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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. So Steve Elfman may have had a point when he blamed slow network deployment in Florida on birds? [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]


    OK, I'll stop now. [emoji41]



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I'm actually satisfied with the network in Florida. Not as good as the big two as far as connectivity but for the price I pay for service. I can deal with occasional drops plus I have unlimited data [emoji1] [emoji1] [emoji1]


    Sent from my Nexus 6

  2. I was in Orlando last week and while the coverage was pretty good, the data speeds were pretty slow. This is a Spark market correct? I was hoping to see some faster speeds. At Disney World I averaged just 3mbps. I get faster at my place in South Carolina. I didn't hit any real high speeds until I got to Cocoa Beach where is was almost 50 mbps. Just wanted to get others to weigh in on this.

    You did visit Orlando in the summer when millions of tourist are there. I'm sure that's one of the reasons the data is slow.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

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  3. Poo. It is just annoying right now I guess. Maybe once more sites get it, it won't be as much an issue. Higher chance of getting put on B41.


    It is just annoying cause I can roll up on a tower (on the same sector) and won't connect to B41 until I am 50yrds away. But then sometimes on that same tower, and sector, I can hook onto B41 1.5miles out. This applies just not for this one tower example, but for every now that has B41 on it, the same rubbish happens on every single one of them. There are some towers that I may or may not connect to B41 even. Sometimes it just passes right on up.


    As far as network load, B41 is a clear freeway, so that should be given priority right there. Then connection wise, I'd rather take a -115dBm B41 signal that pulls down 20Mbps then the -95dBm B25 signal that pulls in 1Mbps. You'd think Sprint would be shoving B41 capable devices onto B41 as much as possible to lighten the load on 25/26.

    Band 41 tends to not connect in close range. Also once band 41 gets added to more sites. You will find your device on band 41 more than band 25/26 when in range of band 41.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

  4. I have a Nexus 5 from the Google Play store.


    In band Priority settings, B25/26/41 are set to 1. 0 is also an option. If i want to ride B41, is this the most that I can do? And I assume 1 has more priority over 0, so set B25/26 to 0 and leave B41 on 1?



    I find 41 to be annoying when it isn't a blanket here yet. My phone will take a -90dBm or higher connection on B25/26 over B41. Then it will drop B41 like a hot potato at -115dBm no matter what even though that is still an ok connection and the data link is much better than the other bands. Sometimes it will connect to B41 really late, or drop B41 really early. I can roll up onto a tower with B41 and it won't connect until I am right up on it, or I pass into another sector off that tower.


    I wish I could just disable B25/26 and see what happens. But all I can do is disable 26/41 that I am aware of.

    From what I've noticed with my Nexus 5 and 6 is that no matter what you set your priorities to the network will move you around automatically. I'm sure it's the same for any other triband device. All the scan priorities do is connect to that band first if its available. Then it will try the other 2 band until in finds a connection. When connected the Sprint network will move you around depending on your signal and the network load.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

  5. Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure sets target today that one-third of the company’s employees and management team should be Hispanic or of African-American descent.



    He's correct. The company I work for is getting more diverse to understand their customers better. Especially on the front line.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

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  6. That's not a bad speedtest. Old St Augustine, Phillips Hwy, and Southside are all experiencing some heavy congestion (>1mbps) during peak hours. Do you have any negative side effects from being on Boost as opposed to Sprint?


    EDIT: What part of town was it that T-Mobile decided to neglect? :)

    I'm not on BOOST I don't know why it says as my carrier ID. The areas with the bad service is Dinsmore area and the oakleaf area.


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  7. Decided to start speed testing again this is what I got.





    This is awesome considering how bad 3G was. Also Wednesday we had some family over they all had metropcs/T-Mobile and was switching between edge and no service begging for our WiFi password. Then the next day my wife went over to her friends house where no one phone gets reception. My wife comes over and her iPhone 5s had LTE and was working like a champ. Her friend said I'm switching over to Sprint today. Lol. She thought that Sprint service was the same as the old shitty Sprint people remember.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

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  8. I like the fact that it must be growing as a result, but they really need to prioritize B41 deployment in this area. Hopefully Marcelo is looking at the numbers still and seeing heavy congestion.

    Shoot the FDOT can't even expand the roads and highways in that area fast enough. To ease the road congestion. Any way I'm interested in seeing what Sprint does after decommissioning Wimax.


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  9. My mother does real estate and has a few listings in World Golf Village. She is thinking about switching to AT&T because of Sprint's coverage/performance there. I really wish they'd push for expanding. I looked at the local permits and AT&T has 5 upgrades in the area, Sprint none.


    I did get a decent speed at Regal Cinemas on Phillips, so there's some spots that aren't slow.

    Sprint probably haven't upgraded their network to meet the demand of that growing area out there.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

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  10. I've been to numerous locations in the last two weeks and it's been quite consistent with this speed now. I've reported on Sprint Zone but I can't see anything happening. These locations are also B26/B25 only areas so I don't think it's B41 coming live or B41 CA. Anyone else know what it might be?


    EDIT: I've confirmed it's not only my phone - family members are affected too.

    Well, I haven't done any speed testing but everything I usually do on my phone has been working flawlessly.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

  11. Look what I found in the wild today!


    I was on b41 across the street from the site:


    Two of the closest sites don't have b41 antennas and are only b25/26. If it's not partially live, I'm wondering how b41 can reach this far from the site(when switched to b25, -db was 119). I also took a bike ride and noticed all down covington road, through downtown b41 is live everywhere. I'm seeing only a select few that don't have b41 antennas up yet. Major progression here in downtown Fort wayne since the last time I was down here.

    The Sprint 8t8r sites has a range similar to band 25. I've experienced this phenomenon in my market also.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

  12. Here I am on my band 25 device doing a pickup in Alexandria,VA and just getting this on my phone. It isn't about having the fastest speed. It is about having consistent service and reliability.

    You nailed it. I've been saying this over and over. Speed means nothing if you have reliability. Speed is all T-Mobile users talk about. Speed is nice to have but if you can't connect to it in a building what do it matter.


    In my market I just received an AT&T iPad mini. I've been comparing the coverage to my Sprint Nexus 6 and so far the coverage is identical. Everywhere I have 3G on Sprint the iPad drops to HSPA. I've been into a few buildings where the AT&T iPad would hit no service and I'll have band 41 thanks to the clearwire only tower that's near.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

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  13. I grew up in rural WV (not as rural now and in Shentel's market!) and I agree that 25/26 is more than sufficient for a town of 5000 where maybe Sprint has 10-25% of the market. This is what Shentel is thinking according to their last earning call...B41 for the areas that need it but dual B25's + a B26 should be sufficient until the market grows.

    With the way wireless is going now days. It may be better to have more (capacity) then not enough and have to play catch up again.


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  14. So with the nearest tower being 6.9 miles away, what exactly will band 41 do for me aside from being really nice when i walk around walmart? I'd benefit much more from band 26 LTE....but I'm curious with what's been said here about band 41 being 3 to 5 miles depending on adjustment. ...how will that do me any good at all?

    What happens when there's 10,000 other people that lives within range of that site and thinks like you?


    You'll have all those people on band 25/26 when the people closer to the tower which you say is near the Walmart that can be offloaded onto band 41.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

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  15. That's great, you live in a big city where 2.5 would fair well, but sprint serves more than just big cities, and if they do what some suggest, they will essentially be the cdma version of Tmo. If it doesn't work in my area, what's the point in having it? I will never benefit from 2.5 in my small town. ....it just won't work well here with the tower placement.

    I live in a big city. Here in Jacksonville Florida ( the largest city in the United States geographically) we didn't have a great indoor experience until Sprint deployed LTE and CDMA in the 800mhz range. Also band 41 is a big help even though it's basically playing hotspot duty. With all three bands enabled Sprint can go toe to toe with any carrier in my city. The same can happen in your city.


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  16. That means good stuff for areas like mine, rural central alabama. ...sell the stuff that doesn't propagate well in these areas and install more of the band 25 and 26....even better if they use funds to buy into the low-band auction next year. I am not sure but i think the difference in 600, 700 and 800 would be negligible.

    Just because you feel your area doesn't need 2.5ghz spectrum. Doesn't mean that the company doesn't need it to survive. I strongly disagree with Sprint selling any of their 2.5ghz spectrum. Especially to a competitor that they compete directly against strengthening their competition.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

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