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Posts posted by tybo31316

  1. I am afraid there is not a great name out there. The company should dump the black and yellow colors though.

    They should keep it yellow for now to keep everyone on watch and when the network turns around and start beating the competition change it to green.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

  2. I don't know what's up with battery life and encryption. Maybe it's because it has to do more.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

    Does not updating the boot loader when upgrading the radio cause the radio to not function properly? The reason I ask is because normally I don't upgrade the bootloader just the radio when flashing updates ROMs. When I flashed the latest ROM with the stage fright fix I upgraded the bootloader. Now I've noticed that my Nexus 6 hangs on the LTE longer and it rescans for LTE connection faster. This is using the same radio just with an upgraded bootloader.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

  3. I think that Apple will show the EIP pricing when they reveal the iPhone 6s. Pretty much every carrier in the US is doing installments now. Apple will show the EIP installment pricing to make the products appear cheaper than they are. The average consumer probably won't do the math. This is just my opinion of what I think Apple will do.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

  4. I agree with AJ. Those folks who can't afford a subsidized $200 may not be able to afford a $700 phone with installments too. Or they will realize that $700 is too much to pay for a device and start to shop the mid range phones. Also, installments may be a cheaper up front option for larger families vs the traditional 2 year option.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

  5. Got the factory image last night. Stagefright free now.

    I updated to the newest release LMY48i. I messed around and got encrypted again. My device ran just a tad bit slower but the battery life difference was major. I ended up decrypting again now my battery life is back to normal.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

  6. Xfinity hotspots have become more annoying than helpful. Most businesses don't have them, so they are non existent in a lot of heavy traffic areas. And if you do happen to stumble upon a Comcast hotspot, its very unreliable. Pings most of the times are higher than Sprint LTE and speeds will sometimes bog down mysteriously to a dead hault.


    Then add the fact that phones like the S5 hold on to WiFi for dear life, and the experience is horrendous. Driving around town and streaming a live music feed causes a lot of headaches. Too many drops as my phone latches on to a fringe WiFi signal as I drive by and doesn't let go.

    The only Xfinity hot spots that I've found useful. Is ones that run off the xfinity Wi-Fi routers inside of homes. The ones I usually connect to out in public settings are trash.


    In fact if I was a wireless carrier I would not want to rely on public Wi-Fi as a substitute to your macro network


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  7. Well, it appears the FCC has made their final decision regarding giving T-Mobile any additional reserved spectrun in the 600mhz auction :




    While this is bad news for T-Mobile, it might be good news for Sprint, if Softbank is willing to fully fund Sprint's part of the auction. It is doubtful T-Mobile will have the funds to compete against a fully-funded Sprint. I'd like to see Sprint get at least 15x15 of the spectrum, but it would be really great if they could get more, say 20x20, then move whatever CDMA they have on PCS over to 5x5 600mhz, granted if that is enough capacity for it and if I'm not mistaken about this.


    It is no secret here that I'm not a big fan of Sprint's PCS arrangement. However, if Sprint could free up all of their PCS spectrum for LTE and aggregate it so that it would function like a 15x15 carrier or greater, then I'd feel much better about it and satisfied using their network when band 41 isn't present in use.

    Sprint would not move CDMA to 600mhz spectrum. The bands where CDMA are now is where they will remain. The only thing that will happen is that Sprint will decrease the amount of spectrum that it is using for CDMA when Sprint launches voLTE and get a significant amount of voice traffic over the LTE network. Reallocating that unused Pcs spectrum to LTE leaving just CDMA 800 for older phones and possibly roaming.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  8. Boy T-Mobile has had a week. First they are pushed up to #3 BUT that has been over shadowed by the labor stuff and now the FCC voted against them on the 40mhz of reserved spectrum. What's next? Maybe the parent company will come to the rescue now.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I think that DT will back T-Mobile in the 600mhz auction. I'm pretty sure they are having secret meetings about it. Especially when Softbank is buying 1 billion dollars worth of stocks back


    Sent from my Nexus 6

  9. This site for permits SUCK!



    I can't find anything, unless I know specifics about them...!


    The St Johns Cty Permit Search is way better, but it's not nearly as active. You can even sort the search by communication towers!



    I'm really wanting to be able to see permits as they are added, but I just cannot find out how to navigate through this abomination of a permit database.


    Anyone got a better site to look up Jacksonville Permits, or know an easy way to navigate through this one?

    Nope, I've always tried to search that site for permits and I've always failed.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

  10. The Band 41 can't penetrate a paper bag thing must be related to old Clearwire equipment. I still get 41 indoors several miles from the site. I have to go deep into a building to lose it.


    Sent from my Tab 4

    Band 41 LTE from legacy Clearwire sites travels further than WiMax 2.6 ever has. I think that all these band 41 doubters are still thinking of 2.6 WiMax. Even I thought band 41 penetrating buildings was some BS until band 41 started popping up on Clearwire sites in my market. The 8t8r's I connect to are even better and is every close to band 25 signal.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

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  11. All jokes aside though. Like Anthony stated if apple can get all four or five carriers on board it will be a game changer. Apple will test it more thoroughly than Google did with Project Fi. Apple will push it more and invest more into Apple wireless. With the amount of iphones that apple sells I'm sure a good chunk of those users would consider using the service.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

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  12. Verizon/AT&T both have MVNOs. It's all about how much they get paid, will they risk losing customers from their own brand.

    Apple as a MVNO would probably be a bigger threat than any other MVNO out there. Unless they are priced a lot higher than the major carriers. Even then people will still use the service because of the apple name.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

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  13. I was on periscope watching a live stream and the person I was watching his connection froze up for 3 minutes and when it came back on someone commented saying he must have sprint and he replied back and said no I have T-Mobile. The other person who made this sprint comment wrote back and said oh that's strange. I had to laugh to myself cause people think that T-Mobile is free from data issues when in fact they aren't and if your data is buffering it's always gotta be sprint.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I think that people that use a certain service tries to hype them up to justify why they are using them. I don't hype up any of the services I use. If I'm not satisfied with any service I receive (not limited to just cell service) I would to go the better competitor that suits my needs.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

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  14. Let's see, just reported the Samsung Note 5 and S6 Edge + had made a appearance at the FCC for Sprint, and AT&T is jacking up some rates in which you can see here. http://crackberry.com/att-said-be-introducing-activation-fee-next-and-byod-customers-raising-upgrade-fee-august-1

    Those are some ridiculous fees. I hope their customers start dropping like flies and coming over to Sprint and T-Mobile.


    Sent from my Nexus 6

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