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Everything posted by tybo31316

  1. That sucks man. I guess I'll hold out until about Jan. Maybe by that time the issue will be fixed. I'm going to get the nexus because I'm pretty much done with HTC and none of the phones out now doesn't appeal to me. So the nexus at $349 is a win for me. Also I have the 2012 nexus 7 and I love it.
  2. Anyone here with a tri band device? What's going on with the connectivity issues? I'm looking to get a nexus 5 soon after I get Christmas shopping done for my kids.
  3. Pretty much everywhere I go all around Jax. I've never picked up LTE inside the mall but outside the mall I do. I get LTE on all the major interstates and most major roads.
  4. There definitely an issue with your device. I pretty much pick up LTE everywhere especially outside.
  5. Turns out that site I saw bring worked on is a sprint install. I thought it was a vzw install because they had the satefy lines connected to the vzw rack. Looks like this is one of the final site on the North side. I drove past this site for months and its finally being worked on.
  6. Maybe they will get started soon. There's a site near my house that has been in progress since December 2012 and work haven't begun yet. I drove past the site today looks like Verizon wireless is adding their AWS equipment before Sprint makes it there. :-(
  7. The whole city can benefit from 800mhz. Every building I go into there's a 70% chance that I'll go into roaming when I enter. Some places have gotten better (NV 3g accepted) with providing signal along the walls but in the center I'm roaming.
  8. Not me. I wanted this device but I'm sold on the nexus. I want to try something other than HTC since my last 4 or 5 phones has been HTC.
  9. You can always buy it off contract from the play store for $349 for 16gb version. That's what I'm going to do as soon as the wait time cuts down some.
  10. Let us know how the battery life is after a couple days of use.
  11. That sux I thought that since there's tri mode hotspots out there that can connect that the phone would connect with no prob.
  12. So your saying that even if it's hacked it still won't connect?
  13. Also we all know that it will get hacked to enable the bands ahead of time. Similar to how the nexus 4 was hacked to get AWS LTE enabled.
  14. I don't know if this has been mentioned here but how is the RF compared to other devices?
  15. Sweet Sprint is going to be really disruptive. With these speeds and unlimited data. Sprint is going to shake things up in the wireless industry.
  16. Now Sprint just needs to put some type of symbol next to their new 4g LTE logo to show that the user is connected to the spark network. Maybe a symbol similar to Walmarts next to the 4g LTE on the side?
  17. tybo31316


    Well I've flashed 3.17.xxx stock ROM. I already had all the firmware installed. I'm going to run this all week and see I notice any differences. I can say this new base is a lot smoother than the older base. Edit: will changing the bsr and LTE timers make a difference?
  18. tybo31316


    OK, I found a site across town and ran a test. I end up getting 29mbps down which is a new world record for my phone. Next thing is are there any ways to enhance my connectivity. I didn't realize how bad the EVO radio is until I placed it side by side with my fiancés iphone 5s. I'm rooted with the latest firmware but still on 3.16 base. Should I update to the newest base and see if that helps or are there any settings in epst that I can change to help wit connectivity? Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
  19. tybo31316


    I've tested several different sites. Even in the early morning hours when everyone is asleep and the same thing happened over and over.
  20. tybo31316


    Does anyones EVO LTE gets over 12mbps Down on speed test? For some reason no more what time of day or night I do a speed test the results are never over 12mbps.
  21. Uh oh has Sprint opened the flood gates in FL? Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
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