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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. The counterargument to that, though, is Netflix is not just pushing traffic down, for example, Comcast's network. Rather, Comcast's subscribers are using their broadband service and requesting those packets. So, who is really to "blame"? Netflix, Comcast, or Comcast's own subs?



    That's the same thing I was thinking both companies have to maintain their networks in order for the customer to have a good experience on both ends.

  2. At the tampa airport for the next hour. Sprint g2 and nexus 5 with tmobile, sprint and my verizon g pad. Tmobile and sprint both suck indoors. Tmobile is back and forth between edge and hspa and sprint is on 3g even on the nexus. Only Verizon has a great 3-4 bars and usable consistent data.

    That sucks for Sprint and tmobile have you tried them at any other Airport? Also do you know if T Mobile upgrade their sites in the area?

  3. So this is a thing now...


    It showed up in my inbox yesterday. How long has this been happening? It's pretty cool that they can tell that I spend 3/4 of my life parked on one tower.

    I received this email and hours later I picked up CDMA 800 in my city for the first time on my nexus 5 and I've owned it since November.

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  4. My wife and I have been experiencing a lot of texts that don't go through to each other and odd call echoing lately. I have also noticed that my data connection has been dropping out quite a lot in places I never had a problem with. I am hoping this is just a symptom of upgrades because some of the missing text messages have been the cause of a few arguments we've had lately.

    Maybe band 26 and CDMA 800 work is being done.

  5. I know that 5GB is being associated with the 5% but I honestly believe the top 5% is using over 30GB a month.


    I've been on other forums and users are using absurd amounts of data. There's even one user that left for tmo because sprints data wasn't fast enough for him to constantly download and stream movies while at work.

  6. I've never had it turned off, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. It is essentially an always-on service after all.

    No. I unplug my phone at 5 A.M. use the phone and Now regularly during the day and plug in around 9 P.M. usually with 20-30% battery left.

    Thanks. I've always had mine turned off since I bought the device because I remember seeing reports of battery drain. It's probably been fixed since then anyway

  7. I don't know the real reason for that 56% "time without a signal" number, but my guess is since the .15 radio is known to have issues with e/CSFB, and since I've seen screenshots way long ago where people were connected to LTE, but their notifications window showed "Searching for Service" instead of "Sprint", it's probably due to not being connected to CDMA all the time. I know people love to use the .15 radio as their daily driver, and if it works for them, it's perfectly ok, but there's a reason the first publicly released radio version was the .17 one.




    After looking around, here's one of the posts that said that:

    I've had the searching for signal thing happen to me when a couple times. My city is mostly complete so it doesn't happen often. I'm thinking about going to .17 until Google releases the new update with the new modem.


    Sent from my Nexus 7

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