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Everything posted by Nickel

  1. I don't want to speak for him, but given how much he's talked about the G2/N5 I'm going to guess no because of the lack of Tri Band LTE.
  2. Robert, did you get my donation? I didn't get a message. Or is that only for the first few?
  3. During the Spark announcement didn't Sprint reconfirm that they're doing HD voice?
  4. Wouldn't this be it? http://www.ericsson.com/news/1589096 EDIT: found it: http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/ericsson-unveils-radio-dot-small-cell-enhance-indoor-coverage/2013-09-25
  5. While we don't know for certain, I would doubt it. Inter-band CA is going to be a huge battery drain.
  6. I don't know if this has been posted or not but this seems to be a good place to put it. It mentions that Sprint will likely add sites. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/crown-castle-ceo-sprint-verizon-lte-overlays-will-pump-tower-activity/2013-10-31
  7. You said "are you gonna mess with Kansas? I suggest not..." and I am merely pointing out that everyone messes with Charlie weis' Kansas teams and gets away with it.
  8. People have said that their stuff is the least technologically advanced of the NV vendors.
  9. 5x5? I knew that some areas didn't have 20x20, but I didn't realize it got that bad. Do you know which (main) markets are only 5x5?
  10. It's not super surprising that Verizon doesn't serve parts of Texas because that would have been an SBC area.
  11. Be careful when talking about wanting 70 Mbps on a celluar connection or AJ might see it and start talking about your "e-penis" and then it just gets awkward for everybody.
  12. Also, the Verizon update enables band 4 support, those that those with AWS LTE can use them.
  13. I just don't think they would add much to each other. Plus, SoftBank is/was the "iPhone carrier" in Japan.
  14. Wait so Huawei has dual mode WiMAX/TD-LTE too? Have other vendors (besides Samsung) started making dual mode WiMAX/TD-LTE equipment too?
  15. They've been talking about small cells since NV started, so this isn't exactly breaking news, but at least it's confirmation that Sprint is still going to deploy them. The real take away for me here is that they didn't list Ericsson even though they have a small cell solution (although I don't know if it would work for Sprint).
  16. So, you're saying that in a couple months, they could fire up LTE on a whole bunch of sites?
  17. Welcome to S4GRU! I hope you enjoy your time here.
  18. Ryan was still probably processing what happened in the World Series game last night, so it's pretty understandable.
  19. To some of our users local NV upgrades can be quite the natural stimulant.
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