouldn't call US Cellular's latest moves retreating, in the US Cellular thread we have been thinking something like this would have to happen for a few months. They needed to focus their spectrum holdings and liquidate the spectrum in markets they couldn't utilize. They seem to be getting very good value. In the markets where US Cellular serves, they have a very nice spectrum portfolio and should offer up nice balance sheets should they be acquired in the near future. Whoever acquires them will have to divest some bands and possibly align technologies, though. That's probably all I should say about US Cellular in this thread.
  17. There are some key sites around me I would love to have turned on, waiting patiently. Our market certainly gets a lot of sites each week, most are just in rural areas at the moment. I don't view this as a bad thing at all though. The initial plans for MN always showed them targeting some city, then rural areas, and back to city, probably for 800 service asap.
  18. Dish is holding a hot potato, which is outlined very nicely by AJ earlier in this thread. They have to do something about this spectrum, while the other 4 are busy enough just deploying the bands they have. AT&T doesn't even have a WCS phone yet. This means those same buildout requirements will fall on the next owner of this spectrum. Dish's need to unload or strike a deal, and other companies' focus on deploying what they have leads to a decreased value of Dish's spectrum. This value was lowered more by sprint becoming flush with Clearwire spectrum they now have to deploy and a Clearwire network that Dish can't currently deploy on. Combine all this with a false spectrum scarcity that is starting to show through in markets around the world, and you have a rapidly dropping value of Dish's spectrum.
  19. I disagree Mr. devil's advocate. This clock that Ergen is on means all other parties are doing him a favor by hosting or buying his spectrum he can't deploy in time.
  20. RT @SurlyTap: Excited to announce.... that the Surly Brewing Taproom will open tomorrow Friday 6/21 at 3:00 PM! You early followers heard i…

  21. Yeah, but you have waterfalls. There was a baseball game in Sega Genesis, not sure which, but you could fly around the stadiums, and those waterfalls made me think your ballpark was nicest park ever. The Twins stadium is pretty amazing too, though.
  22. Mother nature also tried to interrupt with a few showers on an otherwise beautiful evening. Looks like the Twins either have to fix their pitching or just sell off the big contracts and try another year.
  23. Aren't the Royals and Sprint supposed to be perennial losers? I guess some things do change after all. I mean if the Pirates can do it...
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