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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. Since none of the new phones that I want isn't tri band I've been thinking about buying a note 2 off of Craig's list. With this Evo I'll be in locations that I know has LTE but my phone will not connect. Also I've noticed that the evo will not latch on to weak signals you have to be connected in a strong signal area first then travel to the weaker signal area for lte to stay connected the whole time.

  2. I gotta tell you guys I just went on a 2 hour trip in my city with a sprint and Verizon phones I had the gs3 and the EVO LTE and my friend had the rezound and the LG ally on Verizon and the difference between networks I would have never guessed how severely Verizon smokes sprint in coverage around here. Verizon never lost LTE even in some of the most rural areas and sprint was roaming on both phones. 4g LTE is spotty and really suffers indoors if your not close to a tower. 3g is worse. Pandora went non stop for 3g even when in rural coverage for Verizon and sprint would not play at all even on the lowest stream setting. Verizon was on the highest streaming setting the whole trip on 3g and never once buffered. The reason we did this is because he is on verzion unlimited and he broke his phone so he needs a new one but he doesn't want to lose unlimited so I told him to switch to sprint but at his house he was roaming on sprint and Verizon had 3-4 bars of service. My tmobile hotspot was on edge so the only carrier to test is att. I was just shocked at how much coverage and reliablity sprint doesn't have in my city compared to the competition. I can't wait to test the 800 smr spectrum when they finish there network nationwide and see the improvements first hand. That will be like Christmas to me.

    Nice experiment I wish I had phones on different carriers to compare to sprint. I would not use the EVO LTE as a measuring stick for Sprint. The rf performance is probably the worst of all sprint devices. I would have tried to get my hands on a note 2. My sprint coverage is good in jax my only complaint is building penetration but that may be a prob with the EVO LTE also.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

  3. Not yet, but I am keeping a sharp eye out for it. If you guys drive around town a lot, download my app and turn on the 800mhz notification. This way you'll know if you drive through it and dont look at your phone.


    You could get the one in my sig or PM Dan (http://s4gru.com/index.php?/user/17526-danialgoodwin/) and he can get you into the limited beta for the upcoming version.

    I have signal check pro installed. I've also downloaded Digiblur's 501 prl that gives 800mhz higher priority for voice. Hopefully I can find some signals broadcasting out there somewhere.

  4. I finally got my fiancée back on board with still with sprint after she has noticed how much better her service is in the places she visits most frequently. So we are definitely staying now she wants either the new 5s or the note 3 when its released. I'm pushing her towards the note 3 if its tri band. I may also add my 9 yr old to my plan also. Buy myself a note 3 with the new customer contract and give him my EVO LTE.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4



    • Like 2
  5. I think that sprint users in the Jacksonville market is getting frustrated with the slow roll out. I believe that most users had expected sprint to pick up the pace during the summer and some users aren't noticing the improvements in service while other people aren't. Me personally I've noticed how much better the network is getting on a day by day basis. On the North side where I live every site that has NV installs done are 3G/4G accepted. So even when my EVO doesn't pick up a LTE signal (because the device RF sux). I get usuable 3G speeds. Also my 1x signal has gotten stronger and I can make and receive calls inside of more buildings. Overall I think sprint is doing a damn good job and I will be purchasing a tri band device with my upgrade and taking advantage of 2600/1900/800 LTE. I may even jump on the new all in plan.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4



  6. 2 questions? If I'm getting at 96-110dbm on evdo and ehrpd inside. My chances of getting LTE inside on the 1900 are low right? Second question is can they install the ruus and panels before adding new cabinets?

    With that signal strength it may be a close call because with some of the buildings I've been in. I will get LTE along the walls of the building but not in the center. Also with the second question I believe the cabinets are installed first and then the panels and rrus. I'm not sure though.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4



  7. Site by my work. It looks like NV panels and ruu's are installed I believe. Took this April first https://www.dropbox.com/sc/yy77jafv0mrund2/KbZmgIyAv6 and took these today https://www.dropbox.com/sc/y85ehfy3olbugj6/OjpWIbZMH2. Sorry the crappy rain weather plus the combination of the evo lte camera does not mix well on that second pic. But comparing pics they have definitely added ruu's and new panels to the bottom row which I believe are Sprints because I've seen those Ruu's before they have bright green lights on the bottoms of them. It fits the profile. Can anyone tell me if I'm right.

    The second pic isn't working.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4



  8. Ah good to know. Then it looks like WiMax is at the end of the range, although that may vary...


    On a completely unrelated note, can anyone ID these, they're driving me crazy I can't figure them out:




    6 ports at the bottom, no RRU.

    There's some T-Mobile panels that looks like those in Jacksonville Florida. But there's three fat panels instead of two


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4


  9. Yessir. Here's two that I just found in the last week that upgrades have started on. JA54XC112 - west Arlington - University and Fort Caroline. JA73XC053 - south San Marco area - Hendricks ave.I'm going to try and get some good shots of the work being done on these so we can mark them as "in-progress". They just finished another site across the street from my work on Talleyrand Ave and 21st st (JA73XC059). I hit 18-30+Mbps all day long at that site.My Verizon LTE devices have really started to slow down almost everywhere I go. At this point, my Sprint iPhone 5 and MiFi 500 TriBand hotspot has much more consistent speeds than my Verizon devices. That says something to me, especially considering sprint is only running a 5x5mhz PCS LTE carrier around here and Verizon is at least 10x10mhz. Verizon's network is congested. So is AT&T.

    Have you seen work being done in the black hole (Atlantic and beach blvd)


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4



  10. I have been to Gainsville, and St Augustine this month and I don't see anything new. I am going to Jax beach next weekend and Tampa the first week of August. I have suspicion that there is live TD LTE in Jax though.

    Well, I hate to say this but I'm going to ride my two contracts out. One ends in Jan the other ends in April if there is no 800 service either CDMA or LTE. I'm bailing on Sprint. Hopefully when that time come sprint will have all three bands working and we all are in LTE bliss. Also this evo is my last HTC phone ever. I like the HTC one and the one max looks awesome but HTC sucks in the rf Dept


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4



  11. Seems to be the first LTE drought since the rollout began. I have been to like 10 towers, looked at permits and everything and I came up with nothing. I don't like this game lol

    Well for the past week its been storming in the afternoons. So maybe that's the hold up or maybe they have a bunch of sites completed and waiting acceptance. I haven't been out towards the beaches at all but the North side, west side, clay county, and most of the downtown area is mostly complete.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4



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