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Status Updates posted by iansltx

  1. First tweet in awhile from my Kindle. But this time it's from within Android 4.2!

  2. Okay, the HTC M7 is completely off-the-chain crazy. Related: I'll probably buy the HTC M7. http://t.co/dbPBjPzA

  3. Factoid: GMaps for iOS current is iPhone-only. Well, you can run it on an iPad, but it sits at iPhone resolution. Sad day.

  4. Interesting: and are fine in HTML5 (vs. and ) but should be used semantically, carefully: http://t.co/2es2lI9W

  5. Whoa...the moon is gone: http://t.co/yL9LKXTT Hello NBC Cable.

  6. Back in Fredericksburg. Phone is outside, being used as a hotspot. Why? Because LTE > 1.5M DSL... http://t.co/BlQOb4lT

  7. Prediction: The iPhone 5 will be a launch device for T-Mobile's LTE network, in every market that has refarmed (PCS) HSPA+, in three months.

  8. Fun fact: next year Las Vegas will have seven 4G networks: Clearwire, MetroPCS, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, CricKet, T-Mobile. Austin will have 6

  9. ...and no, I'm not in the market for a new laptop, and won't be for another 12-18 months, so I won't be buying the 13. Cool nonetheless.

  10. I mean, c'mon, how much time and money have you saved this year due to spending a chunk of your time and money with Amazon?

  11. Schools should teach more Py/Django and Ruby/Rails. That way, more crappy programmers will use both, and existing devs will be less smug :-p

  12. Finally, finally (the keyword) will be part of PHP, as of 5.5. Good on 'em, though it took them long enough.

  13. US Cellular now has what I'm going to call the Samsung Galaxy Trifecta: SIII Mini (they call it the Axiom), SIII and Note II. Nice lineup.

  14. Google has finally linked Drive to GMail so you can send reasonably-sized sort-of-attachments: http://t.co/tFmfLxb8

  15. Related: I'm buying that phone once it's available again.

  16. And by "got the 32 inch TV" I mean I have a card that has website listed that gives me "Service Unavailable" when I try to access it. Ugh.

  17. CTMod FTW if you have an LG Marquee. That is all.

  18. Okay, now I'm curious as to which of CricKet's towers in Austin now have LTE. Or, for that matter, which towers in Austin are CricKet's.

  19. Wish @sprint would come out with the Electrify M (aka Razr M). Seems like a very solid midrange smartphone.

  20. TWC is nice and all, but I wish my apartment complex had Grande. 65/5 for $70 per month sounds better than 50/5 for $90.

  21. Props to the creators of CTMod for the LG Marquee. CTMod + @TingFTW = Snappy Android phone on the cheap, both up-front and per month.

  22. Monoprice HDMI cables and miniDP-HDMI adapters came yesterday. I now have 7.833 million pixels of desktop real estate.

  23. Quick tip: if you buy a downloadable EA game from Amazon, download it from Origin. EA's CDN is faster than Amazon's.

  24. TotalSpaces + Hyperdock + Quicksilver + Witch -> I used window management. It was super effective.

  25. A little over 5 years ago, $140 bought me 4GB of DDR2-667 (2x2GB SoDIMMS). Now it can buy me 32GB of DDR3-1333 (4x8). How times have changed

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