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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. It is a SBA tower:




    I had a list somewhere that hinted/showed that it was being leased to Sprint.

    If you ever come out this way, let me know and I'll introduce you to the black hole.


    It does look like it will be a GMO, and the rep did state 1900Mhz.


    *not complaining on coverage. The new tower being turned on in the next 6 months made my week! (as far as cell phones go lol)

    I'm out that way five days a week. I work in the area. Maybe Robert should add this site to his database. The whole city is a black hole for my Evo and I. I can't wait to get a new phone and when that tower comes online you should have LTE at your home.

  2. The tower at brannan field and old jennings has not been turned on yet. There has never been any signal originating from there.


    I have a Galaxy S3. I do not get signal in my driveway or back yard, let alone inside my house. No 1x, no cdma, no LTE. It might flash for a few seconds every now and then, but never better than -90 RSSI on 1X, forget LTE.


    So no, not phone related. It is a signal shaping issue. The new tower should fix that.

    The only site that is on that intersection is that flag pole which has panels and base station equipment and has had it for a while. If in fact it is a sprint site (according to Roberts database it isn't) more than likely it will be a GMO site. All the towers that are on your screenshot of the Sprint site is 3g/4g accepted.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

  3. I don't see a difference. I flashed the new firmware but haven't updated to a ROM with the new base. So I may not be able to see the difference yet.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

  4. I had to swap out my Airave 1.0 for a 2.5 model yesterday. While speaking with the guy on the phone and waiting for the Airave to do it's thing and startup I inquired about the signal issues in my area.


    The tower at Brannan Field/Old Jennings Rd will be lit sometime in the next 6 months, at least with what he could see. This makes sense with St Vincents opening the hospital here. You can sit at that intersection and bounce from strong 4G LTE, to -90 RSSI on 1X and back.


    This is 3/4 to 1 mile from my house and should finally kill the need for the Airave. I've been waiting on that site forever, especially considering the signal strengths I get just 1/4 mile north/east/south/west of my house. The highlighted area is my neighborhood, AKA, crapshoot signal central.


    Best news I've heard of in a long time, stoked to see how it performs. I've been patient with Sprint, frustrated at times, but I'm not going to carrier hop. The customer service I've had is the best I've seen with the different carriers (I've dealt with all being in IT over the years)


    Red star is my neighborhood, green arrow is the tower location.

    {style_image_url}/attachicon.gif Capture.JPG


    Anyone else seeing issues with downtown? I have to cycle airplane mode a few times every other day to get a solid signal as it keeps bouncing between 3G and 4G. This started a week or so ago.

    The towers in that area are already done and has been for months. The only tower left in that area is the one down the road from the Winn Dixie in Middleburg on the corner of 218 and Blanding. Also what device are you using? If it's the evo LTE you may not pickup LTE signal in your home until you get another device. I get LTE signal until I go indoors then back to 3g. My cousin on his s4 gets signal in more places an I do.

  5. I spotted a completed tower off i295 in between Normandy and Wilson Blvd. I believe it is broadcasting LTE but not yet accepted. I cant find many towers that aren't complete in Jacksonville anymore. Atleast in the areas that I travel. I just wish the EVO's radio wasn't so weak I bet Sprint's LTE coverage is pretty good around town. I also agree that we will see 2600 LTE before 800 LTE or even CDMA 800. Driving around town Clearwire has some sites in some areas where Sprint doesn't some highly populated areas too. Softbank's plan to put 2600 LTE on all/most towers is a brilliant idea.

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  6. That's exactly what I've been saying. They've all been from Weibo and all been the Chinese "variant". We don't know of the u terbational version yet. This device could still be S800 for those outside of China. And tri-band for Sprint.

    Hopefully its tri band sprint and HTC seems to have a good relationship so maybe sprint can convince them to include all their bands.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

  7. Well, there is a new update that started getting pushed out over a week ago. We aren't getting 4.3, but supposedly it's a minor update that sounds like it will be beneficial. I want to update so i can root with the last update this phone will ever see.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

    I never take ota updates. I wait until my favorite developer updates their ROM with the newest base. I also manually update my radio firmware.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

  8. Are there any other HTC EVO 4g lte owners in here who have received the most recent OTA update? Apparently one of the fixes is for LTE connectivity. Just wondering if anyone has it and if so, if they notice that their phone picks up LTE any better.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

    The last update I received was months ago. I'm able to actually connect to LTE without cycling airplane mode.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

  9. Posted Image

    Whipped this up earlier. Doesn't include tax, insurance, or other addons, because presumably they will be the same. Assumes unlimited smartphone data for all 10 lines, as well as the inability to stack Everything Data plans. Rounds anything that ends in ".99" to the nearest dollar. Doesn't bother comparing the 3000. Pic is with a 10% discount (Credit Union, as it's the most popular), but different discounts don't change much.

    So basically 3-7 lines (the category where most people are) is more expensive with the my way plans vs the old plans?

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  10. Well at this point if this phone Is tri band I'm buying it. Rather it have a s600 or 800 doesn't matter to me. I really want the note 3 but its single band, Im really not feeling the g2, I'm iffy about the nexus 5 so if this is tri band its mine. I'm more of a htc guy anyway since the last 5 phones I've had has been htc.


    If the reception is anything like the EVO LTE I will not touch it at all.


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