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Everything posted by tybo31316

  1. How does the RF radio perform compared to the other tri band devices?
  2. So is it safe to say that there may be a tri band Galaxy note 3?
  3. I think that's what I'm going to go with unless the one max pull me away from the note. In which I don't think it will. Those places where you don't connect in doors with another device I guarantee you will connect in those same places.
  4. With the latest update the EVO does connect more often. Compared to my fiancés iPhone 5s the EVO doesn't perform well. From what I've seen the iPhone connects faster, stay connected longer without bounce back and forth between 3g and 4g, overall better than the EVO. Her iPhone is pretty much connected to LTE all day long and inside buildings. If I can get a phone that has iPhone reception or better I wouldn't need a tri band device right now. I would just jump on the note 3 and get a trip band phone this time next year.
  5. Sounds good but with Sprint and T-Mobile merging it would create 3 evil carriers instead of two.
  6. The phone is actually my fiancés line and she didn't have the 5 before she picked up the 5s. Its her first iPhone. The reception is top notch compared to my EVO LTE but any phone performs better than it. If 800LTE connectivity is what you are looking for in the 5s I say go for it. Then phone is rock solid all around. I'm a long time android user and I'm considering switching sides to iOS. The only reason I dont is screen size of iPhones. The only issue that she had was this cheap case we purchased from Walgreen's was blocking the cell reception for some reason. Got rid of the case and everything is good now.
  7. I don't think there is any 800lte online anywhere in the country as of now, but one thing is the 5s is a great rf performer. It connects to LTE pretty much everywhere here in Jacksonville. Rarely on 3G even in doors. When 800 LTE comes online sprints network is going to be a beast and very reliable.
  8. I use WiFi a lot. Mostly at home no need to use mobile data at the house. Also I use WiFi when in building with bad reception that has WiFi or places like hospitals that has super fast WiFi.
  9. 2 Xbox 360's 1 Nexus 7 1 EVO LTE 1 iPhone 5s 1 Desktop PC and all my friends and family phones because of their shared data plans. LMAO Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
  10. Can you purchase the phone and call sprint to activate it yourself? To get it added to the everything data share?
  11. I may sit back and see what's released between now and January then decide. I was thinking about getting the GN3 now and next year use one up to get the latest and greatest device. By that time Sprint's network will be full throttle with CDMA 800 and LTE running on all three bands. Edit - I root all my devices. I didn't take into account that I could put a custom ROM on but I like to keep my phones near stock. I'm running mean bean on my EVO LTE.
  12. I took the phone back and exchanged it. The replacement had the same problem which was this cheap case I bought from Walgreens. After removing the case the signal reception is great. Has anyone else experienced an issue with certain cases on the 5S model?
  13. The UI is bad (my opinion). I don't like the button placement as much as I wanted to I couldn't get myself to like it. Also I've never considered getting an LG device until the nexus 4 was released.
  14. Make sense with Softbank adding TD lte to all clearwire and sprint sites.
  15. Well after exchanging my fiancés 5s we received a replacement and it was doing the same thing as the first one. It would only max out at 3 of 5 bars and would hover around one bar and even roam. I took the cheap $5 Walgreen's case and the reception is great. The phone picks up LTE in many more places than my EVO does. Her phone is pretty much connected to LTE all the time. If 1900 LTE is this good freaking 800 LTE will be great. Now my only problem is I don't really like the g2 after playing with it at best buy. The one max turned me off with the s600 and the crappy finger print scanner. I'm in love with the note 3. What should I do?
  16. Looks like a happy day for you. I'm having a sad day with my fiance's bday gift (iPhone 5s). Connectivity issues. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
  17. What you do to get it fixed? I just got off the phone with Sprint. They had me to dial and some key code to update the profile and have me turned off phone off for 5 minutes to see if it's going to get better. I'll see how it goes if not I'm taking the phone back tomorrow for replacement.
  18. I just bought my wife an iPhone 5s for her b day. The signal strength has been hit or miss we had a period where she couldn't send or receive calls at all but I narrowed that issue down to a tower problem. Even other places around town it seems that if the phone isn't on LTE it bounces between 1x And 3g. Could it be as provisioning issue? Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
  19. I went into Best Buy today and played around with the GN3 that phone is absolutely amazing. I love everything about the phone except the fact that it doesn't have tri band. I wish we had the one up program in Florida because I would definitely purchase this phone then upgrade to the GN4 next year. Any phone is better than the Evo LTE at least in the RF dept.
  20. 2500/2600 is a very important piece of sprints network. I wouldn't want sprint to sell that spectrum but sprint should try to shoot for 20mhz of 600 for coverage, in building penetration, and decent speeds inside of buildings and rural towns. Also the way sprint is overlaying the network I doubt the TD LTE network I'll get bogged down like the 700 networks out there because of the site density of sprints network.
  21. I want the one..... Definitely not the two. :-) Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
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