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Everything posted by surma884

  1. I know this is off topic, but I couldn't find a good forum to post this under. So I'm posting this under the most active forum to get maximum exposure. I'll be switching over to Sprint this week. I want to know of any discounts that Sprint has other than military or employee discounts. Do they have senior citizen or credit union discounts? Thanks
  2. Verizon has made a requirement for all phones on their network to be LTE. As people have mentioned above as the network gets saturated the speeds will come down. This lead they have is only temporary until AT&T and Sprint catch up. I would wait it out just because I don't like how AT&T and Verizon are doing business.
  3. So it's September...anyone picked up any LTE signals? I'll be getting a new phone in a couple weeks.
  4. I think Charlotte is in the second round for LTE so it should be getting it soon. Here is the upgrade info for 3G/voice https://network.sprint.com/search/charlotte%2C+nc/
  5. I'll never go with AT&T. Our landline used to be from AT&T, but now we're on Vonage. Three more weeks to go before I switch to Sprint.
  6. Can we see some speedtests for Charlotte? I'll be switching to Sprint next month.
  7. Hell yes! This is great news. Can't wait to see the speeds.
  8. Apple has become the new Microsoft. Remember how much MS was hated back in the late 90s and early 2000s? But in this case I'm pro-Apple as opposed to anti-MS.
  9. There needs to be regulation on how companies call themselves best at whatever. In Japan it is different. If Epson says they are #1 in making quality printers it means they really are #1 and other companies won't go around saying they are #1. At one of my other jobs we had a big client in Japan. They would compare our products to others over in Japan and they would market it accordingly. If our product wasn't as good as the others they wouldn't claim to be the best or #1.
  10. Just an FYI. Apple's release cycle is at least 12 months.
  11. Do you have some pics of the LTE logo you are talking about?
  12. If you need a new phone get the EVO 4G LTE. But I would wait a couple months to see how the LTE rollout is working for everyone else.
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